Why do they love each other so much?

They were allies in ww2

Half of all weeabos are german.

Many japanese learn german.

I thought germans only liked blonde and blue eyed people (scandinavians).

What am I missing here in this unlikely love story?

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Other urls found in this thread:


They are both racist and rude

Similar mentality. They're the Germans of Asia.

WW2 memes



They are cute

No one gives a shit about japan except retarded weebs

They share our autism

ive imported many things from a german online store. cheap as shit despite the shipping. will never buy these from a japanese store


Super cringe.

They are both kind of autistic and antisocial, mostly by guilt driven enviroment and the alienation caused by it.

what things did you buy from us my friend

t. retarded weeb

>Half of all weeabos are german.
What are you talking about? Most people here only know DBZ, One Piece, Detective Conan and other very popular animes

Lots of similarities, but also enought differences to keep things exciting.

Also Japan and Germany never really get in touch with each other, there really isn't anything political or economical forcing us to do things with each other and we are also on the opposite side of the planet. All German-Japanese diplomacy is based off genuine interest and appreciation of each others culture, truly the purest form of diplomacy.

the jew fears the samurai

>Half of all weeabos are german.

Many japanese learn german.

I never hear it.

l really miss the MANLY Germany back then, because Germs now had turned into fucking a a libtard, and I've heard that the Germany Bank is about to go bankrupt.

both are war criminals and help each other to cover their crimes

You've got too much American politics intus, German left =/= libtard. There are some libtards in uni but that special breed of left gets trashed by the left all the time here since "instead of solving any problems it just distracts everyone with identity politics"

Coming from the third of the three amigos

>I'm kike and my opinion is blablabla

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They both like to consume plastic

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I wish it would be better. It's so long ago that we did some cool project together and the cultural exchange was unironically tighter during 3rd reich. For example, youth organizations had exchange programs back then. But nowadays kids only learn through Pokémon or DBZ that japan exists. Sad.

Of course it's your flag that has a problem with people getting along.

I didn't even notice
OP absolutely BTFO

I really wonder if Germany has a similar atmosphere in May to that of Japan in August. This depressing atmosphere.

bruh you starved 3 million indians, why do you think you stand on any moral high ground?

August in Japan is hell so no

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Japan und Deutschland in ewiger Freundschaft vereint gegen das Weltjudentum.

Sieg Heil! 天皇陛下万歳!

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Japanese don't care about Germans

They're the Brits of Asia.

the only depressing season is winter but its also comfy as fuck because of christmas markets and stuff like that

we have a 365 day depression season

They care about my BWC, that's all I need to know.

>war criminals
It's all Allies/Anglo propaganda to justify 2 nukes, when will you learn.

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its just you bro. maybe kill yourself

They still do this kind of atrocity propaganda with fake af photos.

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Anglos heavily promoted atrocity propaganda in WW1, like "German soldiers bayoneted a baby and raped women in Belgium."
They just followed suit with WW2, "Japanese soldiers bayoneted a baby and raped women in Nanking."
Even this day, brainlets fall for these fake and gay atrocity stories.

Japan likes Germany though. My dad was a scientist and he had to learn some basic German.
If anything, Germans used to dislike Japan maybe because Japan was copying their cars and such.

Do they?

It's just mutual understanding, we even supported them financially in some natural disasters that ocurred in their land

Yeah I'm sure Japs just wanted to spread peace and prosperity to chinks and rest of the pacific.
Just like Allied mass-bombing of civilian targets was completely and totally warranted.
Just like European colonies were about bringing civilization, education and stability to the new world and Africa.
Just like Ottoman empire simply deported the Armenians and totally didn't genocide them.
Just like US actions in Vietnam were totally fine and dandy.
All good boys that did nothing wrong.

Most nations have committed atrocities either towards their own population, neighboring countries or colonies.
Admit it, learn from it, move on from it.

>Germans used to dislike Japan maybe because Japan was copying their cars and such.
I've never heard of such a thing, if anything we never pay attention to things in Japan

not him and he's dumb for sure. but it's more complicated.
>is it true that there was a massacre in nanking?
yes there's no doubt
>is it true that there are many lies in “the nanking massacre” and “japanese war crimes” in general?
yes there's no doubt

you would think it's like holocaust denial but it's not. I actually hope westerners start to take japanese war crimes seriously like they did to germany.

there's a survey which shows germans used to dislike japan compared to other euros
I just guessed the reason

then you don't know shit about atrocity propaganda.
The US uses negative words only when it comes to Japan, like "Sneak Attack" "Rape of Nanking" "Death March"
all because they need to justify 2 nukes at all costs, and they never say "Hiroshima Civilian Genocide" when describing their war crimes.

