So my native is Hungarian. My second native because being born here and was taught properly in it is Romanian...

So my native is Hungarian. My second native because being born here and was taught properly in it is Romanian, my primary school was in Hungarian but the university classes I took in Romanian.
The third language I speak fluently is English. I had some basic education in German and French but I ignored them for years, will work on both. Currently can read news, watch movies, send you a simple email in them.
Apparently I am a polyglot genius if I manage to get to decent levels of the last two languages I just mentioned.
How about you Jow Forums?

Attached: D27B3539-E0E3-4A55-AB4E-4035F9CA0522.jpg (650x607, 160K)

>The third language I speak fluently is English.
>literally the whole post is filled with basic grammar mistakes and missing words
this is your brain on Hungarism

>seething proxyfag

Im a native Dutch speaker. I'm fluent in English. Can hold a basic conversation in German and watch German television, but cant really spell it properly.

I had Dutch, English, German, French and latin in school. Studied some Spanish as a hobby and I followed two Spanish courses in university. I also studied some Italian on my own, but eventually I decided to focus on Spanish. But Im a bit to busy for hobbies these days.

What makes you think I'm using a proxy?

*too busy

Much same as yours. Native(turkick), Russian and English. Also learning Turkish.

>tfw you don't have to learn a new language because your native language is the most dominant

my brother :)

you are a tatar?
Люблю тaтapы

he's bashkir

You are a genius
I can only speak Japanese

I speak galician, spanish and catalan. fuck other eur*Peoid languages.

i only speak finnish. fuck e*ropean languages

Can't most people in Hungary, Italy and Portuguese speak English?

>Learning languages for the sole purpose of communication

The most based countries on the list

Slovene, English, German, kinda know Serbo-Croatian and learning a bit of Japanese

Well the Hungarians of Hungary are notorious for being retarded with foreign languages. Only Jow Forums tier nerds will be able to speak English.

And what will you do with Japanese?

I honestly do it for just that.

Makes sense considering Hungarian is closer to Turkish than German for example

Let’s see numerals.

What do you like in tatars?
How did you know?


Hungarian originated somewhere in Kazakhstan by Uralic speaking people. They did come here with Turkic migrants. They did use Turkic runes too for a while.
Slavs and Germans share a common history too, but they are still different.

Attached: 236D3D32-6C75-4C15-90A8-153FA97A8D15.jpg (762x461, 86K)

dunno i have to much free time, something new out of Indo-European languages specter, it looks,sounds interesting and im a bit of a weeb

outside the spectrum of Indo-European****


Had no idea so many Danes speak German

Native Norwegian here.

Decent in English, can understand written German.

Obviously swedish and Danish, but they don't count.

because I am a turkish bashkir mutt 1/4 just like OP.

you can find my compilations of me here :

I like my cuman heritage.

Attached: samefaggot.png (1208x1148, 303K)

but i do have grey wolf eyes and freckles

The best thing about being an Anglophone is that men, being attracted to the mathematical aspect of languages (grammar, syntax, etc), detest our noble tongue

Women, meanwhile, enjoy the flowery language and sentiment behind a Shakespearean sonnet

Very nice

I speak Russian, German and English fluently.
I also learned Spanish in school and currently I'm learning Polish.