how do you increase IQ?
deep thinking 15 hours a day for many many years. doing this grew eninsteins brainm and mines
It's impossible. Your IQ actually decreases as you age. Plus IQ is kinda bullshit anyway
>t. IQ of 128
IQ is meme
>apply yourself
stop masturbating
IQ is good, biggest indicator of succes.
But if you have a high IQ, your parents probably were high IQ too.
Parents with high IQ make you live in a better environement
You have better opportunities etc.
IQ is good, it's not the only thing but it's likely to come with other things that are also good.
the data is conclusive on this, you cant.
if you would trade even a single point of IQ for any of the world's temporary pleasures you are extremely shortsighted. to me, theres nothing more valuable
Lion's Mane
Eat the brains of smarter people
KYS and get reincarnated into a more intelligent family.
after about 130 IQ its kinda useless as you really dont need more than that
At about 1000 it starts getting useful again.
Id say 250+ cause it has not been recorded you could probably advance research in more than one feild.
1000 and you can do quantum mechanics from the womb and will be worshipped as a god
I notice if I bang my head now the brain kind of shakes, i think it shrunk inside
bro, they looked at enistems brain after he died and the deep thought poart was bigger than most peoples and they say it is because he used it to deep think all the time and it got bigger and bigger. i believe that. ive gotten smarter doing this too.
Have parents with high IQ.
Play dual-n-back for 1/2 hr a day.
Play violin.
Divide random numbers by 7 in your head.
Learn electronics.
Learn higher maths.
t. 152 iq aspie
You can only do things to reduce the things that lower you IQ
Don't imbibe in any intoxicants (caffeine included)
Drink plenty of water.
You can still fap on occasion without harm, but don't overdo it. Your magnesium and potassium are precious.
0 point in discussing IQ when AI has already surpassed the average normie. even the best of humans will not be able to compete with AI(perfect memory, infinitely faster learning and can retain all topics known to mankind compared to humans that have to spend most of their lives mastering one single field of study)
Around 75% of IQ is inherited. You can definitely increase it, but the ratio of IQ gained to the effort it takes is going to get worse and worse over time. You're mainly going to want to do analytic training, so do things like math and chess. But music, learning a language, and meditating can help too. Remember that your brain uses resources to work just like your legs do when you're running. That means there's no evolutionary incentive for a higher IQ unless your past recommends it. A high IQ could technically be a bad thing in some situations because it consumes more energy. Sort of like how we aren't born with bulging muscles. You want to train your brain like you would muscles. Consistent effort. Make sure not to shoe-horn yourself into only doing one or two things. The second something becomes repetitive is the second its value in increasing IQ plummets.