Are Americans really the most sensitive posters on Jow Forums?

Are Americans really the most sensitive posters on Jow Forums?

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Why is a Swede replying to someone that isn't her president?

He kind of is though because he rules the current sole superpower and his decisions affect your life.

Why do yuros obsess like this then when you call them out its "hurr durr, i dont even care haha not me"?

this nigga retarded lls

and this lil nigga knows what's up

Why is a Dane replying to an American post?

she has fucked a black guy

Americans take their jobs as internet commentators very seriously.

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your entire race was fucked by some black guys

yes fuck amerigoblos

that looks fake

This post is initially funny because there's an American getting a person's nationality wrong.
But if you stop and think about, you begin to wonder why there's a Swede replying to an American tweet. This makes it funnier because you realize how influential America is and how Swedes have nothing going on so they insert themselves in the politics of other countries.

Kinda sad and funny at the same time.

Are you saying that any american talking about UK, chinese or german politics is a complete retard?

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Yes. Americans can talk, make fun of, and intervene in other country's politics all we want. But other people talking about our politics? That's just weird and shouldn't happen.


I'm puzzled by how hypersensitive Americans can get over Pearl Harbor and Vietnam.

No, we’re relatively keratinized.

What always surprised me is just how rabidly they defend Israel (not on Jow Forums but in general)


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oh look another "based anti-israel post". seriously fuck off don't you have anything better to do than bitch about the only peaceful democracy in the middle east?

I can't tell if it's irony anymore


You're not the only one whose politics get made fun of. The Brits have also decided to join the internet circus.

It's not your fault, we are Poe's Law personified.

Why Americans are so obsessed with politics and values?

What gave it up, The obvious set up or the lazy editing? Or a combination of both

Poland didn’t care enough about politics and got partitioned 3 times

America is the president of the countries in the world so the president of America is her president too

Our nobility care about politics definitely too much though. They just consider it for form of eternal arguing between neighbors and tend to procrastinate in everything.

They aren't obsessed with politics though or they'd actually vote.

swedes are one of the biggest ameriboos. they should be ashamed of themselves.

yes but not for the same reason

>Are Americans really the most sensitive posters on Jow Forums?
no, wh*tes are

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I thought swedish people speak swedish not english, wtf??

good question. why does she care? why does Jow Forums care so much too? that's our misery.


it is time to get obsessed with politics, my friend.
it is time to care. i didn't care and i didn't vote. now we have trump and his never ending shitshow.

swedish is very close to english. you wouldn't be able to tell.

You can always not vote again. One vote doesn’t matter.. No ones gonna blame you for not doing it. Half the populations doesn’t care either. This political environment is justified imo, the government (both democrats and republican) is more than willing to spend trillions of dollars on defending other countries. It’s like these countries are getting billions in free money and most of them can’t even fulfill their commitments in NATO funding. It doesn’t matter who you vote for, both parties will be more than willing to let other countries piggyback off of our defense spending and ignore people back home. We get nothing off of it either. No trade deals, nothing.

That 2% economic growth could easily be 4% if our government isn’t a bunch of pussies and actually force other countries to make a decent effort at defence. There is nothing America gets from giving trillions to other countries in defence spending. Look at Germany they barely spend, and when we warn them on 5G, they don’t care. Imagine if every one of these countries were actually serious about defence. We would have at the very minimum $300 billion every year to boost our own economy.
