
Pan Balkanic Trip edition.

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>pan balkanism
never ever will this happen thank god, i wish not to be associated with vile subhumans such as vl*choids

Why do you consider the brothers Asen and Peter vlachs?

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>He fell for the Montenegro meme

they were most likely cumans



This is a community message: All wagecucks are to report to their bed stations no later than two hours from now.

>Asen and Peter
"God had decided to free the Bulgarians and the Vlach people and to lift the yoke that they had borne for so long"

We don't. But there were vlahs in the revolt.

>fat ros coming out of nowhere and creating a thread

Post the latest on your weight loss ros

ahahahha did i btfo you so hard you started larping as Bulgarian

Women from poor countries like Eastern Europe do porn, prostitution and other degenerate shit
You might say, well they are poor so they want quick money
But then look at women from the rich Western European countries
They are all leftist promiscuous drugged up degenerate whores despite being materially secure who fuck africans and arabs for free just because of "exotic" factor
And then I remember with the advancing Soviet armies and how some of them willingly gave themselves to both Soviet and Western soldiers for chocolate or cigarettes

Conclusion: Islam was right, women are subhumans who should be treated like cattle like Saudi do


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in just a few short months of HRT this too, can become a cute girl

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>toi vse oshte postva fake Krum
kvo da kazvam che toya naistina e autismo

its absolutely true as much as its an absolutely incel tier statement

digits & based

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az kvo vi kazah vchera che zaharta bukvalno vi razqjda mozacite i organite

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>Recived a BTFO
Dude please.

hahahahah i hope you remember who i am ros the fat romanian

>>toi vse oshte postva fake Krum
>kvo da kazvam che toya naistina e autismo

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s tolkova mnogo 7daysove i kura shte mu se razyade

mnn thicc stana plota ne6to

predstavi si da qdesh kartofeni rezan4eta i kroasan4eta vseki den

>s tolkova mnogo 7daysove i kura shte mu se razyade

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I am posting this here since we cand have a discussion, ALSO next year I will be doing a Bulgaria, Macedoania, Albania, Greece trip:

Having just been in a pan-balkanic trip: Romania, Serbia, Muntenegro, Bosnia (Mostar) , Serbia (Belgrad) and back I can have a more accurate perspective on what is what (and a power rating):

>Romania is more depopulated ruraly then Serbia
I suspect this is related to the fact you do not have open EU borders and running way is not as accessible to you then to us. So I have seen many more villages around the Belgrade area with people actively working and keeping up the houses.
>Romania is slightly more developed then Serbia (not by a huge margin, but visible)
Serbia reminds me of Romania about 2010, lots of renovation and work but you can still smell the 90’s ex-communism like for example in Belgrade: A Dinosaur park in the middle of the old fort near the Danube, Beggers in the middle of the main road near the Park,old commieblocks with 0 renovation, and cheap cheap prices.
>Belgrade area is was more densy populated then most of Romania
I have seen many many small towns and villages but not a lot of big ones...we have many cities of over 250000 people but in Serbia from belgrade all the way to Uzice I have seen non-stop human habitation. I think this is a good thing, but Urbanization could be better in the long run.
>Serbs and Muntenegrons are TALL people.
I have seen many tall dudes and chicks. This is a good thing I guess. Serbia guys look menacing and savage :3


Pic Serbia

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How does it smell?
I've never smelt one in me life

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Are you the programmer guy from Bulgaria? :D

> Mountains are great! but arid and not as wild as the Carpathins.
> Montenegro is really depopulated and has harsh infrastructure…
> I don't understand why you split form Serbia...you seem to be the same people
> You need a little more respect for nature, many trash on mountains and beach ( probably from tourists)
> I have seen many russians there but I also talk to some locals and they don't like them (said they don't tip and are arrogant) but I don't know..
> You need to keep stuff more renovated, especialy where locals live. Tourist parts remind me of Constanta
> Beaches and small and lots of rocks…


Pic Muntenegru Tara bridge

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*makes pringles noises*

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proklqtieto prodaljawa s palna sila gledam

