I am BLACK ama

I am BLACK ama

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You look of east african origin
also lose weight

what are you 1/4 black ?


no nigga you look like a mutt

West African heritage
More than 60% black.

do you use Windows phone?

>this is what passes as black in burgerland

not anymore
Having scotts-irish blood makes me a mutt?
It does when I am predominantly black

I'm like 50% black and I look darker than you. You're definitely a mutt.


what do you do for a living?

>having pale skin means you are not black
Yikes this brainlet-tier logic again

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Go to college atm

Why do Americans have so much trouble acknowledging the existence of mixed race people? Is it the low IQ from eating too much shitty food? Is it the inferiority complex that comes from being a mutt?

I'm not mixed because both of my parents are black

what do you study?

do you have two light skin black parents ?

Shut up, retard. You don't even have type 3 hair. Slaver Johnson raped a nigger woman a couple of centuries ago and that's why you have pale skin now.

typical "black" american




If it wasn't for the lips, you'd be very similar to myself and another friend of mine in facial features. And you're barely any darker. Not really black.

civil engineering, thinking about changing it
Slaver Johnson must have been Irish with albino-tier skin then
But I am black

Post feet and or cock

You are pardo.

do you know what else you would wanna do?

Actuarial science, Chemical Engineering, Nuclear Physics, Applied Mathematics, Microeconomics all sound good.

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good luck, hopefully you find something you like

No helping me decide? ahhhhhh I'm so fucked.

take whatever you think you're best at and that employs/pays well. I'm not really interested/knowledgeable in any of those you listed so can't help you, sorry

What are you interested in?

many things, which is why I struggled to find out what I wanted to do after school. I'm gonna study law soon.

so you took one of the jew routes?

Can I get the N-word pass?

Disgusting nigger

Burn all niggers

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>These two again

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Your mother is, your father on the other hand ...

post your skin

His mother is his father ????!!!!
