Frenchies get mad at us for calling her Joan Of Arc

>Frenchies get mad at us for calling her Joan Of Arc
>meanwhile in Italy

Attached: giovanna.png (347x419, 262K)

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We just call her Johanna von Orleans. No one knows what the Arc means anyway and Johanna is even closer to her real name than Jeanne.

We just call her Jeanne d’Arc

She's Juana de Arco, la Doncella de Orleans.

>Johanna is closer to Jehanne than Jeanne
bit of a stretch

In Spanish is Juana de Arco, I think that's the closest it gets

What was her "real" name then? Does anyone even know?

Jehanne d'Arc

lil' Jo

What? You mean Juana de Arco?

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Jean d'Arc she was really a tranny because we all know women can't do shit.



but she didn't do shit

Jo mama

Have sex you freak.

جون دارك

>t.femcel projecting

It's Jeanne Dare.

LaJana de-a (the dash dont be silent)

>Jeanne D'arc
She really was just a girl from a shitty place that lived in a shitty house.
You can call her whatever you liked. She wasn't even french, she was Lotharingian soooo.

"Jehanne" (medieval spelling of Jeanne)
>"No surviving record from Joan's lifetime shows that she used either her mother's or her father's surname"

Oh I thought it was Johanne from this signature, maybe I'm wrong.

Attached: Signature.png (800x630, 34K)

CHIs must die.

We call her Ioana d'arc, how about that?

>No one knows what the Arc means anyway


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lol I remember that shit. The younger brother was your typical white incel.

Nice try, but we know from historical record that Jeanne was a qt with perfect tiddies

>According to Jean D’Aulon, Jeanne’s steward, who often helped her to get in and out of her suit of armor and slept many times in the same room as Jeanne, described her as being beautiful, strong, and well-formed (shapely).

>The Duke D’Alencon, one of Jeanne’s military commanders, described her in the same way. D’Aulon stated that he often saw Jeanne’s naked legs and breasts when he had to dress her wounds in battle. He said he never felt lust for Jeanne, pretty as she was, because he thought it would be shameful to have such feelings for such an inspiring and religious person.

>A further description of the Maid is contained in a letter from Milan, written on 21st June 1429. De Boulainvilliers was Chamberlain to CharlesVII, and Seneschal of Berry. His description is as follows:

> “This girl is reasonably good-looking, and with something virile in her bearing; she speaks but little, and is remarkably prudent, in what she does say. She eats little, and drinks wine still less; manages both her horse and her arms superbly well; greatly likes the company of knights and soldiers; scorns the company of the rabble; sheds many tears; has a happy expression; so great is her strength in the endurance of fatigue that she could remain completely armed during six whole days and nights.

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A womxn can be called whatever xe wants and it's not for you pigs to decide. This is why we need feminism.

>greatly likes the company of knights and soldiers

Middle ages thots really do be riding the cock carousel

Watch yourself. She's a saint.

No you are not, she was from the duchy of Bar which was a part of the Lorraine duchy.
The culture here was more like yours than the French.
But when the French, Croats and swedes genocided the duchy during the 30 Years War, they started to repopulate it with French and Germans, and they started to romanise everything.

>The Angevin Empire would be annexing entire galaxies in 2019 if this slag didn't exist.

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>tfw no jean d'arc gf

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There's a statue for Giorgio Washington in my town

just like my japanese animes

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based and redpilled

>not Edward V dying prematurely.

Giorno Giovanna.

Jane Doe

Whym'st do the French get angry at calling her Joan of Arc?

post yours

Attached: d'ark.jpg (269x414, 44K)

juana de arcor, founder of Arcor ( argentinian multinational group)

she is a literal saint you fuckhead, she was so pure that soldiers felt great shame even thinking about lewd things with her, and this is a proven fact

Yes, it's Jehanne.
Complete nonsense. She was born in the western part of the Duchy of Bar that was in the Kingdom of France and not the HRE(see the map) The western part of the duchy spoke a dialect of French, meaning it was already "romanised" as you described it. According to you, the French decimated a part of their country and replaced its inhabitants with new people. Great going, you complete retard.
Also, the duchy of Bar wasn't united with the duchy of Lorraine until 1480, 60 years after her death.

Attached: 900px-Map_France_1477-en.svg.png (900x970, 661K)

>Frenchies get mad
well there's your problem, you give a shit what they think