I'm looking for an angel investor for a business I've started. Where would be the best place to look for one...

I'm looking for an angel investor for a business I've started. Where would be the best place to look for one, my only thoughts are craigslist or those sketchy investment websites.

Anyone have experience finding investments online?

Attached: 1534545511601.jpg (942x997, 61K)

12, 7, 4, 8


at least no epilepsy..

12, 7, 4, 8. I dont get it? you can just read the numbers right?

tfw gay

There is no fucking way there is a 4.

Clearly states 12, 7 and 8. This is an image to troll people.

Just because you can't see the 4 and are locked in the closet does not mean others are locked in with you.

4 8 12 7

So I'm going to go ahead an post on CL, I guess 'Financial Services' is the closest category to it

>tfw ur all gey