This NIGGER lost me tens of thousands of dollars. Why can't we send blacks back into slavery again?
This NIGGER lost me tens of thousands of dollars. Why can't we send blacks back into slavery again?
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I'm pretty sure black lost a lot of money too, not just you.
Arthur is getting filthy rich though.
You deserved it
Blacks in crypto are always either scammers, hustlers or PnD artists, they are even worse than chinks
only a failure intel would blame race on his problems
What is with all the bitmex hate this morning?
incel fuck autocorrect
Stop blaming your problems on black people. Here are some important facts: Race is a social construct. You are exponentially more likely to act and think like someone who grew up the same way you did and was taught the same things you were, regardless of the way that person looks. I know it is hard to accept but nurture is the overwhelming factor regarding human development. Maybe think about taking a break from leverage trading in a manipulated market based mostly on speculation.
>Race is a social construct
T. Mudblood
Fuck off this is not your timeline NPC.
Niggers, gooks, pajeets..
why is everybody an enemy in crypto to white people, you take on risk, one larger than most in such a volatile market, you knowingly assume that risk and when things don’t go your way, you point fingers at everyone but yourself
>Oh no I lost money on a literal gamble
>I must blame someone for my retardation, anyone but myself!
Take responsibility for your actions
I know the truth hurts when you make perceived inherent inferiority such a huge part of your life, but nothing i wrote is untrue: "Race is not biological. It is a social construct. There is no gene or cluster of genes common to all blacks or all whites. Were race “real” in the genetic sense, racial classifications for individuals would remain constant across boundaries." You can suffer losses gambling or leverage trading regardless of race.
You are his slave now
Holy shit, someone with a brain on Jow Forums
This, unironically.
Blacks have lower iq's sorry to burst you plebbit sjw bubble but its been proven time amd time again.
Niggers also make up like 10% of rhe US bit 50% of crime is by them..fuck them.
on behalf of the winners, i would like to say this nigga (my nigga) real triple OG nigga. has made me tens of thousands of dollars just today alone! thank you my nigga!!!
>black people
the nigger is smarter than you but he should be your slave?
>Here are some important facts: Bone Marrow is a social construct. You are exponentially more likely receive a valid donor from someone who grew up the same way you did and was taught the same things you were, regardless of the way that person looks!
>There is no gene or cluster of genes common to all blacks or all whites.
How about skin color genes?
look at all the ANGER at BITMEX on this board...
like five threads, this means we're at the bottom for eth (check that classic chart) .
myeah how many niggers have rhesus negative nephilim blood?
While that may be true, most of them have a higher IQ than you. I guess you can consider yourself an honorary black person.
>Waaaaah this guy made me lose money because he exposed the scam
Based black guy. Ethereum is a complete worthless shitcoin and shame on you for wanting to get rich off a literal ponzi (since it has no other use case) fuck off and go get a job
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger white nigger nibber nigger bigger nigger nigger
That's a load of relativistic dead end bullshit. By that argument I might as well identify with a rock considering there no clear boundry between it's atomic nature and mine.
Hang yourself before your inevitable nihilism sets in, you pseudo intellectual faggot.
Race is not a social construct.
hurr durr stupid because black
tell me how you are not making the problem worse by your attitude? people usually dont commit crimes without motives (skin color isnt motive), and not receiving proper education should have an effect iq test dont you think?
I guess that “nigger” is smarter than you
You lost a lot of money by trusting him. Which makes you worse.
>losing money to a nigger
low IQ detected
Racist whites need something to blame for their shortcomings even though they were born with every advantage to succeed in the modern world. It's their only form of cope
>le white privilege meme
It's not like the zeitgeist of every minority imaginable is built upon the idea that it's the others guys fault or anything, right?
Nobody's got anyone but themselves to blame.
You are harping on statistically insignificant differences that are not even constant across a group of people. This article provides more information
>statistically insignificant differences
oy vey
how come nobody hacked his exchange yet
is he really that smart?
How ominously conveniently that you chose not to reply to my post.
Relativism has no basis in reality. Every living thing in this universe operates on the basis of assumptions and generalizations.
