Interstellar is a great movie

Interstellar is a great movie

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>Christopher Nolan

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>ranger needs a literal space launcher to leave earth's gravity but can simply leave the water planet without a problem
>a drone ? Uhuhu let's just hack it and land it without any damage
>the hyper mega god theory ? Lmao this woman will solve it, eureka
Reddit, the movie

>not Jow Forumserstellar
You had one job OP


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Trash, memento is the only good Nolan movie

its booooooooooooooooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

It would have been if it weren't for this

Wasn't as terrible as the Martian at least, fucking hell what a disappointmen that was.

It was alright but I'm not really a fan of Nolan. Don't understand why /tv/ gets so mad about the ending though.

boy i just love movies that become completely retarded near the end

I just hated the library shit

The Martian was awesome until it switched to summer blockbuster mode.


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but most of all:

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The movie has cunny protagonist, so it's a great movie by default.

To be fair, if it was a hardcore sci-fi it might not have been as successful as it is. Also, there's a lot of issues with the core plot that just were not meant for a more serious approach.

I can't come up with a single part of it I didn't hate

okay i admit the love sci fi shit in the end was a bit off but come on the rest was great

you know another great movie? 'coherence' that's a great movie

Mulholland Drive is good too idk remember many movies lol

It has it's problems but it's still one of the best scifi movies of the past 20 years

The only problem with this one is that you can notice the limitation it had with the budget

how so? It really didn't need much budget, like, there wasn't any cgi or expensive shit that i remember, the writting alione made it great like that movie 'the man from earth' the guy telling shit in a room alone was great


>the man from earth
Now that was a great movie. Sequel not so much.
"He never died" was a somewhat similar story, slightly different take.

>You had one job

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Wandering Earth is superior. It's an honest disaster movie.
Interstellar was a simple premise turned into ponderous wank.

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No it's fuckin' not, what was even that ending lol
Really overrated movie even Sunshine is better and makes more sense

Contact was better in every aspect.

im surprise it wasn't a grorious propaganda piece for supreme chinese communist government like the majority of films churned out from china.

That's what I mean, it had a great premise then just turned to complete shit for some reason.

Where do people even watch these Chinese movies outside China? I wanted to watch one a few years ago but Australian cinemas literally don't show them anywhere so you have to pirate them off torrent sites

oh god how much i wish that this shit wasnt in the movie