is anyone still holding this out there?
Wanchain general
>muh interoperability alliance
Kek. no way bro. Never buying another Chink coin again.
Holding since ico
still up 2x
I'll probably hold until 0
of course, dustin stealth mode project is releasing soon, wan 3.0 coming soon too integrating bitcoin. solid hold
Its not a Chink coin duhhh .. everything has tanked --literally everything. With release of 3.0 I don't see why interoperability alliance would fail. ICON, AION and WAN are as legit as it gets.
> Just BTFD
How does it compare to ETH? Any top dApps?
That’s a lot of 7’s but I’m pretty sure these guys already cashed out and bought Ferraris
unfortunately holding also since ico.. 50k+ wan. yes it hurts
Quads means you know something we don't
You could have retired somewhere in europe of you sold at ath
55% tax in my country - also the reason i did not cash out...
Is WAN launching any new ICOs OP?
Best retirement places??? I was thinking Maldives or Thailands for nice thots
Maldives pfft
>not a Chink coin
Look at their team page haha
>Icon as legit as it gets
You lost all credibility right there. Just kill yourself or at least get a vesectomy. Whatever you do don't reproduce. Fuck those gooks, most obvious scam there is after VeChain. How heavy are those bags?
Kek, nice try normie. You don't know shit. Stick with American coins like RChain, DAG or HOT. Yes, those are my holdings, because unlike you I actually know coins have the potential to flip ETH.
Yeah they have an incubator program called wanlabs with various projects
when wan?
when cryptocurve?
Just look at the technical team pic on their twatter
Cryptocurve looks pretty neat
>Cryptocurve looks pretty neat
Thanks, pajeet.
hurr durr