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there's a loophole out of the eternal stress of women eternally trying to cuck you
You suicide bomb the infidels and in heaven you get all the virgins and food you want

> Really expensive there (really)
> People seem really focused on getting money out of you as a tourist
> Development reminds me of Brasov.
> Better english proficiency there then in Serbia and Montenegro.
> Some guy there at the gas station told me he makes 700 euro month (similar to us)


Pic Dubrovnik

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In school we studied the vlachs were 50% or more of the rebels and the brothers appeared out of nowhere and nobody had heard of em before. Then tsar Kaloyan who's part of their dynasty said to the pope he was a descendent of the Dulo clan.

not a programmer you will remember eventually



You completely missed the point but what ever.

>Bigger development gap then Romania
>Cheap as fuck (went to a fancy restaurant for about 15 euros and eat like pigs 2 people )
>Lots of old cars not a lot of new ones
I> have not seen many people with islamic vales over their face there just a few
>Rude people ( my opinion )


Pic (no pic since its on my GF phone)

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The guy who posted the "guy who posts next sucks dick" and I just happen to be the next guy?

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Reminder that vlachoids were 2nd class citizens in the Bulgarian empire

twa dobro
q postni samo patkata

>xp**pzed and r*s on at the same time

Toz debelak shto ne ti otgovori sus soyface na tova

Fugggg. This still hurts me ...

shtoto az sum >seethevashtiya

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Can you imagine its been 4 fucking years since that post...how time fucking flies

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Who's that greek?

Bahti pedala

There's a version with Belgian posters too, with my pic included from back when I was in psychiatry for a short while.

>East Balkan gypsies come see Yugoslav 1st world civilization: the thread


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Anyone else mildly depressed that we won't live long enough to see space travel and other super advanced shit

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no im mildly depressed that i wont experience basic human needs ever

right now im depressed because I never tasted a woman

What a retarded roastwhore, god I hate women so fucking much.


What's the mid stage? Hipster Islam?

Dont be. We will all be sturdust in the end.

>that we won't live long enpugh to SOY S O Y soy soy SO Y



stiga si gledal star wars.

cannibalism is a grave perversion


support my thread if you wanna

iskam da eba tesni zeleni izvunzemni picheta

>not gypsies
Pick one

Be trebva da ima nekakuv tehnologichen bum, za da moga sled 20-tina godini da si parkiram kosmicheskiq korab pred panelkata


sakam da gi razturaam vonzemskite zeleni pichnq


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Ќe фaтиш cидa нeмoј

my dad thinks that Greeks, Bulgarians, Romanians, Hungarians and Italians are gypsies.

>balkans not included
bad map

>вpaтичy ce

Your dad is the epitome of a sad servofyromite.

They are but s*rbs are gypsies too

So who's not a gypsy in the Balkans?

Stfu gypsie

hey, take that back, it's not his fault
yugoslavs and albanians, but albanians are muslims

>So who is not a gypsie in the balkan
Intresting question that I will ignore

Are Turks white?

the whitest of all

no, but my cum in your moms pussy is

Yugoslaf are gypsies they speak with their big gay and listen to some wierd euro beat music while dancing in some 80s disco where most of the people are with dark skin and smell as cheap cigarettes, alcohol and 1% amount of cum

Alex Becker is gonna make $150K on live stream now


everybody on pic rel is a gypsy

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didn't this guy quit youtube lmao

stop falling for his baits and scams selodrom

What is your favorite food frens

>He thinks I'm watching that shit now
I was looking for this hit in my subscriptions


reminder Aerodrom puts macedonia on the map and your area is irrelevant like area 51

pizza, skara

Without doubt

There is literally no separatist Transilvania movement, why would we want to separate when thins are going so well for us?

>The only nonsplit country is Bulgaria
It hurts

very nice fren
what is Aјвap

Idk maybe it is not ajvar but I really want to eat ajvar right now ajvar is epic I haven't eat a jar since 6 mouths ago but yeah right now I love some ajvar I probably gonna buy some

dood i downloaded the first map with hungayry in it
are you sure?

Beautiful landscape.

I'm sorry I offended you, gypsy bro