Only 11 Years Left to Prevent Irreversible Damage from Climate Change...

>Only 11 Years Left to Prevent Irreversible Damage from Climate Change, Speakers Warn during General Assembly High-Level Meeting

This climate change thing can't get any more ridiculous...

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Didn't they say that like 11 years ago as well
Not trying to deny anything. It's just that no one really did anything about it before

How about those rich fuckers fix the problem, not us commoners

Climate change is nothing but a hoax to keep us distracted from the real threat to all of humanity: Faggots who do NOT like anime

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Earth can burst into flames for all I care.

It's already irreversible.

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Have sex (with women this time)


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I don't understand.

Disgusting anime fags. Get raped you fucking whores.

After all, anime consumers tend not to contribute heavily to climate change given their sedentary lifestyles.


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anime is gay

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Be grateful prole! Thank goodness we defeated the evil communists who threatened humanity!

That's what Elon Musk is in the process of doing. The rich are going to fix the problem by extracting the remainder of our labour and resources before fucking off with the Ayy Lmaos while we all die here on Earth.

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>Didn't they say that like 11 years ago as well
yeah but this time it's for real

This is why America bombs your sorry sandy pussies and asses... you don't do it yourselves quick/often enough


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She has cool hair.