Says you can't call Mohammed a pedophile because it's offensive to Muslims

>says you can't call Mohammed a pedophile because it's offensive to Muslims
>Immediately accuses Muslims of worshipping Mohammed

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>Immediately accuses Muslims of worshipping Mohammed
who's doing that?

What an odd judgement. In the Netherlands there are no speech laws that protect religion. We used to have one in the past, but judges refused to enforce it. So politicians just got rid of it again.

European Council of Human Rights. Read the link.

How silly, everyone knows Muslims worship a moon god.

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>there are people who actually believe this
Fucking insane.


Unfortunately Banterlord Jack has gone to heaven to chill with the Lord.

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Was he a Jow Forumstard?

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Arabic Paganism was copied heavily by the current Islamic faith

There's elements, but God in Islam is still explicitly the god of Judaism and Christianity.

He was redpilled on the Catholic Question.

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There's more than elements. It's very obvious if you know what you're looking at.

based thread

No such law here

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Why do these conversations read out as if it was from a one dimentional cartoon?

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Is this your first time seeing a chick tract?

Nah, saw it first around two years ago.

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>You can't just call a pedophile a pedophile because it will hurt the feelings of the ones that think the pedophile is perfect and everyone should be like him

So was he actually a pedo?
I don't fucking know anymore with some saying he fucked her when she was hitting puberty. If it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt then I don't know why you shouldn't be able to broadcast facts.

>It also believed her language "could only be understood as having been aimed at demonstrating that Muhammad was not worthy of worship" and were designed to belittle Islam.

Yes he was. But his existence is hate speech, supposedly. Another good reason to wipe out islam from the planet Earth.

Authentic Islamic tradition states that he married one of his wives when she was six and consummated the marriage when she was nine. He was around 50 at the time and it's implied that she hadn't hit puberty yet since she still played with dolls.

Is this stated anywhere in the Koran?
My point is, would I really trust some source that isn't the New Testament to claim that for example, Jesus was gay?
I'm not trying to defend anyone here but it seems such a big controversy about a warlord who created a religion 1400 years ago being qualified by today's moral standards.

The quran doesn't really talk about Muhammad that much. Pretty much everything we know about him comes from the hadith.

He did have sex with her while she was 9, also there is a hadith of him looking at a baby, 1 or two years old girl and saying that he will marry her when she grows up
So it's a big yikes right there

Also despite what any Muslim apologist would say, Muslims can marry women who hit puberty, so a man can marry a teen
Also the definition of puberty is different, For example if a 10 year old (came to a sexual dream) then he's treated as an adult and for example can lose his hand if he stole stuff

>also there is a hadith of him looking at a baby, 1 or two years old girl and saying that he will marry her when she grows up
ok, no time period will justifiably explain this

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Narrated Aisha:

The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.

How come muslims and Islam weren't a big deal in the 70s to 90s, at least not in Europe?
I think we had one major incident regarding Palestinians in Munich but that's it, countries like Iran and Egypt florished and didn't have ultra-regressive religious leaders. Maybe most people were just oblivious about the decades-long proxy wars the US and UdSSR waged.

>demonstrating that Muhammad was not worthy of worship

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Mohammed had great taste in women.

To be fair at that time kiddie fucking was probably popular in Europe too

I unironically don’t believe our lady Aisha was a kid when he fucked her but she was youngish

It still is btw, I see 12 year olds having sex with 24 year old neets like you all the time as we are speaking there is a white autist fucking a 13 year old

I don't think peasants did it more than anywhere else because you'd go to hell for fucking without being married.

>wherever i am i must taqiyah


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Man fuck shitslam but I was bored during summer and studied it for fun because I wanted to turn into a religious zealot. She was young but not a kid.

This, I feel much of mainstream media underestimate the importance religion played in medieval europe whenever they make a movie/tv series taking place in that time period. I mean, the general view of God was similar to how westerners today look at the law of gravity, and it's still like that for most third world nations today. One can imagine how deep it was in medieval europe.


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I'm just saying applying our moral to the past doesn't make much sense. Probably for a merchant of the 7th century it wasn't so strange. Also I'm sure priests did it too here kek

Political Islam rised again in that time, Taliban and the Muslim brotherhood became a thing
Also they were a big deal because Muslim brotherhood subhumans fired on a crowd in the middle on the kaaba and one a thousand people was shot
It's not about judging a historical figure in modern day morale standards, It's about someone who is supposed to be the best man who ever lived and will ever live and that humans must try their best to be like him being a pedophile

Yeah I bet they got married when they finished college. Praise jesus halleluujah

Omg all these mistakes, fucking auto correct
Please don't bully

No if I were a turk I’d say prophet muhammed (pbüh) was as a turk

It was very important but not so strict for some things. Prostitution for example was tolerated and often run by the government. Even if it was a sin it was considered less sinful than masturbation or sodomy. In some places (London for example) brothels were owned by the church itself.

Islam lashes men a hounderd times or stones women to death for having sex with consent but is completely fine with raping sex slaves and war prisoners
Also I talked bad about Islam can I have my visa to Switzerland now?

>In some places (London for example) brothels were owned by the church itself.
Huh, today I learned something new.


>In early Medieval France prostitutes faced public humiliation in an attempt to repress the trade. However, in later centuries there developed a clear recognition that men, especially those who were unmarried had needs.
Yikes, you whites couldn’t even get laid without beta providing back then.

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Although I'm with you that applying modern standards to people a few hundred years ago is retarded, fundamentalists use the fact Mohammed had a 9yo wife as an excuse to be pedophiles today.
I know of a couple in my hometown who are members of the Old Catholic Church and following the bible to the letter. They're also open faggots but they're saying that God only claimed that laying in bed with a man as you'd lay with a woman is sinful and they don't do that. I guess they only jerk each other of while standing or something. That's just another example how fundamentally fucked people are trying to find loopholes in semantics in their religion or trying to apply a worldview from 2000 years ago for today's society.

religion as a whole is really just outdated and on its way out