You can express your feelings in this thread, I'll start
You can express your feelings in this thread, I'll start
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>express your feelings
what are you a fucking faggot OP? just kidding #gays4life lol xDD +1 ahve a upvote and a golden coin YAYYYAY YAYYAY AOSYSOOSYSYOYSOYSossyYsoysoyOnions!!! YIPIYPIPI yooo dood what the frick brother heheh hehehehehhe voices wehre are the voices coming ffrromm lool XDDDD sooajojsaaj hahahah soeeee etf etec etfc etcfe etcnf
my feelings are somewhere between suicidal and psychopathic anger. I need a beer
hahaha wat the frick is that hhhhh poiink greeen iiaahha XDxxDDD lol jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjuihu
That is a jew. I recognize those rat like faces anywhere.
I fucking hate this roastie and anyone posting her
Probably smells like fucking shit
I'm calm because following my I Ching prediction i sold my ETH long time ago and moved it into other shitcoins which have weathered the storm quite well and according to the reading all i have to do is wait
>doesnt even hurt anymore
>g2g to my wagecage
buying the big dipper
I wish I had sold at 400 or something like that.
I lost so much life savings
worst part is, I sold some of my stocks at a LOSS to buy crypto, and now those stocks are up while my crypto is down 70%
what the fuck is going to happen to this dude
only 6 days of this shit left
what are you a fucking faggot OP? just kidding #gays4life lol xDD +1 ahve a upvote and a golden coin YAYYYAY YAYYAY AOSYSOOSYSYOYSOYSossyYsoysoyOnions!!! YIPIYPIPI yooo dood what the frick brother heheh hehehehehhe voices wehre are the voices coming ffrromm lool XDDDD sooajojsaaj hahahah soeeee etf etec etfc etcfe etcnf
He's... He's evolving.
lmao the true Jow Forums way
m-my bit corns and monoro aren't worthless, right?
>tfw went all-in ETH from BTC at 0.054
Hey guys, at least we're all in this together.
Feels better man.