ETH to $57 minimum

What do the fags of you who think they know things think of this?

Attached: haejin.png (1647x899, 95K)

It's all over

>What do the fags of you who think they know things think of this?

I would also like to buy in at a lower price.

300k 2020

calling 57$ per eth in a bear market is like calling eth 5000$ in a bullrun

doubtful. that would require millions of eth dumping.

And with the minimum required amount of ETH for the proof of stakes thing only being 32 it will be quite affordable. Even at a modest $40 that's only $1280. Everyone and their mothers mother has ETH up the ass anyway.

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I have my doubts about that.
ICOs don't have enough left and they are the big hodlers who must sell to survive.
Other whales are just early inveators who invested, for them, small amounts and already cashed out their initial and some gains

>semi-log chart


always avoid the ends of the spectrum, it NEVER happens.

i see $150 tops

unironically this. some of us are here for tech

Please to do the needful good sirs!

agree it will go to 0. lol at the bull fags who said it will never dump again in january. but this time it is different - bear friends it WILL GO TO ZERO

>he doesn't know what minimum means

>the fags of you

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People underestimate the fear of a bear market. Last year I was arguing with a random person on the internet who said eth would never drop to $250 because then everyone would "go all in" and get rich. $170 eth just a few weeks ago would have been considered an "all-in" proposition.

>logarithmic in one axis
semi-log chart
>logarithmic in all axis
log chart

I'm okay with this but only give a shit about ETH/BTC since I only trade abject shitcoins to increase my BTC stack. I wonder what that puts the ETH BTC ratio at but that's also dependent on how badly BTC gets blown out too

Look, you can draw how many meme lines you want, at the end of the day, it's still just a shitcoin dispenser.

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that sentence is giving me a migraine. work on your english.

i don't really think it will drop below 100 at the worst. much like said

You work on your english