Northern hemispherefags, are you ready for the incoming winter? Will you be sad to see the summer end or are you hyped?

Northern hemispherefags, are you ready for the incoming winter? Will you be sad to see the summer end or are you hyped?

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i hate winter but love winter clothes. Its an eternal struggle

this, i will become stylish again, but the city will look like its suffering from a nuclear winter
they need to put more pine trees in parks, shit looks awful when all the leaves have fallen

first autumn comes, my favorite season
making cider from apples or picked berries
picking mushrooms
fog on the pastures


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Looking forward to winter clothes

Fuck summer, can't wait for winter to arrive. Literally all my hobbies are winter based.

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Pretty mixed feelings, actually.
While it is nice to sit outside in the beergarden in summer, sleeping is way better in winter (dark and no heat) and it is overall more comfy. Pretty nice feeling to come home from the cold, get some comfy warm clothes and heat up a mulled wine.

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I'm hyped. First for autumn, hoping for lots of rain and dark skies. Then a cold and brutal winter with lots of snow. Luckily for me, that's what we usually get where I live.

Autumn is my favorite time of year, and even October, but I do not like November - February.

March is already quite spring-y. So it is just 3 months of hell for me.

I like winter aside from having to spend an hour+ everyday shoveling snow fuck that shit

i cant wait to take this fucking AC out of my window, I miss falling asleep looking at the stars

It will be nice to have dark nights again.
Hard to sleep in summer when it's never really dark.
Also, the town is 100x comfier during winter time and there's less people outside.

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Doesn't affect me. Sunlight is overrated.

Here is the weather I’ve experienced this year

Coldest day -38
Warmest 3

Coldest day -31
Warmest 7

Coldest day -22
Warmest 9

Coldest day -14
Warmest 20

Coldest day -3
Warmest 31
Coldest day 12
Warmest 29

Coldest day 22
Warmest 41

Coldest day 21 ( yesterday )
Warmest 32

I hate summer, its too shiny and hot. I feel lazy and weak at summer,

I'm begging for an early autumn. This shit is torture.

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keen for a dinky-di summer fuck euro pussies

>warm inside
>hearthy food
>no annoying sunlight
>no sweating

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Yes because I'm tired of these hot shitty South Carolina summer days, winter isn't real here though

I'll be so happy l, It was 30c again today. I want autumn and then Winter again. I hate sweating by just living.

This. Some people get depressed when it's dark and cold, I get more energy instead.

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Yeah, based nightrunning.

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me too, in the summer if I work hard I get very hot and sweaty and have to keep it slow. in the winter I can work as hard as my body will let me, it is great

On one hand I like it when everything is covered in snow.
On the other hand I hate to navigate ice covered streets in the dark.
Its complicated.

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immensely based

I like fall best, because it's not too cold and it is dark quite early, and normies don't like it and it's really magical

winter is so comfy
you can cover yourself up in clothes and talk to no one. everyone is too happy when the sun shines

Everything is better in winter if you ask me. It's comfier outside, comfier inside. You don't get sun burned, no insects, no fucking ticks, driving is more fun, town looks nicer, people are quieter etc etc.

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it sucks to be in the city during winter, the constant darkness, wet snow and road salt kills me. think i will spend every weekend or time of at my cabin. there winter is just chill. snowmobile or jeep fun in the snow, a little skiing and when im done for the day i make a fire and see how hot i can get it inside while i drink beer in my underwear. im looking forward to it.

summer: fuck this this im sweating i cant sleep i cant do anything ughhh i wish it was cooler

winter: fuck its cold and dark and wet and slippery holy fucking shit this sucks i wish it was summer

I'm looking forward to autumn because it's such a beautiful and atmospheric season, I love taking long walks in the forests and fields during autumn.
Winter and spring can kiss my hairy ass though. This year I was so depressed due to the shitty weather in spring that I literally forgot summer existed. I thought the world would forever keep alternating between g(r)ay depressing rain and cold, windy shitty days

We will See.

>live in Swedish Lapland
>winters are long, cold and dark
>often -40 or colder
>2-3 meters of snow
>pipes freeze, cars struggle to start, breathing hard hurts
>dark 24/7, sun fucks off for a few months

Still better than summer.

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Why the fuck would people even live in Sweden then? like lmao just move somewhere else,

Based Sami. Even with hot summer, right?

What? Winter is nice.
I'm not Sami. Just a normal Swede, just like most people up here. There's only around 30k Sami living in Sweden, but around 250k people live here.

Oh, sorry then. You have the annoying russian Summers, right? Also how does polar summer/Winter affect you?

i take that over the coastal climate winter any day
> -5c and snows 1m one day
> 10c and rain the next day melt most of it away just when you where done clearing your driveway
>then temperatures dive into -20 and stay there for a week. all the wet snow is now solid ice, all roads are slippery as fuck. if you didnt move your car during the wet day its now frozen stuck.

Yup, hot and humid summers. 25-30+C and 70-100% humidity isn't uncommon in the summer months.
But summer is short. Thank fuck.
The midnight sun is the big enemy in summer though. It's never dark. Never. It gives me headaches and it's extremely annoying.
Polar winter is based though. Dark and comfy. Brutally cold and beautiful. Pumps me full of energy and makes me feel great.

