I'm looking for an angel investor for a business I've started. Where would be the best place to look for one, my only thoughts are craigslist or those sketchy investment websites.
Anyone have experience finding investments online?
I'm looking for an angel investor for a business I've started. Where would be the best place to look for one, my only thoughts are craigslist or those sketchy investment websites.
Anyone have experience finding investments online?
12, 7, 4, 8
at least no epilepsy..
12, 7, 4, 8. I dont get it? you can just read the numbers right?
tfw gay
There is no fucking way there is a 4.
Clearly states 12, 7 and 8. This is an image to troll people.
Just because you can't see the 4 and are locked in the closet does not mean others are locked in with you.
4 8 12 7
So I'm going to go ahead an post on CL, I guess 'Financial Services' is the closest category to it
>tfw ur all gey
>tfw only see the 12
>tfw no one ever believes me when i tell them i'm colourblind
>all these homos saying 12, 7, 4, 8 when it’s 12, 7, 8, 8
wtf, apparently I have the gay
maybe it's my screen brightness
there is no number
gay fucks
I can almost see jpg artifacts in the shape of a 4, but no image of a 4 whatsoever
i guess that settles it
wtf i am gay, i hate you
dude look at the image in any color shift there is no number.
tfw it's actually 12 7 9 8
>still can't see the big gay number
you're gey bro
12 7 5 8
No you!
I gots the big gay
Bro... i have some bad news for you
Please stay away from me, you homo scum!!!
Try dragons den
Welp, I didn’t know it, but apparently I’ve come down with the big gay.
Wtf how do i get rid of the big gay?
I need some investment capital. I have a solid business idea. No one likes niggers right? Well now you can profit off rich wrappers with my idea.
You see I'm a JEWeler that makes toe rings and rhinestone buttplugs. I'm ganna sell these at sex museums and art clubhouses.
Hit me up guys.
One of the biggest points of seed funding is to get you introduced to a large network of future investors. If your idea is so bad that you can't even get seed capital after going through all of the firms, then you should probably bootstrap longer or scrap the idea altogether.