How common is autism in your country?

How common is autism in your country?

I've never met another autist but for some reason they're in the news and media a lot.

Attached: autism.png (646x1785, 987K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>social media story
>amazing story, nigger does something humanlike and feigns empathy!

The only reason these make the news is because of how absurd they are. Man bites dog.

I've never met an autist here.

But here we group people in school who perform at a similar level. You need to be good at everything here to do a certain education level. And as many autists aren't well rounded students, chances are they get (unjustly perhaps) dropped to a lower education level. And if most autists get dropped to a lower education level, there is a higher chance of meeting other autists there.

fucking liar, autism is the norm in yoorup

Attached: 1557185061830.jpg (301x490, 26K)

umm sweetie

>the number of autism diagnoses per 10,000 children in our selected countries

Attached: Chart-Autism-Rates-around-the-Developed-Country-8-28-17.jpg (412x372, 56K)

like 60% of the country is autistic

The USA is literally chink-tier autistic. No wonder they don't understand contextual laws. And keep shooting each other up.

Attached: Graph-Autism-Rates-around-the-Developed-Country-8-28-17.jpg (623x365, 41K)

>I've never met an autist here.
I can guarantee you that that's not true, even if you're not aware of it.
Also quite a lot of autists are excellent students. Some kids with aspergers have a higher IQ than the average kid and have good grades. They often end up working in the STEM field too, although getting a job is the bigger problem due to bad social competences.

In the Netherlands if you suck at French or German most schools will just drop you like a brick.

>imagine being so cucked you’re forced to learn the language of your more relevant neighbors

We export as much as 1/3rd of the USA. You could also not learn their language and hope everyone just comes to you.

We can meet autists anywhere in ROK. In addition the leader of S. Korea is autist who are obsessed with Japan and accepting anything about china even if it is not good for us. Korea was depending on China not Japan. Korea didn’t build a road to make enemy go slow but Japan easily come to Korea, break the relationship with China and make treaty which annex Korea without a war against Korea. Now a number of autists want to change the history of Korea to be pride at them. If you have lived in S.Korea, you can easily see mad guys and angry people on a street.

white male suicide rates in America are as high as our homicide rates in Brazil lol

Attached: 1530196874872.jpg (682x773, 477K)

meant for

What's up with Hong Kong?

Nature always finds a way to balance.

still havent met an autist in my entire life.

>Denmark higher than Finland
lies, they’re all turbonormies

Polan savior of normie race

>its absurd that a person shows empathy towards another person
have sex i've actually seen black people stop bullying in my high school several times

Are polish girls super normie? Is the president's qt daughter?

Polish girls definitely. They love sex topics, cringe TV series and rumors about other people. If goes about Kinga Duda idk but she is law student so she isn't so normie as most I think