Only Americans could think "Lesbians in Space" was a good idea

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tfw she has a manlier jaw than me

I am 100% in favour of space lesbians.

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nobody ever dared to put a thai in space

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Lesbians are based, straight women are just pretty semen receptacles.

>straight women are just pretty semen receptacles
What's wrong with having a purpose in life?

hmm, I thought they weeded out people with mental conditions or sociological disorders from space launches?

Stay away from Walmart.

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oh I don't shop there. now, you ought to stay out of New Zealand!


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imagine being a lesbian

just imagine the constant drama and bickering



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Why do you always make anti-american and anti-western threads? I've been noticing you're making these for quite some time now
Are you being paid to post here or just some bored NEET trying to demoralize? Either way that's pathetic

>Neither Western nor American on the defense
Fuck off. I hope a Palestinian rapes your asshole

please never post again

As opposed to the general 40 % divorce rate of straight couples?


only a modern phenomenon, much like the acceptance of socially unhealthy lifestyles

Well are you going to answer me, chink?

please never post again

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aren't lesbian relationships known for being especially abusive

I wasn't paying attention to the news here, but they said she hacked the account of her "companion" (companheira) and I thought she hacked the account of another astronaut.


>Woman commits first crime on earth
>Woman commits first crime in space
Like pottery

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a Russian scientist committed the first murder on Antarctica

The book thing? I don't blame him. Some faggot told me the end of The Magic Mountain and I just cut ties with him.

2 mentally ill people living together
What could go wrong?

So a normal day in Russia 2.0


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Is that a well known incel in Russia?

>1959 – The Vostok Station (cтaнция Bocтoк), then a Soviet research station in Princess Elizabeth Land, was the scene of a fight between two scientists over a game of chess.[7][2][8] When one of them lost the game, he became so enraged that he attacked the other with an ice axe.[8][7][2] According to some sources, it was a murder,[8][7][2] though other sources say that the attack was not fatal.[9] Afterwards, chess games were banned at Soviet/Russian Antarctic stations.[7][8]

>100% of the crime in space was done by lesbians
Really makes you think

Guy in pic just looks like our "popular" "comedian"..

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