Relativism will never ever change that. Once you embrace relativism to make yourself sleep better at night, you are one step further removed from reality. I don't expect you to understand though, considering you're a leftist retard.
lol the article i posted refutes this outdated theory. However, you would rather spread propaganda from the 19th century than take a minute to read the article i posted about research conducted at Harvard last year.
No it doesn't. You are indoctrinated to such a high degree that you someone can tell you the sky is purple and you nod your head in agreement.
>bone marrow is statistically insignificant and not even constant across a group of people
Read the article i posted and my first post in this thread. Your argument is immaterial to my main point. Our upbringing and lived experiences are the primary factors regarding human development and not some perceived concept of racial superiority.
Just one interjection -- so you are definitely correct that genetic race is essentially meaningless, but you are forgetting the layperson's use of "race" as a proxy term to describe "people who grew up the same way and were taught the same things" -- e.g., many African-Americans are similar because of their similar upbringings in the context of the USA, not because of their genetics, but grouping them as a "race" still describes a non-meaningless grouping.
The racists in this thread are actually using "race" to refer to a non-meaningless grouping (i.e., they have a valid point), but they just aren't quite using the terms correctly. Don't get bogged down in that discrepancy.
>perceived concept of racial superiority.
Don't strawman me, my only claim was that your argument is non-applicable to reality.
>"Your argument is immaterial to my main point"
>"There is no gene or cluster of genes common to all blacks or all whites. Were race “real” in the genetic sense...
It is entirely wrong on a biological level and only salvageable through relativistic dead ends.
>"...racial classifications for individuals would remain constant across boundaries."
And there it is.
Have some boobs....
What you are citing are quotations I used from a journal article on this issue in order to corroborate my main point. AGAIN, READ MY VERY FIRST POST IN THIS THREAD. I don't have time for ancillary issues/you nitpicking specifics that do not refute my main point.
And my point is that you backed it up with leftist drivel. Not only that, but you also claimed nurture over nature to be the absolute truth, which we have no way of knowing. It's been the focal point of debate in certain circles for centuries, and you sure as fuck don't have the answers.
You wanna know why BitMex isn't dead yet? Because people like you keep giving them money. STOP IT.
Man even as far as darkies go he looks straight out of a Congolese tribe
>Race is a social construct.
The actual website and backend was created by a white kid, not like it would be hard though. Nigger here just came up with the pitch. I wonder how they are splitting the earnings.
this pussy ass ngr is going to be on the 2025 primetime showcase of the new American Greed.
Not their fault they have lower IQ in general. Exception is Olaoluwa Osuntokun who is fucking smart.
He's a black-jew. This means that he is smarter than the average white.
reverse psychology bitmex ad campaign
Please read and save yourself from a lifetime of misinformation:
Ancestry is what matters as far as the nature side of the nature vs nurture conversation. "In the biological and social sciences, the consensus is clear: race is a social construct, not a biological attribute. Today, scientists prefer to use the term “ancestry” to describe human diversity. “Ancestry” reflects the fact that human variations do have a connection to the geographical origins of our ancestors. Ancestry focuses on understanding how a person’s history unfolded, not how they fit into one category and not another. Even if scientists agree that race is, at most, a social construct, any cursory search of the internet reveals that the broader public is not convinced of this. After all, if an Asian person looks so different from a European, how could they not be from distinct groups? Even if most scientists reject the concept of “race” as a biological concept, race exists, undeniably, as a social and political concept.
The popular classifications of race are based chiefly on skin color, with other relevant features including height, eyes, and hair. Though these physical differences may appear, on a superficial level, to be very dramatic, they are determined by only a minute portion of the genome: we as a species have been estimated to share 99.9% of our DNA with each other. The few differences that do exist reflect differences in environments and external factors, not core biology.
Importantly, the evolution of skin color occurred independently, and did not influence other traits such as mental abilities and behavior. In fact, science has yet to find evidence that there are genetic differences in intelligence between populations. Ultimately, while there certainly are some biological differences between different populations, these differences are few and superficial.
>reverse psychology bitmex ad campaign
Meth heads will sell all their eth for btc to 100x long eth on bitmex, only to pump btc and dump eth more by doing so.
>Ah fuck, blacks are taking my money. Fucking Niggers.
>Wait, those coins are based in asia? Oh fuck yeah, that how you know it is legit.