Why did this happen?
Why did this happen?
dunno lol
For china and korea
Because you soulless mongoloid insects murdered hundreds of thousands of US soldiers.
You deserve it more to be desu
To the end war with as little as fatalities as possible. Though I have to admit, there were other ways to display power. America could've used footage of an atomic bomb test, send it Japan and threaten them with nuclear annihilation if they did not surrender.
maybe for unit 731?
Because the retard Tojo wouldn't surrender.
japanese were warriors and wouldnt surrender unless there were displays of overwhelming force
it was a war crime
i hope my country burns for it
It’s your punishment for all the war crimes committed by japan
Go back to somalia tyrone you smelly nigger
It was the best possible course of action. The Japanese were incredibly stubborn.
Quite frankly I believe those bombs dropped on Japan were partly done because of America wanted to know what kind of destruction, and perhaps long-term effects, use of such bomb would bring on a populated areas.
Perhaps the invasion of Japan would have been too costly (when contrast to Normandy) as the presence of allies was not that big in the eastern scenario of WW2.
I do not think Japan deserved it, but I am sure that USA would not have hesitated to use it on some other nation, perhaps Vietnam, later on.
Why are we included in belligerents? We would never hurt Japan.
The Japanese knew they were industrially way behind the US, and hence that they couldn't compete economically should the war continue for years to come. The decision to attack Pearl Harbor was disputed between generals, but the logic behind it was that it would scare the Americans, kill their morale and make them withdraw. The Japanese people's genuine belief toward their own superiority, the divine people, probably played its part in this as well. It alters you to more wishful thinking.
However, instead of the US withdrawing, they basically manned up and put it to second gear. After the nukes were dropped, the Allied forces were baffled to see how finished the Japanese country really was. Basically we in the west think that the atomic bombs ended the war. However, Japan was already committing collective suicide at the time the bombs dropped in terms of resources and human life. Alternative events that affected the decision to surrender were in addition to resources ending and bombs dropping also the Russian threat in the north.
>I do not think Japan deserved it, but I am sure that USA would not have hesitated to use it on some other nation, perhaps Vietnam, later on.
japan could have surrenderd at any time.
the fire bombing of tokyo was worse than the nukes.
I'm white as fuck.
I can't believe someone from a people literally devastated by whites, especially American whites, would fucking defend this.
Of course the most tyranical empire in history would explain this away. Go red mist your own people for once.
The BBC has an excellent documentary on the bombing of Hiroshima if you're truly curious.
There's quite a bit of politics behind it. The story isn't quite as simple as achieving the surrender of Japan. Japan had been attempting to surrender before the bombings, also covered in the documentary is the fact that the Japanese secret service knew about the bombing but that information was not forwarded to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The full truth behind the operation will likely be classified for the foreseeable future.
I suspect the US needed an outlet to demonstrate their military capability, especially in light of the growing soviet aspirations.
>it's another playing the victim thread by the japanese
Nothing new to see here folks, move along
>I suspect the US needed an outlet to demonstrate their military capability, especially in light of the growing soviet aspirations.
Well that did not exactly discourage the Soviet Union and their nuclear program long term.
Pic related.
stop being so emotional and think for a second why we chose to nuke them instead of invading them.
>The initial three-stage design (coded A620EN, not tested) was capable of yielding approximately 100 Mt (420 PJ) through fast fission, 3,000 times the size of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs,[21] but it was thought that it would have caused too much nuclear fallout, and the aircraft delivering the bomb would not have had enough time to escape the explosion
*no, I just remembered that the decision that was disputed between generals was actually the beginning of Kamikaze flights. I'm not ruling out that there was some dispute with regards to the decision to attack Pearl Harbor, though, I just cant say for sure.
>Atmospheric focusing caused blast damage at even greater distances, breaking windows in Norway and Finland.
I think this is the most fucked up part. Fucking windows in eastern parts of finland and norway were broken because of that test blast. Soviets were fucking crazy.
Because Russia had a lot more doods.
"expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth"
That's debatable. No Nuke was ever fired in the Cold War. Without understanding the horrors which happened in Hiroshima, it's possible the leaders may have been more comfortable pulling the trigger on one.
Of course they built up bigger weapons, but the Cold War was a war of deterrence, and you could argue the Japanese bombings were the first deterrent.
Of course, it's impossible to predict what would have happened otherwise.
