This NIGGER lost me tens of thousands of dollars. Why can't we send blacks back into slavery again?

This NIGGER lost me tens of thousands of dollars. Why can't we send blacks back into slavery again?

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I'm pretty sure black lost a lot of money too, not just you.
Arthur is getting filthy rich though.

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You deserved it

Blacks in crypto are always either scammers, hustlers or PnD artists, they are even worse than chinks

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only a failure intel would blame race on his problems

What is with all the bitmex hate this morning?

incel fuck autocorrect

Stop blaming your problems on black people. Here are some important facts: Race is a social construct. You are exponentially more likely to act and think like someone who grew up the same way you did and was taught the same things you were, regardless of the way that person looks. I know it is hard to accept but nurture is the overwhelming factor regarding human development. Maybe think about taking a break from leverage trading in a manipulated market based mostly on speculation.


>Race is a social construct

T. Mudblood