Why are american workers so lazy?

why are american workers so lazy?

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they are hard wworking

I'm not :(

>workaholics with no vacation

Which one is it, retards?

hardly working > working hard

minimum wage minimum effort

they pay $14 an hour retard

both, you're on the clock but doing nothing.

If Chinese workers have such fantastic work ethic why are their products so substandard?

you get what you pay for dude.

We didn’t literally ask them to make it as cheap as we’d like. Chinese manufacturers themselves chose to compete with price competitiveness while not giving a damn about quality and foreign consumers suffer because of it.

>this free market is too spicy for us

nah dude, if you wanted a higher quality product you should 1) ask for a specific quality controlled product. 2) pay them enough or make sure that the factory is able to produce, reliably, said product for the price paid.

if you don't like the end product that is not up to the quality standard that you require to sell, stop making it at the factory. but the reality is nobody gives a shit and if it is 'good enough for the price' it will do for the average buyer.

Have you ever talked with business people who ran contracts in China? They were down for paying more to the local suppliers in order to meet up tue standards. Their employees get paid substantially more, but the quality of the products hardly improves as their old habits remain no matter what.

yeah dude guess what i have factories in dongguan. i ask you fucker what you want in the end product. i give it to you for the price paid. you guys keep buying from me and keep complaining about quality? bitch please, pay more so i can update my machinery or stop bitching, you fuckers already making a shit ton of money and complain about quality? stop fucking bitching, we're all making money, if you want a better product for the price, find another factory or pay me more and i'll give you a better product.

This is the enlightened despotism of wagecucking

Which is below minimum wage in my state. Minimum wage varies from place to place.

Bitch please, I am a CONSUMER not a businessman. We have gone so far to the point where made in china stuffs flooding into our restaurants and shops and wherenot, ready to poison to consumers but THERE ISNT ANYTHING I COULD DO ABOUT IT. I ain’t the one that pays Ms. Ping Pang at your sweatshop working 15h while you drive Porsche.

exactly, you're a consumer who wants a better product regardless. the reality is that the people behind the scenes have already decided how much they want to spend for a product. because consumers will always bitch about wanting a better product but will be satisfied with what we give you. in the end, we make money because we dance the fine line between what you want and how much you pay for it. if you want to complain about product quality, stop buying shit products. but you can't because we're giving you value for the amount of money you're spending. typical fucking consumer can't see past their hands.

complain about XXX product, keep stuffing their faces with it while complaining.

But they're not? Everyone prefers to manufacture in China because you get very high quality manufacturing at a good price. Otherwise they would just go to Africa.

>if you want to complain about product quality, stop buying shit products. but you can't because we're giving you value for the amount of money you're spending
Yeah, some retarded consumers be like that but would normal consumers risk their health of their own volition, which could be avoided by an option where you pay extra few bucks? This option isn’t exactly available more often than you think. In some places made in china is literally is all you got after chinese goods drove out goods from other countries. Like how every restaurant are serving side dishes using ingredients imported from China. Sure, it is the restaurants owners fault but we consumers never asked them to serve chinese ingredients and still have to consume them because we’re out of choice.

Working a lot =/= working hard.
We are working less and less because it's more efficient.

because the matter of fact is this. nobody wants to produce cheap low-value products in first world countries because it's expensive as fuck. everybody *wants* those products but when faced with the actual price they have to pay? nobody wants it! and time after time it's been proven. every consumer will say 'yeah i don't mind paying 5 dollars for a screw as long as it's a quality screw' but in reality NOBODY FUCKING BUYS IT.

>the quality of the products hardly improves as their old habits remain no matter what.

It improved a lot over the years.

>This option isn’t exactly available more often than you think. In some places made in china is literally is all you got after chinese goods drove out goods from other countries.

That's because those places can't scale up production worth a shit or other issues. Yeah African nations can produce a lot of shit at an artisanal scale but they don't have economies of scale nor do they have the ability to be as "inviting" as China or India, Bangladesh.

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