
Down with sexism edition

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>english edition
See you lads in the next thread.

t. female

>Usagi in the OP

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Does Ireland need more Lowland Scots speaking BVLLS to try and make country strong?

No, but we will MICK your women and redacted your cowardly fake guerrillas after reunification.

no you want
irish will be banned an scots made only legal languae in irealnd.

I don't think there's enough lead on planet earth for them to put the necessary quantity in the water for everyone to speak brain-damaged ogre english.

OG /éire/ boomer checking in for the first time since like 2017. Is Frogweeb and Poi still a thing? Do we still post Who.jpg

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Ireland will be OGRED unless you say "Sorry."

déanann fir dhubha mná Éireannacha a phórú

Just thought it prudent to let you all know I'm leaving

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see you tomorrow

I'm alive.

I'm serious, I'm leaving

>Pretending to be me
Sad cunt

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I'm torn between encouraging you to stay, to be polite
or encouraging you to leave so you can perhaps improve your life (like we all should)
in any case, good luck

Who are you?

>to be polite
No, fuck the politeness, I appreciate it but that's the sort of stuff I came here to get away from in the first place
The thing is I don't know what I'll do. It's probably only natural to imagine that leaving would mean a better life, more motivation, fucking whatever, but there are definitely going to be drawbacks. This place did fit my humour on occasion in a way that no other place on the internet really did, and I don't know what I'll even fill the time with instead. It could act as comfort food. But anyways, enough of this before I convince myself to stay. Goodbye space cowboys
(although let it be known that i have not at any point in my life watched anime. i have nothing against it or people that do watch it, i just thought id let it be known)
anyways bye for real

Why do people meme about Ireland having no culture? Was it all suppressed during British rule?

Love trolling people over Hong Kong

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I have never heard that said outside of Jow Forums. Most visitors in real life praise our culture.

It was genocided and has been suppressed. The "cultural establishment" here is a parasitical colonial outfit.

Maybe I just took comments here too literally.


You'll be back

i side with the bongs

holy fucking cringe

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why do you side with commies?

hey éirebros

Better than being a fucking tan

I side with China on nationalist grounds. Hong Kong is like advocating for the economic position Dublin has exploiting Ireland, or continuing de-facto occupation after a united Ireland under the principle of "human rights", giving the unionist establishment in the north veto power and continued formalised gerrymandered rule under the guise of "representation" or some other meaningless formulation of "human rights", meaning we have to support the occupation system even after occupation formally ends.
Difference is, China is smart enough to know a treaty with the angloid means betrayal, and were based enough to be the ones to betray it. It's ridiculous as well what the terms of the treaty were.

>angloid thieves steal Chinese island in 19th century, make a lip service treaty saying they're only leasing the island until 1997
>use the island as a base to smuggle drugs, foment war, and invade China
>as an island of Chinese territory not subject to anglo/jap despolation, HK becomes populous and wealthy
>instead of having their government collapse at the end of the cold war and their state monopolies bought off by American Jews and Israelis, China's communist government reorients towards pragmatic authoritarianism, becomes massively successful
>instead of facing a shambolic bought-off puppet government, the UK faces a cold-war level nuclear-armed state with a unified central authority
>the UK obeys the stipulations of the treaty because it can no longer break them as it's the weaker party in the agreement
>writes up a treaty saying China will take ownership of Hong Kong but continue to run it in the way the brits want until 2047
>China laughs and says yes, because english politicians get to say they got what they wanted, but left no real mechanism to enforce the english demands that China run Hong Kong as an english colony for them for fifty years
>China has possession, which in treaties with the angloid is 100% of the law, and so spits on the propagandistic interpretation of the law that Hong Kong is untouchable by Chinese authority for the next fifty years, rather than a part of China
So the anglos got beaten at the game they used to pull when they were militarily stronger (and still will when they can - northern Ireland reunification will be a fucking shambles without a nationalist government), and what they're doing now is trying their media tactics to make people think China is the bad guy.
The premise of this is the Chinese are bad for running their island in a way England don't like because England stole it from them and pretended they were giving it back for legal reasons rather than because they were weaker

but it's legitimate concern. human rights is horrible in china. It's more out of caring for the people who live there than anything to do with the "angloid"

It was horrible in HK too and horrible in every colony of the UK, including Ireland and Northern Ireland, west brit.
The Chinese government has the right to keep ethnic Chinese territory united and Chinese. The english have exactly zero rights to China.
I'm not a China drone though. Plenty of corruption exists, and China is itself treating Tibet and other parts of central Asia as colonies, but refusing to run their own territory as an English colony is not a duty they are breaking. If Irish people were not deluded into thinking this was good, Ireland would be a lot better off than it is and has been ever since our bogus treaty to self-run the english colonial state was enforced at gunpoint by traitors.

it's up to the people who live there.

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no it isn't, west brit
It's between the Chinese nation and the english empire

cringe. there is no "english empire"
why do you have such an antiquated outlook on everything

>it's old so bad
>don't look to history and remember what hong kong is, it's occurring entirely in a vacuum now and the narrative of human rights underdog means they're right!!!
>they're liberal so they're right! no, liberalism isn't the ideology the english used to run their empire including orchestate the genocide of the Irish and poison the Chinese with opium, it's an eternal truth which exists throughout time, and makes whoever says they're liberal more right than those who say Chinese land belongs to China!

*kung fu chops you and saves hong kong*

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flooding the chinese with opium was based
absolutely mad to smuggle it in for the very same silver youre using to buy tea

really want to smoke opium since seeing once upon a time in america

west brit scum

Whenever england does something to other countries i dont really care. who cares honestly.
they live rent free in your head dude.

You said you "side with the bongs", you liar

in the hong kong issue. because chinks are subhuman commies lelel.

you're a west brit, subhuman

you think about the brits more than me, you're obsessed with them.

come on lad, it's so devious it's impressive

Not an argument. We're discussing the state of Hong Kong and you're saying it's wrong for the Chinese government to run Chinese territory.

There's nothing devious about it, it's blatant and criminal.


>We're discussing the state of Hong Kong and you're saying it's wrong for the Chinese government to run Chinese territory.
because they're a subspecies

angloid mongrels and colonial traitor castes have no rights, sorry to break it to you

>has stripes

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not under commie china anyway

But if you look at him from above it would look like a brown ring around a yellow spot.

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not able to visualise this

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Imagine whining about Britain destroying our traditions, language and culture while advocating for Chinese rule which kills all other languages and makes them say it's just mandarin and only speak mandarin killing Cantonese. The cultural revolution destroyed all spirituality and beliefs such as fengshui or generosity while everything survived in Hong Kong the last place where actual Chinese culture survives and imagine wanting them to be subsumed and the last traces of actual Chinese culture destroyed because "le brits bad."