Why do you spread lies on the internet? Goymany is the most self-hating, self-destructive, anti-white state in all of Europe, except Sweden. It is an actual anti-German state.

Based greatest ally. (((They))) fear the Samurai!

This is true. They also do this to cover up their own war crimes. Shameless.

Nah, thats because of the whale hunting. The whale hunting causes a buttload of bad PR

Never heard any. I only always liked Japan, my favorit country. Still to this day. The only problem I see is debt, but compared to our problems that is literaly nothing. I hope they remain Japanese

what the fuck i hate Germoney

Firebombings were worse than A bombings in wwii. Its just pomp and circumstance because big new weapon. Japanese are obsessed.

Sadly we are not very much like the Japanese

The person you replied to isn't German anyway

God if only either of our countries were. Imagen a homogeneous country with a strong cultural identity? I dont care about declining birth rates if it means our highest intellectual persuits arent directed towards identity politics.

Shouldn't have fought for (((them))) at the side of Stalin then; right this moment the ADL leads a total purge of anything remotely right-wing on Google owned YouTube.

>"Hiroshima Civilian Genocide"
I see nothing wrong with this statement. They should have nuked Tokio too just to watch the Japs chimp out even further.

Yeah shit's always more complicated especially when it's as old as ww2 with most people you could ask being dead and records being destroyed etc.

Then you seem to live in a world where nations don't do bad things. Except of course when they were done against your nation or nations you like.
Also I haven't seen any of this "justifying at any cost". All media I've ever consumed on the subject has stated something to the effect that they nuked Japan because they didn't want to lose troops and judged that invasion of mainland Japan would have been extremely costly.

I think people in UK and Japan are more similar than people think
most Japanese stereotypes are fucked up

Behold! The Eternal Anglo in his (almost) final form.

They firebombed tokyo which was a lot more damaging. the Japanese "Muh being nuked" is legitamently a meme.

True, but I cant exactly do anything about that now can I. God, I wish we all had comfy containment countries like isreal. There was a really cool black intellectual guy during the 1910's who wanted to move all the blacks back to africa and set up their own country. Also there was trys before this. if only...

Liberia is what happens when you send freed slaves to Africa to establish their own state. It has the same constitution as the USA. They enslaved the local blacks for 150 years and became slaver-dictators. Today: youtube.com/watch?v=ZRuSS0iiFyo

This is what Wakanda looks like in real life.

And truth be told; the game was rigged centuries before any of us was born. Check out the black book on freemasonry

I have nothing against Germans, and just to be clear, Japanese culture is superior to the degeneracy that is modern-day western culture.
The only issue here is that japs are autistic insectoids whose entire shithole of an island is a glorified anthill.
The best place in Asia, but keep in mind that flies are cleaner than the shit they land on - an analogy that I'm sure you krauts will understand.

They're cool.

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It's the only comparison that makes sense


The correct word is "anankastic" rather than "autistic".

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Why didn't they execute their manlet of an emperor? The chaos that follows would have been the spectacle of the century.

I think they should have done it
it could be like iraq tho

> whose entire shithole of an island is a glorified anthill.
Tokyo was the only big city in which I ever felt comfortable. it's clean, safe, orderly and has style; it's also still somewhat uniquely Japanese despite high-tech. The same cannot be said for Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, or god forbid Paris.

And Kyoto is downright comfy. I know no other metropolis which merges temples and high tech, clean city streets effortlessly. And if you want Westernization you can find that also, for whatever reason you would want that. Also no niggers, Jews or Arabs. What's not to like?

>Proving my point.

Get a fucking life! I am barely on Jow Forums and recognize you from months ago. Jesus Christ.

too serious

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>Also no niggers, Jews or Arabs. What's not to like?
Like I've said before, all of those sound comfy as hell but the only problem is with the people following that culture. I dream of a universe where Whites are the natives of Japan.

If whites were the natives of Japan, then the Japanese would face a future where they will be the minority in their own country. They have no white guilt, no suicidal altruism, no self-destructive liberalism that destroys their in-group preference and the list goes on. If anyone still stands a chance today, it are Japan and China. But indeed, mainlanders have many barbarians. Still a developing country; we'll see in 30 years or so. The new generation is also sophisticated.

>They have no white guilt, no suicidal altruism, no self-destructive liberalism that destroys their in-group preference and the list goes on.
None of those would be a problem if we followed Japanese culture instead, have you even read my previous posts?

Culture is a direct downstram from peoplehood. White guilt especially is a white racial weakness, mixed with secularized Christianity and liberalism.

Yah I know, it was great. To bad they didnt go 100 percent.

>Japanese culture is superior
Modern, most definitely, but personally I prefer the western culture at the turn of the century, before the two great wars cucked everyone. Japanese culture is interesting, but its pretty trite, formulaic, and petty. Reading doc's from turn of the century Euros and Americans is pretty great. Great writers and philosophers were a part of normal conversation, they could be proud of their culture while also not being surface level about it.

