Americans be like "Support universal healthcare? But that would help black people!"

Americans be like "Support universal healthcare? But that would help black people!"

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It would enable them to be even more leeches than they already are and cost even more

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We really do finna be like that

fucking nigger

>cites a blog

You’re not French, Cletus. I’m reporting you to the French customs for importing an illegal amount of biomass into the country you fat sack of shit.

>say something racist
>americans immediately assume you are american
this so retarded, amerifats are the most leftist faggots on this thread
by the way if i say this it's because our niggers are the exact same and there is no slavery excuse, niggers are trash no matter where they go

>Americans be like "Support universal healthcare? But that would help poor fat people!"

Americans be like

Americans be like *confuses racial for class issues and assumes all black people are poor and helpless and uneducated because everyone america sterotypes black ppl especially ppl who are """helping""" them*

Yes, Cletus, you are American.
Yes, Cletus, you are a smooth brained subhuman.
Yes, Cletus, you will be detained and deported back to your southern shithole.
Burn in hell you disgusting cockroach.

You're no less a leach than them, you just get praised for using public works while they get berated. Kys mon frogito querido

Stop being a retard

you pay for them then

*tips fedora*

>*tips fedora*

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You’re not white.

That makes no sense. White people work and pay taxes, we never benefit from social programs. Black people don't work and live on benefits/drug dealing/both.

ok racist

it's a good point. if Afrikanized Peoples living in the US want government cheese so bad, let them collect the money from their own government (various African nations and tribes)

Maybe mutts should've found someone else to cook meals and wipe their asses for them then.

I don't want my tax dollars to help deadbeats.

I don’t want chemotherapy and insulin to bankrupt people

>Americans be like: Where would we have the money for wars in the middle east if we spend it on healthcare and education?

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A little too late for that, gayboy
even discounting citizens in the US, a significant portion of your tax dollars are going to bootboys that get paid to sit around in the desert for 4 years because they were too dysfunctional for society
"NOT MUH TAXES" is most surefire way to spot a retard

I don't approve of our military spending either, for what it's worth.

I want my tax dollars to help people. Fuck and make him pay too lmao.

They really do be like this
Spending billions in illegal wars is perfectly ok but no healthcare for grandma, that would be communism

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>cost even more
they already cost more because they resort to crime, which affects more people on a level that those people can't deal with.
the gubmint however can

fair enough.
I just don't abide by the belief that your tax dollars going to poor deadbeats is any worse than them going to rich deadbeats

lol in europe they have fully paid healthcare, social housing, welfare etc and they are just as criminal as in usa

This is like raging about paying for roads you'll never drive on

>we wypipo
>"social programs"
Why are you talking like a mutt? Why don't you go back yo your country?

except most of your crime is because of muzzies that get sheltered by your media
and even then taking away benefits from benign coloreds won't stop the malignant ones from continuing to degrade your society

>and they are just as criminal as in usa
are you retarded? france is like 8% black and still has a lower murder rate than white americans

roads help people at least

and healthcare doesn't? mutt tier post

So does national health insurance

quoi parce que "aides sociales" c'est tellement différent de "programmes sociaux" ? c'est la même merde on les paye à rien foutre ici comme là-bas
je "parle comme eux" parce que j'ai une éducation et que je sais parler anglais, va te faire foutre

lol no, i really doubt arabs are any more criminal than blacks outside of terrorism

being slightly less bad than americans (for now) is nothing to be proud of

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blacks arent people and dont help anybody

Les aides sociales c'est pour tout ceux qui y sont éligibles. Les immigrés n'ont pas d'aides sociales qui leur sont réservés. J'espère que tes parents n'ont jamais touché les allocs, mongolo.

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Idiot garbage eaters like you really do want all of humanity to race to the bottom

People unironically do not think beyond their own households here. Nothing matters to them except themselves and the value of their home they plan to sell

>les noirs et les arabes sont défavorisés ils ont moins d'argent aà cause du racisme institutionnel blanc bla bla bla
>ah non mais ils touchent pas plus d'argent que les autres par contre :))
Putain mais qu'est-ce que c'est con. Si tu veux un exemple plus concret on peut regarder les budgets de l'urbanisme en zone rurale vs les budgets de l'urbanisme en banlieue Parsienne.
Et d'ailleurs j'ai jamais parlé d'immigrés, je suis moi-même immigré d'Europe de l'Est, j'ai parlé de NEGRES et de BOUGNOULES.
Et non je n'ai bien évidemment jamais reçu un seul centime de la part de l'état Français, si t'es blanc et que t'as des diplômes c'est toi qui doit payer pour entretenir des millions de fils de pute.

free abortions are always a great idea, the best one

so you literally admit that you'd rather have yourself and the whole country cucked than risk non-whites benefiting as well? Americans are mentally ill, all of you. Enjoy your $100000* hospital bills
*$50000 with insurance

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>lol no, i really doubt arabs are any more criminal than blacks outside of terrorism
looks like you've taken every blue pill your nation has offered you
did you already forget the truck?

