There are over 500 billion Indian men on the planet

>there are over 500 billion Indian men on the planet
>there are over 700 billion Chinese men

How is that possible?

How do the least sexually desired men according to surveys reproduce so much?

Attached: pretty-white-girl-muslim-boyfriend.jpg (719x719, 59K)

social rape

The 2 people in the OP are both Caucasians, they belong to the same 'race'.

Attached: 7ce8efdc8d896516d3b009198d9e103e.jpg (1000x1000, 111K)

Chinese men are literally the least rapey in the world

500 billion Indians
700 billion Chinese

I actually laughed really hard at this

Seek help creepy incel bastard

because society were homogeneous in past and people didn't care what other races think of their attractiveness.

They are genociding the local females

Sophia Diamond has nice tits, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a nice anything else

>1.15-1.19 sex ratio
holy fuck 200 million incels are out there

based pvrsian bvll browning mayos

Because racial cohesion works better than diversity. The reason whites aren't reproducing as much is because there are niggers and poos festering their population and gene pool.

Not really
White nations had their baby boom and most of the population is too old to reproduce

Most Asian and African countries are majority aged 0-20

Just look at this beautiful female for instance. Just imagine how ugly and disgusting their offspring would look. Being the most desired race and having physical traits that other races don't have and can be destroyed through race-mixing brings consequences.

he's not as fucked up as the austrian incel though

Attached: 1555695538675.jpg (2096x3024, 1.67M)

the guy is also caucasian and is good looking so the offspring will still be most likely good looking.

>Just look at this beautiful female for instance. Just imagine how ugly and disgusting their offspring would look. Being the most desired race and having physical traits that other races don't have and can be destroyed through race-mixing brings consequences.

Attached: prototypical-unattractive.jpg (531x457, 11K)

except that his skin has the color of shit and so are his poopeyes
not even mentionning his nigger nose

That child wouldn't be white Pajeet.

who decide what color is good and what is bad?.He looks fine also anyway the offspring will be lighter than him and there are plenty of white people with nose like that.

so what?

stop being delusional, he looks like the average sand dweller monkey

Holy fuck dude have sex

The beautiful women you desire so much, you're making them go extinct, that's what.

Why do people fall for these bait threads


Having sex wouldn't change my beliefs in the slightest. Grow up.

It would. You would stop caring about the sex lives of women who would never give you a shred of a attention

>t. faggot without a pair

I am just saying that its wrong it say that their kids will be inferior in anyway also I don't necessarily support racemixing.

That's what masturbation does. Sex would only make me feel better about what I already perceive of others, reinforce my beliefs in order to secure the future of my children.

Naw man you need to stop worrying about who other people are fucking. Read what you wrote this isn’t a normal response to givwn

You don't reason with the Dutch poster, he's an autist along with the Canada posters and brazil posters

A lot of them don’t have jawlines/socially inept. Their cultures unironically suppress sexual desire the most, so an Asian needs to stray away from their domineering family to slay. Many choose to be incel to appease their family until they find a femincel. Nowadays tho, Asian gems do w.e. the fuck they want so their male counterparts become gigaincels.

Indian and Chinese women themselves are ugly, they have no choice. Indians still have arranged marriages and are sexless after they’re done popping out babies.

Having sex would secure the future of your children. Therefore, have sex. And sperging out about the imaginary child of two people on an anime image board isnt helping.

This isn't about inferiority, it's stating a basic fact that can't be ignored, and that it will flush away its white parent's identity.

Back to Jow Forums I’m white as well but you sound crazy

Clearly, based on what most people believe, it wouldn't. If you think that white children are safe from the genocidal approach of diversity simply by having sex, you are mistaken.

so this was not you?.yeah,I do agree that races are biologically different and each has unique culture and their own identity so its better to not racemix.

What do you call a white-Indian child? Do you call them white? Indian? Neither. They lose their identity.

>Wow man you need to stop caring about the possible consequences of a selfish act.

Cope. You don't care about the identity of the child. You just dislike the act becuase "muh white princess."

I rather two consenting adults who like each other reproduce then being forced to because you look the same.

It's not like I care about what other people do. I simply observe, and then choose whether to tolerate it or not. Just as you are in this thread, supporting this couple for whatever reason. Does that show you care about them? No, we're simply discussing a topic.

I would agree with that only if there were strict immigration laws around Europe.

>Just imagine how ugly and disgusting their offspring would look.
I can't imagine that because both have amazing facial structure, unlike you, jawless incel freak.

The reason is actually that people have to study until they are old and then cant even buy a house. Let alone raise a family. And the boomers dont allow their children to have babies in their house. Nor do they support them financially to move out and start a family.

how are there so many of them?

And raising a kid has also become more expensive. A century ago people just pooped out 8 kids and expected them to raise each other. And wear each others clothes.

he (you) (tenma) is more fucked up than elliot rodger, and it's a wonder he hasn't killed anyone yet

thank you planned obsolescence

>It's a wonder he hasn't killed anyone
Maybe he has and we just don't know about it.

White women were made for brown cock. How can whites even compete?

>Just imagine how ugly and disgusting their offspring would look.
Honestly? Not sure how many mixed people you’ve actually seen but it would probably look something like pic related.

Attached: 3FD3989D-3F39-457B-9B53-CA6DDCD725E8.jpg (750x748, 334K)

It's not that they reproduce too much, it's just that white males are the biggest cucks on the planet unable to reproduce or keep their women satisfied.

Attached: 1573029186942.jpg (1959x7719, 3.29M)

>What are religious dogmata
>I don't think there are non-western/non-individualistic societies on earth
>Marriage is free everywhere


How are they the same race?

I think he means they’re both Caucasoid.

Indians are majority Caucasian. They would just be white in America

They're not. One is mexican and the other is white

The guy isn't Mexican lol. Mexicans are short dark and not asiatic looking

Pic related is mexican and the guy in the OP kinda looked like him, is all.

Attached: mexican.jpg (614x768, 101K)

Hello tenda :)

The average Indian man is ugly compared to the average middle-easterner. I mean it’s funny how Indian men want to look like arabs when arabs want to look like whites.

Indian men want to look like Arabs?

Arabs have lighter skin but they're no way better looking. Indians want to look white not Arab. What a cope

ITT:seething white incels
just be attractive and white women wil llike you, the " white race" doesn't need incel genes ayy lmao

Indians either want to be Arab, Persian or Italian. Also Greek. This is from what I’ve visually documented on the internet and real life.

Why would they want to go from brown to slightly less brown. That makes zero sense. Maybe they say they pretend to be either of those if they're light skinned but why would they want to be ethnic white

And are we talking about aziz ansari looking Indians? Saudis and some Persians look like Indians. There used to be a Persian here who looked Punjabi

He's by far one of the cringiest specimens Jow Forums ever had.

>same race
Indians are caucasoids

Attached: caucosoids.jpg (900x383, 101K)