Because it was to appease the general pop at the time. chaos was the one things US didnt want as that makes it rip for communist growth.

I didn't say, it was generally superior; maybe currently. And they stand a better chance at survival. Look at any Western nation: USA, France, Germany, doesn't matter, it's a nightmare. Hostile, parasitic elites and (((elites))), cultural suicide and white genocide. And when you even dare to talk about it (((they))) call you a conspiracy theorist and terrorist now. Meanwhile 20 fucking years ago... theguardian.com/uk/2000/sep/03/race.world

>hand rubbing intensifies

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this The problem isnt white culture per se, its what it has become. As an Anglo-American, the transcendentalist pieces of Moby dick, Ulysses, and philosophers like Hegal, Kant and Locke speak much more to me than most Jap stuff, which I can appreciate, but have no misconceptions of it being my own. Think bioshock infinite aesthetic, minus the white guilt.

>The problem isnt white culture per se, its what it has become.
>It's not white culture, it's just white culture
And it is ONLY Western European culture which is like this, I may add. To a lesser degree even Russia and Eastern Europe.

More or less, but I think you can express it in such a way that people dont boggle at you, you just have to give it a bit of nuance and not be as blunt and competitive as you can be on the chans.

I really wish for the time when we can express and revel in our culture like the japs can and do. For example, western animation almost never tackles historical subjects, unless it is used as a critique or mockery. But in Japan you can get a romantic depiction of edo period. What I wouldnt give to see a similar one on something like the 16th through 18th century europe without being a twofaced hatemongerfest.

>It's not white culture, it's just white culture
Im saying the base is there, its the modern interpretation that sucks.


Well, despite the autistic chan memes, the facts ARE out there. For example a book about immigration, Islam and "Germansitan" future was the best-selling non-fiction book of all time past WW2. Similar case for Arabs and gang crime and the rest of it. Nothing has changed; everything ot worse; the left just ignores it and censors it. Just like now. With the help of the tech monopolies which are largely in (((hands))) and all (((patrolled))))

You'd have to go to German continental culture, if you want to avoid the current year; our present is the logical conclusion of Anglo-Saxon metaphysical materialism and rationalism, commercialism and individualism. Including gender theory and all the rest of it basically.

Is she autistic or what ?

we have asian equivalent of white guilt tho
it's not much different from the west, really. we see tons of brainlet sjws and brainlet reactionaries throw shit to each other. if anything, japan got that chaotic shit even earlier

indeed japan doesn't have many niggas and arabs but that's because of many reasons
it was supposed to be a good thing that japan became like fake isolationist to reflect on ww2
also a simply geographic reason
japan lost the right to join in a fight in overseas instead


Well, it's true that geography plays a big role. Africa and the Middle East are half the world away. However, if you really had a extremist, anti-Japanese left, you could easily import millions of South-East-Asians, nevermind Koreans. It's not as bad as Sub-Saharans and Middle Easterners, but ultimately would still replace the native culture, even more than the Americanization.

I do think the nukes made it easier for you to resist collective, eternal WW 2 guilt. Then Asian shame based culture is different from western guilt based culture. I was at Yasukuni Shrine where you had not only the shrine, but also the war museum glorifying ALL of Japanese war history and at the same time white doves of peace. We have a giant holocaust memorial and e got it right on time of unifcation to combat German nationalism.

So it's a mix of both, I'd say. Geography, culture; maybe racial differences, too. Religion is also a big point: shinto and buddhism instead of Christianity with some few pagan remnants in the culture.

>our present is the logical conclusion of Anglo-Saxon metaphysical materialism and rationalism, commercialism and individualism. Including gender theory and all the rest of it basically.

I'd pretty much agree. I've always been a fan of the more continental model, but sadly its kinda dieing out. The worst part is that when I try to convince someone the words are hard to express since its all about a fundamental change in discourse which people have a hard time understanding in the first place. They talk about the trees without seeing the forest.

I cannot speak from an asian perspective, but from the outside looking in, it seems like your version of "white guilt" seems far less pervasive. Having sizable populations of minorities in your country gives them and the sjw types the ammo they need to spite their shit, than increase the number of minorities to make it partially real in retrospect in a cyclical motion. They have dibs on the top of entertainment and industry.

Even if those memories make me sad, I've got to go forward, believing in future.
Even when i realize my loneliness and am about to lose all hope, these memories make me stronger.
I am not alone because of you.
Thank you.

The existence of the USA itself is down to a revolt of the merchant class against European nobility and its aristocratic values and traditions, lead by Freemasons, including Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, and I presume Rothschild money came into play long before the FED; among WASPs and Jews alike you'd have an easier time trying to teach an elephant bull ballet.

