
doug the chink in the blue shorts edition

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wouldnt have that doug

sucking a black

Doug is foing to be fuming

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just got here, how's everybody FOYing?

>2 and a half years
why so lenient?

giving lenient jail sentences to ethnics is the 21st century white man's burden

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Those girls are rough as fuck

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if gods omniscient right then he knows enough to make everyone speak english so we dont have to waffle their shite fucking imagine speaking another mans tongue how degrading it would be its our greatest acheivement britain could sink into the ocean tomorrow and the world would still have the anglos cock in its mouth

middle and far right aren't bad at all

Residence: Yank's head
Rent: Absolutely free

the tower of babel

who let the retard make the new?

the tower of shite

Pussy so wet ima need goggles

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I don't know, why did you make the new?

woah, I have been btfo

Far left and far right are the only decent ones.

doug stretching out his eyelids wondering how the other people do it

Hello good morning
I just took my meds
look how cute this thing is

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wank and then sleep

Why are yanks so obsessed about Doug?

would unironically live in someone's head if it were went free

I think it's just that one yank

A black cookie dips in milk.

it's the opposite, doug. you're absolutely obsessed with us. read the last thread

ah yes
the morning banquet

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what the fucks that horrid bastard

Yanks are envious of me that's why

Mate you won't believe what I just saw yesterday
I saw a British man going to the store with his Finnish gf
He sounded like he was from the norf and he was rather.. erm chunky

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I'm envious of a chink mutt who lives with his mom

OMG stop hitting on me yank I'm not gay!!!!

we love you Doug

What about his gf?

ofc you would tubby

*slaps my belly*
all bought and paid for

youre a bit gay

Yanks can't stop fantasising about me

Mental how the Wii outsold the PS3 and XBox 360 combined just because people were so impressed with waggle controls.

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yeah I remember how lackluster it was on release
fell flat on it's face
people thought they were going to get fit from it

sort of like this one here
the usual mate

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I thought I'd be having sword fights and shit

what is this from

something apple related, surely.

She had been having a cup of black tea.

The first year was fucking great they were releasing loads of fun proper games and some waggle but then they realised how much money they could make from the wagglers and stopped making proper games and started selling mongs bathroom scales.

wii sports is like the only fond memory I have of it.

nearly went pro in wii bowling but decided to focus on studying instead

i mean wii spowarts is like the only like fowand memurry i hayave of it creg

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Mario Galaxy is legit one of the best games ever made. I still play it on emulator. It and it's sequal are insanely good. Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess were brilliant too along with fun waggle games like Warioware but all that stuff came out in the first year, they clearly realised how much of the 'non gamer' audience bought the Wii and just pandered to that audience. They tried the same thing with the Wii U and failed hard so had to start making actual games again.

she would absolutely get it 136 ways from sunday my god

can you all please stop calling me a poof? its starting to hurt my feelings

had a girl try to do the jump-into-a-split move in bed but her vagina completely missed my cock and squashed my balls with her knee

Yanks like to talk big but as soon as you knowledge them they get all shy like girls

More of a sm64 man myself.

I was thinking about getting a dolphin bar just to piss around with, I bet you could do some cool shit with it.

>More of a sm64 man myself.

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I loved sm64 and sunshine but I never got around to playing galaxy for some reason

go on
do something thai

oi, it was revolutionary at the time, many happy childhood memories. I still watch speed runs and races of it sometimes.

is a bagel an adequate brekkie?

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No. Go buy barbecue chips

Galaxy is more linear, it feels like more a proper translation of the 2D 'just get to the end of the level' style Mario games than the other 3D Mario games which are more about exploring a big level but the games are so good. Great levels and pacing. Amazing music too.

The wii u ones are alright, like super mario 3D world, linear levels and an overworld like the classics. Fully playable on emulator too, can get a better fps than the console if you've got a decent PC.

successfully applied for neetbux lads

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Lads is it normal to poo blood?

rmember that guy crying on the star vids trailer



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I wouldn't worry about it lad

el tanque...

I haven't played it but the Wii U one looks more 2.5ish, compared to Galaxy's full 3D levels. I haven't played it but I'll probably give it a go eventually. Mostly hoping for switch emulation to get good so I can play Odyssey.

Do you like Zelda? BotW is probably the best Zelda game but it is so different it might as well be entirely different franchise.

what is this image meant to convey

I liked mario when i was 8 months old too. Now im too busy shagging. Enjoy your computer games "lads". Ive got a ten inch willy and a Porsche. Fucking dickheads. Fucking scum. Im shagging. im knobbing

it's abstract mate

Have you internal piles burst



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a girl likes me lads
she's fit too, fit enough to be an instagram thot

what a bitch

same but i dont think she likes me, quite the opposite

get in there

Need Emma Watson to splatter chunks of diarrhea all over my face.

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it would suck so hard to be asian in america
you'd have to find one of those weird nigger women that like asians

well worth a play since CEMU is so good.
I think Yazu will be amazing in 2020, they've made so much progress in such a short amount of time. I liked OOT but I find Zelda games a bit of a grind and can't really find the motivation to play BotW.

Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?

Because they lactose

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As a cuckold fetishist I'm so turned on by stuff like this

we know you're a cuckold, emmamutt. no need to tell us

shut the *piano stab* up

you hair looks nice
you look like good fun
If I give you a rose
will you finger my bum?

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noriyaro is such a lazy australian nigger
upload a video already cunt

You arrive in....

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