There's a Chad living in the apartment next to mine with his Middle Eastern gf and she is a legit 9/10 with a perfect...

There's a Chad living in the apartment next to mine with his Middle Eastern gf and she is a legit 9/10 with a perfect ass and pretty face. I always take great pleasure in hearing them fuck through the walls, knowing how SEETHING it makes muslim incels on here. And yes I know she is a muslim because her mother wears the veil when her parents are there visiting. They seem so proud that their daughter ended up with a white Chad, probably not knowing all the ways he fucks her at night. Also he has cheated on her, he told me it when he was high.

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You have friends. I hate you now. Fuck off please

you enjoy hearing another man have sex while you post frogs on the internet?

get your shit together.

Cool guy

I have a blonde wh*Te gf that I will most likely impregnate and create med looking children

t. atheist arab


Why are you so angry?
you are not white

You probably watch porn, what's the difference?

what is her ethnicity

No you don’t. Blonde white women don’t racemix.

I mean arab

>less nigger than you, Tyrone.
Lurk more btw.


one is real life the other isn't
are you so forgone you can't differentiate the two anymore?

You didn't greentext correctly new faggot

listening to my neighbours fuck feels more authentic than your fake porn shit

It’s the truth. Tanned Southern European Meds? Yes. Not Arabs though. I don’t know anyone who finds Arabs attractive.

Wait so muslim parents are cool with their daughter having a kuffar bf if he's a Chad?

I know this feel bro. In my commie block in a Stockholm suburb, there's this big Ghanian who lives with his blonde, very petite gf. I can hear them fuck through the walls sometimes.

what a cuck

>I listen to other people having sex to totally BTFO the muslims, pwned checkmate muzzies
totally wrecked'em bro
don't forget to have gay sex with her brothers, that will really make them seethe

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Chad is accepted by everyone even the most irrational fundamentalists.

Record their sex sounds and post.

Shut up pendejo

Post pic of him.

Of Chad? I'm not OP if that's what you're asking.