What does having long hair feels like? i forgot

What does having long hair feels like? i forgot
>tfw shaved my hair and now i look like a subhuman
should of have did not have done this

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im growing them to the shoulders
i shall see

can i rub your head for good luck

Are you the same user that's been talking about this for like a month?


they will grow back

but it takes time and i want a gf already

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Feels nice. Mine is to my shoulders, thinking about growing it a little longer from the back to get a nice long ponytail, anf cutting it shorter from the front, so I'd look like Guybrush Threepwood.

>should of have did not have done this

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The brain virus from the half-cooked monkey soup is starting to take hold, that's why he shaved his hair too.
To become one with the macaco.

i wrote that to be funny haha i hope it worked

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Long hair BVLL
Short hair cuck

I had long (Asian) hair
I really hated when it kept touching the side of my face because I have naturally oily hair, and it would make my face greasy
Got lice and decided to cut it (not shaved, just regular and short), I'll say I look much better. Short hair is much easier to take care of
I get my hair cut every 10 days or so to keep my hair consistent.

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Too hot for long hair no thx

>Got lice

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It's shit if you practice any sport, or if you live where is cold in autumn-winter because after the morning shower it takes a long time to dry

It's very annoying. Sadly my hair is the only good looking feature I have so I maintain it.

It's pretty comfy. Maintenance is a bitch though

Long hair BVLL

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the sh*rt hair cuck

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>tfw I don't remember how it feels having short hair