Why is this board talking so much about South America lately?

Attached: 1495478626902.png (601x434, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Amazon fire

brazil bad
trees good

>muh I want to slam a mestiza's punani

Its on the news

The world will end soon, because Bolsonaro decided to burn down the rainforest.

>The world will end soon
And that's the best thing could ever happen to us.

70% of these threads are made by Brazil flags including this one it's almost like they're desperate to have people talk about their country

>this board
It's Brazilians making threads about Brazil.


>tfw theres a qt hispanic lad on my discord server


Attached: 473.jpg (600x718, 24K)


Stop doing these retard threads, I'm tired of this shit every second a thread of this is made

Attached: 1566499159188.png (785x788, 284K)

Because this board is full of redditors obsessed with brown countries


I remember there was another one of these imageboard mascot things besides Kuruminha back in 2011, but he was a shirtless favela dweller. What was its name?

>flood first page every fucking second with that dumb amazon shit
>hur dur why do you talk about Brazil

We want to fuck huge Brazilian bunda


Brazil have had many imageboards and all of them have mascots. 55tan is next most famous one. Is it her?

Attached: Kuruminha_55-tan_dance.gif (600x384, 301K)

Bazukinha maybe?

Attached: Bazukinha_joinha.png (600x471, 163K)

nvm I've found it here. It seems it's associated with 55chan. I saw it being posted by BRs a lot when I used to browse Krautchan.
thanks anyway

Favelito? Apparently argies made him to make fun of us. He is not all that popular, he just was in the front page of 55chan and became a bigger meme because of that, kinda like Sachiko. You can find a few more pics of him here:

Attached: Kuruminha_casada_com_Favelito.png (1000x1250, 337K)

brazilians subhumans are burning down the amazon.

post butts

Meant to quote you in this post

they're destroying the only thing that makes the continent worth keeping around

Thanks, I had no idea it was made by argies, especially since it used to be posted by BRs a lot.