Which countries have the least degenerate women?

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they don't exist

mena countries obviously

islamic caliphates

lol nigga just ignore women. they are not perfect cute waifus who love you. They are thots, and bitches. Men are where its at. True love is Bromance. Not gay sex or anything but stuff like cuddling with your bros or kissing on the lips/cheek no make out

no country, women are inherently whores

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Doesn’t matter. “non degenerate” “wholesome” girls won’t fuck neckbeards with creepy muh purity fantasies.

That's why the Islamic Caliphate is absolutely necessary.

Attached: musulmán.jpg (768x492, 35K)

Pakistan, Afghanistan, maybe Yemen

I don't know why people care about getting exposed anymore. That many people get exposed these days that if you do something bad and it goes viral, you only have to wait a few hours before it happens to someone else and everyone forgets about you.

> replying to "degenerate" written in post.

tell me this isnt like the same girl or something


mena. even slutty looking ones are wife material.

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>almost every turkish girl think sex before marriage is wrong
objectively wrong. turkish girls are very much ok with sex before marriage. it is YOU (and that guy) that fails to understand them and make them open their legs.


Imagine having a daughter

Attached: Merry.jpg (200x247, 13K)

read the all sentence. "or in serious relationship" you need play loverboy and convince the girl you are looking for something serious. you dont need even try to get laid in europe. if you are good looking enough, girls come to you. i sometimes miss the challenge when i travel to abroad

Fucking based Turk girls denying the Austricuck

This, that one football youtuber got caught asking his gf if he could suck her black strap-on and like a week later everyone forgot about it

i had quite a lot of casual sex in turkey with turkish girls.

North korea

the ones with the most misogynist men

mate i used to work in bars. i know guys who think they are biggest womanizers like you. "en piç" guy fucks 2 maybe 3 ugly, at best average looking at girls a month after spending ridiculous amount of money and time. you are incel compared to fuckboys in west.

Afghanistan probably


i am not a womenizer and i never go to bars. i somehow can have casual sex.

Is he stupid?
His turkish friend already gave him all the answers; that there's a different culture going on and reasoned it. Still thus faggot goes on r**dit and asks what to do for the exact same questions he already got answered.


You are switching side bro

Any country where the nordic race is present en masse is utterly degenerate.

The nordic race doens't exist you sandnigger.

I'm white