"I suffer in the middle-east"

Do Arab muslims realize how fucking lucky they are with their women?
Why the fuck would they want a wh*teoid demonic monster instead???

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muslims have no idea how lukcy they are

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Arabs only go with wy women for residency papers

arab women = ugly, smelly, hairy brown women.

I rather fuck my dog than an arab woman.

I’ve never cared about those things. You should just walk wherever you want and have the same rights everywhere

>I suffer in the middle-east
the people that say this are the hedonistic degenerates who dream of living in a decadent society
unfortunately ISIS didn't kill them all

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israelis confirmed for gay furries

This dawned on me today during my exam because the girl sitting next to me was a 9.5/10 angel brunette and I'm probably only going to pass this exam because of her.
Didn't even bother to thank her after the exam was over

how is life user

r8 my wife

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exam in your shitty arab country muhamad is worth less than a fucking uaed toilet paper.

An arabic exam lol
That's a good one

Shahar take your pills pls

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10/10 does she have a sister?

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White>>>arab goblinas

Thankfully it's valuable enough for me to get a visa because of it
Why are Jews such seething vile creatures?

Arabs = barbaric, primitive,.low IQ, smelly brown savages who should be exterminated

Yes okay Shahar

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>Why are Jews such seething vile creatures?
Synagoge of Satan

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Zoophilia isn't better, brown monkeys are ugly


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You are getting a visa you could rape little European girls muhammad?

That is usually what your barbaric brown smelly people do when they get to Europe.

ive always wondered do they sweat more? their ass must be wet af

That is shahar dude
Israeli posters are always chill

They do, Imagine

>They do, Imagine
better not, my cock will burst

Fucking kike lover

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>Israeli posters are always chill
kys kikefuck

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Name the kike pill, you may not like it but jewish girls are peak women

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>They do, Imagine
My cock just got hard from thinking about hijabis getting all sweaty

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only women inside the green area are attractive. the ones inside the red area are not.
but then again this map can roughly be applied for men as well.

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imagine the smell of sweaty hijab asshole

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Shhhhhh just take a deep breath and sleep

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You are all smelly, barbaric, primitive, low IQ , brown savages muhammad

>ou may not like it but jewish girls are peak women
Nice try Moshe, better luck next time.

are there arabic prn sites with hijabis? id think there would be more videos then or ph

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Bad dog muhamad , bad dog!

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>Belgian is VERY pro Arab/Muslim and very anti Jewish going as far as having those pictures saved on his computer
Go back to where you came from stop larping as a Belgian.

Arabs are in many way freer than Americans and Europeans. I don't care for their ways or their religion but they are freer than we are in many ways.

They have big milkers and pale skin, at least your kis won't end up looking like half-monkeys, time to upgrade your genepool

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Gevoelig snaartje geraakt Schlomo?

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Remove ethiopian nigresses from the map and it'll be highly accurate

Waarom zou jij een bruine aap daten? Ben jij een sukkel ofzo? Vlaamse meiden zijn geil, ook die jodinnen met dikke tetten

>ook die jodinnen met dikke tetten

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Arabs have an obsession with blonde women, maybe not exactly where you live though.


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He's opened several threads about wanting to convert to islam :DD
He lives in antwerpen (17% muslim), maybe that's why :D

>gepaald vanuit Antwerpen, Diamant

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no they are gorgeous. nigress queenz desu

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I live in a brown area and all I see is these goblinas, fuck my life

>He lives in antwerpen
Kzen van oost-vlaandere fucking kakjood

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Don't forget that white+brown kids will look ugly as fuck and not like you, at least if you go with goblinas take the palest ones

10/10 if you add "Xdd"

You don't control me fucking kike

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they're fuckin horrible whores with no conviction to their religion i'd shake hands with any muslim man but i'd never a muslim woman

Oh please, the guys are worse
>Spend their youth drinking, taking drugs, chasing every slutty girl in their vicinity
>Spend their old days publicly condemning every young female Muslim not dressed like a sand ninja
Fuck these assholes

Arab women are a lot better looking than kike women.

they don't wh*te women, they want to run from the country that is being bombed by wh*toids

>they want to run from the country that is being bombed by wh*toids
Amerimutts and kikes are not white

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yet they are officially still our "allies"

>Peak women
>Jews have so many genetic diseases that sticking your dick in one/getting dicked by deteriorates your own gene pool

Virgins: The Thread

Israel owes a lot to England. And America is a Euro product