What is the most "american" food your country has to offer?

What is the most "american" food your country has to offer?

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crunchy tacos


french fries with ketchup

basically a superior mac'n'cheese

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Pizza Fritta
Deepfried Pizza (Neapolitan)

Basically a hot pocket pizza but it's good and crunchy outside and soft inside.

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meat pies
in some parts they even roll the things in sugar to make them more unhealthy

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Plastic cheese, desu.
>Cheese (83%) [Milk, Salt, Starter Cultures, Enzyme (Rennet, Lipase)], Water, Milk Solids, Emulsifying Salt (331), Preservative (200), Salt, Natural Colours (100, 160b).

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i would eat this

Sopa de Gordo.

Lets see some real American shit people...how about a nice sandwich or something

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I honestly think americans would be all over jamon serrano if they didn't have that subliminal anti spanish mindset.

anti mexican not anti spanish

We have this rather crazy culture called Dekamori (Big ass portion menu) challenge.
Dekamori menu is offered in thousands of restaurants or small cafeterias across Japan and in any type of cuisines, from burgers to ramen to curry with deep fried anything. As absurd as Amerifats.

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you are implying that the average american can tell the difference

spaniards aren't dressed like this

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again. americans don't know that and they don't care. and I wouldn't care or think about it either if OP hadn't made this thread.

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not true. it is anti spanish inprinted by the brits in your culture. the same reason americans hate the irish and give them all the bad traits they can think off. the hatred just moved onto the mexicans later on.

Even the most racist (and specifically anti-beaner) Americans love Mexican food, so I'm sure Spanish food would be fine as well.

that sign is probably 100 years old

nobody gives a shit about spain either way

see dude. you fell for your shit. mexican food is not even remotely close to spanish food. and I don't mean quality wise.

Filet Americain of course.

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>muh jamon
do you people ever shut up about this?

And American sauce.

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I forgot your jewish masters don't eat pig. and you are lucky they don't.

I love some American kebab pizza as well.




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Uma gordelícia!

That glaze makes me wanna vombomb

Imagine not having the best food on the planet.

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>I’m going to tell you how your country is

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In the Netherlands we eat Krupuk, which are basically Indonesian chips with shrimp in it.

Maryland here and I approve this post

Sorry to burst your bubble but your shitty cured ham isn't much to write home about. It's extremely overrated.

Meat pies are British though

the parisian, the green stuff is boston cucumber

(does not actually have anything to do with hamburg, paris, or boston)

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Holy shit so basically a calzone but fried? That sounds tits as fuck.

Looks great but the chilis are unusual for you guys isn't it?

Meatpies are a brit/quebec thing

>jamon serrano
It's amazing. Fuck those other retards.

What exactly is American sauce?

Halal Snack Pack. So over the top but very good when drunk.

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fish and chips

>Halal Snack Pack
for me, it's the AB (abortion)

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Yeah same thing. That's what they call it in Adelaide.

What all is in that? Looks good, and very Murrica, but I can't tell for sure what I'm looking at.

Barbecue, food of the gods. The most american food on earth
wtf is this, some new england thing? shove your chips up your ass

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Chips/fries, doner kebab meat, cheese, yoghurt garlic sauce, BBQ sauce, chilli sauce. That's pretty standard. You can get other shit thrown on too if you want like hummus, tabouleh, jalapenos.


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la abominacion de la panadería...

I hate looking at nordic foods. You seem to make the most disgusting looking sauces. This is the most appealing food I have seen from your disgusting countries and it still looks bad

>all these lucky jerks that get to enjoy kebab without you

We have jamon serrano
