Jupiter btfo

Jupiter btfo

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That's pretty based. MaKEKron btfo. Hypocrite Euros btfo.

The French government and mossad had muslim burn the church. It was completely deliberate.

Pretty fucking based

he topped it up by laughing at Juno too


true, I think this is also what Bolsonaro was implying here

Macacas can't seem to figure out the difference between a forest and a rainforest

Brazil is one of the most violent country in the world
6% of brazilians live in slums
Why do huemonkeys lack self awareness

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France is also a violent 3rd world nigger muslim shithole. I'd say something like 30% of the country is a nigger slum. I won't dare say anything about Brazil because we are unironically worse.

how in god's name is france worse than brazil
are you out of your mind

Must be the mentally ill portumutt
Good thing summer holidays are over soon

It is just the anti french guy who spam every threads about France

You've probably never lived in paris

neither have they

That's why you have no idea how it actually is. And honestly after my studies i have considered moving to Brazil because it looks better than France. I have already done a semester in Chile and it was much safer, cleaner, more quiet, more civilized than France.

>seethe so much about a country like this

I'm just stating facts m8

Haha, cry more bitch

>Paris is all France

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pls stop
think of the trees

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it might as well be, the rest of the country is simply living on borrowed time

>here's some free money bro
>n-no you
brilliant politics

Did he already forget the fire at their largest national museum?

What city have you researched? You do know the country is much more than that.

He's completely correct funnily enough.

Conveniently forgotten

Bolsonaro said he will only accept the money once Macron apologizes for calling him a liar and implying the sovereignty of the Amazon was open to discussion.

Meanwhile Argentina sent 200 firefighters without sperging out because they are true bros, pretty based to be desu.

He wasn't in charge then to be fair.

Hes just trying to find a nobel prize somewhere in the Amazon

I mean its pretty clear the entire situation is about the trade deal, not the Amazon fire. Macron just uses it as a proxy to pressure Brazil.