WW2 decided the fate of Europe, the West and ultimately the white race as a whole, I think. There is no way to reverse it; only to survive and maybe rebuild down the road. After we have been a hated, persecuted and tortured minority globally. But it's all coming at us like a bullet in slow motion.

>I am not alone because of you. Thank you.
You too jap friend

I am not a supporter of the theory of a concerted jewish/merchantile effort against the west, more of a passive one. I agree that the American revolution as a whole really wasnt that justifiable in retrospect and was partially due to mercantile pressure (and french support). Nevertheless I tend not to see things in absolutes, it was a partial rejection and partial development. Although desu I think the constitutional monarch bent was more effective in practice.

You can kind of categorize things into macros: White, european, Germanic, british, english, cornwall, etcs.

DESU one of my favorite history teachers was jewish, and becasue of that he had the jew card to explain some of the sketchy stuff jews did and explain the reasons why stuff happened without being called a nazi. He was pretty based.

in japan, radical anti-Japanese lefties are opposed to immigration because abe is not only conservative but also globalist and pro-immigration
I think there's a bigger reason why japan hasn't been taking a mass immigration policy. Japan is STILL really overpopulated compared to other first world countries in the west.

the war museum of Yasukuni has been considered super problematic for years. but the reason why they could do such things is that the govt can't do anything to “religious thing” after the US made japanese laws, which is very ironic, you know.
Yasukuni was built much before the ww2 and is the almost only proper memorial facility for japanese soldiers, but the emperor and PM had to stop visiting there and people think we need a new memorial place because of that

I know it's been much tougher for germany and germans tho

>I am not a supporter of the theory of a concerted jewish/merchantile effort against the west, more of a passive one.
TL;DR Freemasons pushed the Rothschilds and other key J families into positions of power in the 1700s, a fully century before their full emancipation. At which point the Freemasons and their lodges had already bought up half the aristocracy in Britain, merged with the Rothschilds; later the royal family. Just look at the Rothschilds today: majority English aristocratic stock. And it shows.

You are also saying this as the Js are purging everything right wing from the Tubes now and they have a near total monopoly.

>in japan, radical anti-Japanese lefties are opposed to immigration because abe is not only conservative but also globalist and pro-immigration
Sounds more like what you describe as radical leftist extremists are actually old timer social-democrats? They used to be super against immigration and pro the folk, when they still had to fight aristocracy especially. And immigration is indeed in the interest of capital and not labor. It's just that western neo-libs and (((elites))) have weaponized cultural marxism in service of their globalization agenda.

>Japan is STILL really overpopulated compared to other first world countries in the west.
Well, yeah. Japan is like 80% mountains and over 30 million live in greater Tokyo alone. BUT Germany is also very densly populated and we still took in over a million in one year alone. Alegedly 1,8 in 2018, too. Mostly Euros from Schengen though.

> the emperor and PM had to stop visiting there and people think we need a new memorial place because of that
Not sure, if that's a good idea. If you want to get on good terms with Korea and China, it might be the right thing. And necessary, because the USA has gone totally nuts; long before Trump actually. But you have to defend our culture, or you'll end up like us. And it's what's most precious after all. Your culture and your people.

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Thats pretty shitty user. I dont even like it when civil war monuments are taken down, and they have more of a reason to be than yours.

Rothschild thing I have to give you, they are so sketchy and their fingers are in so many things that a lot of stuff cant just be coincidence. Youtube thing is more a consolidated effort. Jews are in no way inconvenienced by the SJW type so the financiers let them roam free and gain passive benefits from it.

I really jive with what your talking about with the classical social democrats vs the nu-liberals. I remember when most politics was about wages stimulus packages and economics rather than roundabout identity politics and whataboutisms.

Not to derail the thread, but an addition.

Here is our president of the parliament celebrating 300 anniversary of freemasonry. He said, among other things, that all democracies of the West today are subject to the ideas and values of the Freemasons: freimaurerei.de/ansprache-300-jahre-freimaurerei-von-prof-dr-norbert-lammert/

>pic related
Merkel with B'nai B'rith; Zionist, Kabbalist, Freemason linked AND founding organization of the ADL. As usual open borders and diversity in the diaspora, but blood and soil in Israel.

> I remember when most politics was about wages stimulus packages and economics rather than roundabout identity politics and whataboutisms.
And that's also because the identity politics has been ramped up since Occupy Wall-Street; to integrate, neuter and use the left for globo homo and global capital. Works fine. The White nationalist reaction is only being shut down now, because they identified (((the powers behind the curtain))). Including those who handle Trump.

Funny thing is: Ryan Dawson met a Japanese monk in Japan who asked him why so many Jews control the media in the USA. :^)

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