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hello winterdepression

desu if id would live in sweden somewehre lonley id probably enoy winter too somewhere like this

i meant it as my own (slightly humorous) reaction, and some others, to seasons. not as a condescending comment :)

-- this is a joke --
i mean not really, but kinda

>midnight sun
its the best thing about northern summers. daylight all fucking day. you get so much more done and it is so comfy to just forget about time when go for long hikes or roadtrips. just go to sleep when you want, fish when you want, make food when you want.

Looking forward to covering more of my gross body with winter clothing, but dreading walking through wet snow for months.

It's nice for a week, perhaps two. Then it's just fucking annoying. And I don't get anything extra done because even with thick ass curtains and blinds I can't sleep. That mixed with the damn warm weather = no energy whatsoever.

>just go to sleep when you want, fish when you want, make food when you want
Just like in winter then.

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Winter is fucking amazing in the desert, the climate is actually very pleasant.

I will be going hiking or backpacking nearly every weekend :)))))

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I like winter but it never snows down here :( you’ll be lucky if it drops below 50

Fuck winter. I'm moving to Florida.

lose weight paco

no it sucks here don’t come

Best feeling in the world
>waking up after weeks of grey weather and see pic related when looking out the window
It's so fucking nice when the first snow arrives.

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Fuck summer

i sleep like a fucker no matter what, a little light during the night is not enough to keep me awake

yeah i get the same mood during the darkest winter nights as well. one night when i worked different shifts i lost all concept of day and night, found myself driving around town at 2 in the night and didnt understand why everything was closed? but summer nights beat everything.

>love winter clothes

I HATE them. They make me sweat. I wear t-shirt all year long regardless of temperature.

>but summer nights beat everything

>go outside
>130 billion mosquitoes and horse flies the size of small rodents

No thanks

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Sounds like heaven, unironically

Do you live over 1k m?
>med countries
>needing winter clothes, ever

This 1000x. Every god damn time it puts a smile on my face.

This is why autumn is the superior season. All the mosquituos gone, no horseflies.

Only these guys are the only one to worry about, but they rarely bother me

forgot pic

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>are you ready for the incoming winter?
Yes I am. Walking around the city is heaven in winter.

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Winter is fine except for snow. Fuck snow.

I live in the northwest of Spain, right by the sea. Atlantic climate with a bit of Mediterranean influence. Weather is usually very mild, so it nevers snows and temperatures hardly ever reach 35º C during the summer. Also, it rains a lot.

Yup I misread your post
> I wear t-shirt all year long regardless of temperature.

Snus, kaffe och vinterpromenad

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Julöl, kaffekask, pepperkakor och julmat.
Finns inget bättre.

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>been waiting for the snow
>wake up to the sound of these

Swedes will know the feeling

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Winters all good till like January then it's like 3 more months of torture with nothing to look forward too except summer.

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Is that Eastern Europe? I'd love to get caught in a snow storm with a sexy Russian and share a bottle of vodka with her. Then go back to her commie block and have her sit on my face.

Is there a bigger red flag of someone being an autistic incel than hating summer and loving the dead, dark winter?

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I kind of like the fall. Anything up to Halloween is pretty comfy. Oktoberfest beer is great too. November-March is bad.

Bottom pic is 100x comfier, but where is the snow?

t. married man who loves long distance ice skating

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Its sk*ne

Perhaps if you didn't live in disgusting Skåne you would have nice winters
I guessed correctly.

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Spotted the refugee



only the n*rthoid m*ngoloids have thic white snow all winter. pic is what typical winter looks like to 90% of actual swedes. summer is preferable to any non autistic person who can handle sunlight without getting overstimulated and having a seizure.

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Only Maine is comfy in the summer. Fall is the comfiest season. Horror movies, flannel shirts, and Oktoberfest beer.

Now I get all the jokes about Swedes by Scandis

Fuck no, i'm going to Egypt or some arab shithole to stay warm in the winter

no. i like dirt and sunlight.

I live on the west coast so we get really damp winters which fucking sucks. The last few years have been shit with barely subzero temps and little to no snow.

>posts pics of St*ckholm
>typical winter

This is down syndrome lever retardation

Not our fault you retards live down south where the weather is shit.
Pic related is the typical winter here, and it stays that way usually from November to April

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fuck u unklefucker

it definitely gets thicker in Stockholm

That picture makes me want to drink whiskey.

Looks so comfy

The biggest problem with excessive heat in summer is that you can't enjoy alcohol quite as much because it makes you lethargic and delirious. This explains why Australians are permanently retarded.

Having said that summer fashion tends to be nicer unless you're a land whale like OP.

Some whisky on a cold snowy day is top tier comfy.

autumn is top-tier comfy, yes, but it's so short and bittersweet knowing that winter looms.

you're the exception, not the southern half. pic is more representative than some sparsely populated snownigger town in jokkapekkafokka.

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Americans say the stupidest things.

Isn't swedish lapland filled with (not)Finns.

Why do you get triggered when anons call you a moor?


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I don't