White nerds actually support this chinaman

>white nerds actually support this chinaman


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ok techlead you're the tech lead because I am the tech lead or are you the tech lead. tech lead

Never heard of this chingy chonger

He's based, too bad he got cucked by his insect wife

Never heard of him but then again I'm not a white nerd but a BLACK BVLL.

If this is true, and he is indeed based....then her ass is grass.

His life left him one day, and took their son with her to Japan without discussing it (At least he implies that)

>brags about making 500k to a million shekels
>still left by his Jap wife
>not even allowed to see his kid, he probably doesn't care that much anyway
>fired from Facebook because he's a "big" Jewtuber
He's literally buying rope

He should have gotten a Latina wife, serves him right desu

>literal cuckold
holy mother of yikes

>doesn't let a company control his life
based, but too many normies like him

Well, his care is a little different. He probably has enough money to retire

His wife left him.

Is this why weeaboos want to marry jap women?
because a few years into marriage or relatioship she will suddenly disappear never to be heard from again, fleeing with the kids so you won't have to care about them again (as you won't see them once more)

No they think jap girls will be servant wives and be at their beck and call 24/7

I only watch him because it's interesting seeing in real time how his life is going down the drain

Am I supposed to know who this is?

no, unless you browse Jow Forums

this fucking chink has literally been advertising on every board on Jow Forums for 2 years now

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Nah. Weebcels are super delusional. They think gook women are traditional and honourable or something, which they're not, they're the exact opposite of those things.

Either way, the chink in OP's picture lives with his parents, and his gook wife dumped him and went back to Japan.

>he's cringe but people thinking they are better than him are even more cringe. his resume is stacked as fuck

t. forever codemonkey and never EVER EVER going to make it any where near silicon valley.