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this butthurt is all the proof you need that at least half of the american flags posting here are blacks and chicanos

>All the american flags coming to the defence of negroes.

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>all results are from england and from the same affairs
>actually paki
>all of europe is great britain

American intellectuals

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>je suis moi-même immigré d'Europe de l'Est
You're not French.

Wow are you saying blacks and arabs aren't French either then ? Fucking racist

Si t'es pas français et pas content tu peux toujours réemigrer sinon ça devrait pas être compliqué.

>no I don't want healthcare because niggers might get it too!
>another 30 billion for Israel? Of course! Anything to support our greatest ally

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Non, je veux me battre pour la race blanche et pour rendre l'Europe aux Européens.

Most people support universal healthcare. We’ve been trying to enact it since the 1910s. It’s just aggressive lobbying by the AMA with a handful of pundits and genuinely useful idiots assisting them that make it seem like an impossible and/or unpopular notion.

>encore un nazi slave

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Kill them both.

*taxcut for the rich*

>No u

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fuck poor people, we need to execute them or ship them to south america

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A majority of welfare recipients are white
Doesn't matter, whites still use more of the budgets for social programs while acting superior to brown people doing the exact same thing. Also, minority communities are more likely to have 2 or more part time jobs that don't give them benefits or high enough wages, leading to the government subsidizing their food and healthcare.

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Wrong but thanks for trying

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I make $10 more than you, time to line up against the wall, Juan

Might as well link to the dailystormer.

Based first ally

unironically based americans

Sigh.. we don't have borders, how the fuck can be afford to pay for health care for anyone and everyone in the world that steps on this soil?

Of course you cannot answer this question.

>we don't have borders

juan makes $10/hr mowing lawns, $110k/yr in a low-mid CoL is much more than that

We don't have borders, there is a flimsy checkpoint and once you are past there there is zero internal enforcement.

people who hate black people because of crime should honestly be all for helping black people become less poor and have more opportunities. white people created a monster, and endlessly whine about it and then actively want to go against fixing the problem they created.

>what is ice

there are over 10 million illegals and many of the democrats proposing the free health care plan on letting illegals use it for free as well, creating even more incentive for people to rush over the border and shit out their children

>da wyte man made me rob dat stor and shoot them folks! i aint got control over ma own body it da wyte man who doin dat and makin me sit at home collectin welfare instead of getting da jobs!

More like
>That would fund abortion

Mexico already has national health insurance

do racists ever have sex?

Reminder that all of the cringeworthy ‘70s/‘80s racist memes like are coming from literal unironic boomers who found this place via r/thedonald.

I useless do nothing organization full of mexicans.

Why can't you address the issue?

>source: voxday.blogpost
>Theodore Robert Beale, also known as Vox Day, is an American far-right activist

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go outside

Mexicans (and possibly Central Americans as well) already have better access to healthcare than sharts do. Much like fearmongering over “open borders” your memes have no basis in reality.

There is no fear mongering we do have open borders.

Why can't you assholes address the question, how can we possibly pay for everyone in the world when it comes to universal health care?

That is going to address how to pay for universal health care when you don't have borders or a nation?

Your question is flawed because based on the incorrect (and ludicrous) notions that 1) the United States have “open borders” and 2) we will be paying for “the world’s” healthcare.

Okay, then just omit the word world, the issue and question still stands.

We have millions and millions of people pouring in every single year, how do we pay for that?

Proofs that we have “millions and millions” of people “pouring in” who won’t be contributing to the program?

Oh so your answer is they will be contributing so it will work out.

Okay, why did you not simply say that to begin with?

>when an American goes muhh heritage

>t. black niggers

I cannot tell if you’re illiterate or you’re being purposely disingenuous, but I’m still waiting for your proof on those figures. You also ought retract your “open borders” claim as it has no basis in reality.

Just fuck off.

There is an underlying issue regardless about your hair splitting over nomenclature.

I really hope you’re a useful idiot and you’re doing this for free, because otherwise your handler is not getting their money’s worth.

Jow Forums is a black board. If you don’t like it, get out whitey.

Surely you could employ more honest rhetoric if it was truly a pressing and serious issue? It’s not a good sign when you’re lying straight out of the gate.

There is no lying, you just refuse to accept what is going on and just want to rebuke things you consider "right wing".