Japan didn't surrender because they still believed they could negotiate with the Soviet Union for better terms.The conventional bombing campaign, 67 cities firebombed, was far more devastating so the a-bomb didn't really change anything. The Soviet invasion of Manchuria did.
The whole thing was a show of force by the US to the Soviets.
Because of the imperial Japan's autism back then.
While fucking America must apologize for it, tho.
im sorry we had to bomb you
you mean the completely unsubstanciated arguments that haven't been even considered since the 1960s?
keep talking up your operation downfall meme
So we should've invaded them and lost millions of men in the process?
I wish I could launch my magnum inside your fucking ass.
I'm saying the soviet's did all the heavy work (again)
truman just wanted to drop the bomb to scare off his betters you fucking FAGGOT
Sometimes I wish that the Nazis did better so we could have indiscriminately nuked German cities from across the Atlantic like FDR wanted.
go blog about it
more than half of the imperial army fled back to the mainland when the americans seized Iwo Jima, it was going to be a hard fought invasion worse than the invasion of Normandy
Japan didn't make enough hentai so America irradiated Japan to make everybody hentai
/accidentally homoerotic
they were already going to surrender
the bombings were superfluous
becasue japan got infamous for torturing POW and civilians
americans after years of war didn't care anymore and just wanted to end things as fast as possible especially since in 1945 it was already clear that soviets were the next threat
of course jap nationalists don't care and will cry and weep trying to seem like victims over something that happend 74 years ago
Well, Pearl Harbor wasn't the most intelligent decision you guys made. However, I respect the Japanese people more than any other people on Earth. You guys didn't even surrender after the first bomb. The culture of the Japanese people before and during WW2 is something that I wish could be bottled up and force-fed to Americans. Some of Japan's decisions to start war with the US wasn't smart, but you guys have an immeasurable amount of honor, respect, and will to fight. I'm sorry it happened, but I respect Japan more than any other European country of my ancestors.
forgot to say, soviets were already preparing for the invasion of Japan, but nukes were hard reminder that americans could stop them or at lest cause them heavy loses in case they tried
Nukes ironically saved Japan from becoming USSR vs US battleground
Did japan had the most humiliating defeat in history? Why would they let themselves get nuked twice?
kek no they weren't. Their conditions of surrender were a white peace, where the emperor remained as the head of state and Japan got to keep it's imperial possessions. We made it clear that both Germany and Japan were going to face unconditional terms of surrender for starting the war.
Serious answer
>1. Japanese war crimes in China, Korea, Indochina and Burma
>2.Unit 731
>3. Japanese humiliated Allied in Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore
>4. If nukes didn't drop then full scale war would happen with complete destruction of Japan and new socialist state in Hokkaido
Im not sure what you mean by humiliation here. The Japanese were absolutely insane fighters with lots of ingenuity, who forced the worlds first (and currently only) nukes,
Here's the deal, Japan would've caved anyways. Their military and economy were falling apart. It would just have taken more time.
The only reason the US needed to increase the weaponry to something they knew would cost countless human lives is,
(1) they needed to demonstrate that weaponry
(2) they needed an immediate end to the war
I suspect both, not because of Japan, but because the US already had concerns about the rising soviet threat
Some other post mentioned a possible Japanese surrender to the soviets, that may have been another reason for quick American intervention. If Japan became an ally of the soviets, that would be a huge threat to the US (the soviets were actively pushing Communism in SE Asia).
We know for a fact that the following American support of Japan was largely motivated by the need to have a democratic ally in the region.
Why didn't Japan give up after the first one?
because America was afraid of the Bushido spirit. They had to quell Japan's will, with overwhelming force.
It's unironically justified if it meant that communism never takes place in northern Japan and we got another Korea situation.
>Was it right for the US to drop the atom bomb?
>“I am so pleased they did,” said Mr Housego. “We never thought the war would end. The Japanese soldiers were ruthless; they were quite prepared to fight forever and die doing so. Millions more would have died if the government wasn’t forced to surrender.”
Even the POWs affected support dropping it.
I oppose the dropping of the bombs for the sole reason that operation downfall would have been so much cooler and bloodier.
This. People often forget that the alternative to not being nuked was far worse. Communism.
lel no, they handed over their "data" to the americans and were free to go.
You deserve a third one, no actually scrap that, an extra 40-50 nukes should be dropped on every major japanese city, but that's just my opinion.
cuz back in the times some bosnian fag killed a random austrian on his ride in Sarajevo senpai
Why did this happen?