"My preferred race to date? Why, South Asians with poor English skills, of course!"

>"My preferred race to date? Why, South Asians with poor English skills, of course!"

Attached: Yungdari.jpg (1080x1080, 206K)

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Rich and fit americans and she'll definitely cheat on them with blacks. :)

I don't know, her bf looks pretty slav to me

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her isntagram is @yungdari

bitch has a nice pussy i bet

Holy shit this guy is a 5/10 at best
I wonder if she likes masculine bearded pale Syrians

You need to look like an edgy amerimutt first, then get lots of tattoos

there is no such thing as masculine syrian
you are manlets

Pretty sure that she only likes him because he has 721k followers

looks like she DOES suck black dicks

Whats his insta?

height > face, tallfag bastards


Reminder Pajeet is the chaddiest of all chads

I'm 186cm but you're right the average Syrian male is probably 10 centimeters shorter than me

That guy doesn't look like a Russian. Looks more like a Volga Tatar.



you telling me THIS is not a slav? Also tatars are russian

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>those theeth
this can't be natural

desu i see why people think hes attractive, hes got quite a unique edgy model-esque look to him. Hes probably very confident and alpha too

bitch has 2 instagrams
@yungdari and @oldddari

her bf instagram is @sashadidntwakeup/

why are they so famous? What do they do? I guess music?

>why are they so famous?
she is pretty and he is her boyfriend

he has more followers tho

He looks like he hasn't even hit puberty yet

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i respect him though, he managed to get a hot gf like that. mad props tbhfam

he looks like a balkanoid insect honestly

Just be white theory confirmed, none of you have excuses for being virgin

Jealous fags seething because you will never get a cute Russian gf :D

i have one, she s from siberia, i love her a lot and she is very nice girl

Her boyfriends surname is trautvein

Is he brazilan or Russian ?

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sure thing bud, I do believe you ;)

Since 1991 every nationality on earth has Russian wives. Russian women are just another commodity.

if you ain't white, go with the brownies


mad respect to your country, your women are the best in the world

incel filled thread

;) cope harder

You'll never get one though :3 Russian women belong to Russian men, dutch men belong to Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 :D

stfu macaco, russian women are superhard to get, they only like real chads, and they want men who are stable
trust me, went through all of that, its really hard

Why do South Asian men do this?

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im not dutch
well i already have one, god bless russia

It’s kind of true though. Russia is just a more expensive version of the phillipens.
They are the number one nation in the world for mail order brides and lots of foreigners get Russian wives. I rember seeing a chart that showed that German men marry Russian women far more then any other group and have double the amount of Russian wives then even Thai women

you can easily get russian gf or any slav gf tough

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she is cute

Because they’re all socially inept betas

one of her friends


fucking weird girl, also very famous

how the fuck?

Women like thin guy
Gymcels on suicide watch

This. Russia is the Thailand of Europe.

I used to have an online one
Not sure if that counts

you don't have a Russian GF, but thank you anyways. Once we conquer Europe I will breed as many russian cuties with dutch/luxembourgian women as possible

>It’s kind of true though

>polish women
>not the easiest to get in the world

No, it doesn't. Shitskin

i wont post pic as proof but yeah i have been everywhere in russia, met lot good russians etc im just lucky desu

you don't have to be butthurt to admit that slav women are the easisest in the world

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>mad respect to your country, your women are the best in the world
Yes, that's true :) Good luck for you and your gf!
Don't listen to this jealous incel retard

Зaвaли нaхyй cвoё eбaлo пpoтyхшaя Haтaхa и хвaтит гopeть

>i wont post pic as proof
Because you don't have one since you don't have a Russian gf, but that's ok, we all have our tiny little fantasies. Wink-wink, nudge-nudge

Yes and this is good thing! :) Everyone love russian because they are the easiest.

Russians love latinas very much.

Russian women are the easiest. West Slav women are not actually all that easy.
In Russia you can just go around speaking English loudly and girls will approach you and you can get your dick sucked on the same night.
With West Slavs this doesn't work, you to approach them and many will reject you.
South Slav women are hard.

thanks bro

once you have a russian gf you dont want any other nationality, mad cooking skills, very kind and polite. I never met girls like that in west europe desu

>Зaвaли нaхyй cвoё eбaлo пpoтyхшaя Haтaхa и хвaтит гopeть
Seething lol

you don't have a Russian gf ;)

thats BS, i was there. If you do what you just said you will not even get any locks, no one cares.
Try picking up girls in moscow, they are brutal and cold af


>no u!
У тeбя нe бyдeт пapня инocтpaнцa, нaтaш ;)

>thats BS, i was there.
It's not, Russian women are the easiest whores in the World. They can't cook, they are ugly, they fuck Black, arabs, muslims
Chechens kill Russian women by slitting their throats open in Chechnia, but before that Chechens make Russian women sit on bottles :DDD

>. West Slav women are not actually all that easy.
they are, but that russian incel just seethes hard
nothing more but pure cope which what makes it funny
who cares if women fuck westerners and niggers if you can't even get sex yourself lol

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Why would you want any kind of slavoid women is beyond me.

>is a pole
>calls me an incel
kek, Polish men are literally the ugliest in Europe after the British and the Irish

seethe more russian incel lmao

My ancestry is Croatian (grandparents are Croatian) mixed with native Brazilian, so I look like a weird Slav already and in Czech republic none of the girls gave any fuck about me, but in Russia it was so easy.

Seethe more pshek bzdrek incel

but im not a virgin unlike you and don't care if russian women fuck niggers lel (which they do)

chads, wh*toids would be afraid to do such a forward approach

>but im not a virgin
Yes, you are

seething and coping immigrant churka

You don't have a Russian GF, just deal with it ;)

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>Polish men are literally the ugliest
Along with russians LOL

>British and the Irish
Wrong HAHA

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He's a 7/10 lol

Read Roosh V forums faggot. I guarantee you'll come back crying.

Polish women were very easy for foreigners 10 years ago. Not anymore.

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it's weird how incels, especially from slav countries get so butthurt when women fuck niggers
who cares lmao

If thread isn’t a microcosm for why Jow Forums is garbage now, I don’t know what is. Just a bunch of faggots spamming incel at one another even they’re both losers. Get a life you betas

>t. Seething natashka (У тeбя нe бyдeт пapня инocтpaнцa и ты пoдoхнeшь в paшкe ;) )
Russian men are amongst the most beautiful in Europe. If we were so ugly we wouldn't be able to produce the prettiest whores in the Universe

Its like that pretty much everywhere though, go to Japan or china like 15 years ago and you'd have been drowning in pussy if you're white, but nowadays its hard

which race is current easy mode

Cringe lol

Stop hating your own men, Natasha. You will bear children with them ;)

In this countries? As a foreigner it won't be particularly good in general, white or black guys still probably have it the easiest out of the foreigners

Niggers are considered by many to be attractive but their women are absolutely hideous

these countries* as in jap and china

>Niggers are considered by many to be attractive
Only by russian women

>but their women are absolutely hideous
Same as Russian women.

Seething lol

you will have kids with a russian men and die here ;3

Russian guys are not very attractive, but if you guys took the neckpill and got a decent haircut, you guys could compete with Westerners easily.

Russian guys have very thin necks for some reason.

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Russian girls with Latina husbands explain why they love Latina so much and compare them with a russian man

wish i was westerner and get easy eastern euro pussy

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Not you anyway lol

>sit on bottles

>why yes, I do suffer as a Russian male

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