Im.not even American. But if u was I would love ince I made it or even before buy a log cabin away from everyone. Just fish and grow shit and trade crypto.
Anyone else in? Ive seen some great ones for even $250k
Im.not even American. But if u was I would love ince I made it or even before buy a log cabin away from everyone. Just fish and grow shit and trade crypto.
Anyone else in? Ive seen some great ones for even $250k
Homesteading is overrated. I know because I spent the last 6 years growing mine. Taking on a new project every year. Making more garden beds, more laying hens, meat birds, bee hives, milking goats, etc. It's more than I want to manage now. I just didn't have the energy for it this year. This kind of lifestyle might be okay if you're already independently wealthy and don't have to wage slave....otherwise it's too much work.
already there and awfully comfy.
I'm torn between buying a camp 40+ acres or an RV to drink monster and travel around america
I volunteered about 100 hours at a community garden last fall and it's a pain in the ass pulling weeds, turning compost, and all the other duties required to sustain yourself
you think there's any money in farmers markets?
I've played around with growing mushrooms and they're really easy and cheap to grow but I don't know the entire sales process and if that's worth it, I usually give away my excess or dry them for later when I stop growing for a while
I think they're cozy
t. plankton
nice man. looks very comfy.
Wouldn't live there but they are God-tier getaway spots
No one said you had to be self sufficient hippy. I just added fishing and maybe growing a few veg for fun.
You can live in canned fucking venison for all i care. Point is cosy life away from fuckheads. And have a gun if the shtf in the US.
I lived in one for 9 months through the winter it was horrible. Logs don't insulate well, they're drafty and dirty, if its wet it smells like mold, there are mice in the walls, the floors, everywhere.
Trust me this isn't for everyone
>I'm torn between buying a camp 40+ acres or an RV to drink monster and travel around america
This is the most boomer sentence I've seen in a while.
I've considered doing it full time, but I think I'd still need a minimum amount of income. If I could still get around 5k a year I think it would improve the situation tremendously.
Anyone know how much a cabin up in Montana or maybe Michigan costs? If it's cheap I may get one as a getaway.
So fucking comfy man.
Questions like yours are why god invented Zillow.
ultimate comfyness
This I tried this lifestyle and ended up going back. Literally only looks comfy because you think grass is greener there (it is but not metaphorically).
I do advise to try it out though, you will appreciate your shitty suburban ((apartment)) box and dirty city smog more later.
Is this yours and where the fuck is it?
I WANT!! (do you have internet)
Dream lifestyle. Hope to build a log cabin in outback Australia. Is this unaustralian?
>invests in real estate in the city
>everyone wants to move out
>shills city life over spacial freedom
you retardedly built that if you got mold
pretty sure its switzerland