*Muh cheese eating surrender monkeys*

>Muh spineless homosexuals
>Muh white flag

Is facing reality not too harsh?

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why are french posters so fucking butthurt all the time

i like france and all, but you guys are like the worst at sticking up for yourselves here

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Yeah, I mean yeah, ever since the Argentine meme died it's all france

>invading flanders nonstop and ganking poor HRE princes is supposed to be impressive


Don't tell me about Anglos smashing niggers and poos then.


Literally the opposite. Others states always ganked us. France was often alone against the many but God gave his light to France

Green is HRE

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Also why showing only major powers, victories of the French. All wars should be shown.

go eat a frog or something

Feels good being a Major Power

>there will be that one australian making "france jokes", thinking that he is funny

Portugal and Italy strong.

But can you do it on a tuesday night at waterloo

anglo blood is shit tier


Not surprising given that France had 20% of Europe's population from days of Charlemagne to Napoleon.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind such widespread caricatures...

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I don't understand.

...and could only use a fraction of that population due to feudalism. Do you actually think your average peasant took part in battles?

You lost the most important war in history.

No, but the feudal restrictions on levies and the expense of maintaining permanent retinues weren't exclusive to France during the middle ages. So they're still ahead in terms of the numbers game for many conflcits.

>France was often alone against the many but Allah gave his light to France

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>Mexico: 0 victories, 1 surrender
>Couldn't beat Mexico

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pastry war

They are more butthurt than Germans now

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>F*ancoids throw bitch fit over spilled bread
>Demands Mexichads pay 600,000
>Benito "Kill all F*anco scum" Juarez says no
>Butthurt F*ancoids lose fight to Mexico
"France won guys!!!111!!!"
F*rancs are some of the most delusional people on Earth.

No one here ever thought that way about your country.
People do get upset with how you jobbed WWII though, if you didn't perhaps we wouldn't lose so many lives.

Nah, surrender monkey jokes have always been shit tier.
The reactions, on the other hand, are gold.

Yes, they are... french are third worlder socialists in the core really but they have a great heart in general

>we wuz

In 1866, choosing Franco-American relations over his Mexican monarchy ambitions, Napoleon III announced the withdrawal of French forces beginning 31 May.


Well, the thing is, after Germany unified, France seemed a decadent country resting on its laurels.

Whatever its previous accomplishments, France has continuously had its shit kicked in majorly by the Germans from the Franco-Prussian War onwards, and much border drawing and international law has been designed around protecting France from Germany, which, left to its own devices and without international intervention, is the geopolitical God of continental Europe for the same reasons the US has in the Americas and Russia has over Ukraine/Estonia/Latvia/etc.

So despite this grand history, France had proven itself as needy of foreign defense aid in the modern era as much humbler countries like Poland or the Netherlands.

Sure you were so useful

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This. Everyone who knows a minimum of history knows that France was the boogeyman of Europe for a long time. They even wrecked the Temple Order and kidnapped the Pope for a century. Of course having a huge population helped them.

After Germany unified France was 38M and Germany was 65 million fucker.

Yeah what's your point?

Is having more people cheating?

Remainder that following WW1 France army was considered the best in the world by international observers.

Why don't the UK never take shit while they have never been able to fight a war on their own and had a ridiculous army and were saved in part by their colonies. Let's not even mention their performance in WW2. Fleeing at Dunkerque saved by the French taking bombs on their fucking island waiting for American support.

Is it bait or are you legitimately retarded?

>France has continuously had its shit kicked in majorly by the Germans from the Franco-Prussian War onwards,
Implying there were ten of thousands:
WW1->win and France did its part of the job

Before that the were BTFOed for 20 years during Napoleon era.

France had more manpower than most of the countries it dominated during its golden years.

Would it lessen the defeat if any of German princedoms Napoleon conquered said "hurr durr but Liechtenstein's population was ?? and France's was bigger".

So the Germans had more people and it helped them bully France. Sucks to suck!

white flag waving spineless homosexuals

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Fuck the boomers who say otherwise, France is the best frenemy the Anglo could ever have.

If wars were one on one boxing matches between countries, it's incredibly plain the Germans would beat the fuck out of France every single time.

In both World Wars you have to point out this giant international coalition and the economic might of that backing France.

>victory ratio against france

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I love france but there was no need to make this without looking like a spineness bitch

probably it includes battles like Eylau, Friedland and Austerlitz aside from the 1812 campaign

>France had more manpower than most of the countries it dominated during its golden years.
It doesn't make any sense they fought in coalitions to compensate this deficit.

>managed to lose to portugal once out of two wars
Why don't you go marry your grandma or something and stop being so butthurt?

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>If wars were one on one boxing matches between countries, it's incredibly plain the Germans would beat the fuck out of France every single time.
Nice bait won't feed though
>In both World Wars you have to point out this giant international coalition and the economic might of that backing France.
Again France 38M Germany 65M, what did you expect? And you jew fuckers funded BOTH sides.


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Well it isn't all manpower obviously.

Are 32M or whatever highly mobilized Frenchman more powerful than a 60M strong coalition of German princedoms?Sure! Maybe even 70M and throw in some other bullshit countries too.

Are 32M highly mobilized Frenchman more powerful than 60M highly mobilized Germans falling under one chain of command and better able to pool its combined resources? Hmmm...

Hint: it's not and that's the story of continental Western Europe in late 19th and 20th centuries and the primary reason for the end of France being the big stick in the region.

>In both World Wars you have to point out this giant international coalition
Germany was also in a giant coalition involving A-H who did the heavy lifting on the eastern front in WW1.

French posters have been very cringe lately (more than normal)

Fuck off Hans go take your breakfast

Not going to go in circles with you over population figures that I'm not debating, but which you seem to keep bringing up as decisive proof of something.

I'm all for antisemitism, but if we're trying to have an intelligent conversation then no need bring up dajoos.

>implying Napoleon didn't upend feudal Europe and replace it with secular highly Jew friendly bureacracies
>implying France isn't the OG kike lover country

>Not going to go in circles with you over population figures that I'm not debating, but which you seem to keep bringing up as decisive proof of something.
Yes I'm done on the population too. We don't understand each other.

only if you promise not to surrender in the meantime


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What I'm guessing you mean:
That Germany's population was larger than France's after its unification nullifies any of its military victories. That makes their wars unfair and inglorious, unlike France's victories.

Which were won when France generally had a greater manpower than its enemies, except when it was facing less organized coalitions underutilizing its manpower and resources.

I'm not even out to rub shit in France's face, btw.

I can guarentee this includes meme wars and coalitions that france has been into.