Be Muslim man at Uni

>Be Muslim man at Uni
>See Random Arab guy with girlfriend
>Girl isnt even that attractive
>Tfw someone is destroying their akhirah for a girl that isnt even that attractive

ANy other muslims here have that feeel

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mashallah i reverted but i have noticed this as well... usually its temporary but ive seen some fall in love.

>he actually thinks theres an afterlife

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*tips fedora*

Please elaborate on this since I am not a Muslim.

>*tips entire body towards dumb arab cube multiple times a day*

have you died before?

>*tips himself into eternal hellfire for not following God's commandments*

No have you?

no but i have a book from God that tells me about life after death

akhirah means afterlife

Having relationships with a women in marriage is a major sin in islam

>eternal hellfire

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How do you know it was from god?

i cummed on a picture of Muhammad and rip out Quran pages for toilet paper, how that make you feel haji?

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thats just needy faggots who ruin their lives for ugly roasties

oh nonononononno OH NONONONONOO

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beyond any reasonable doubt the information and the explanations from the book are from God and couldn't be from a 6-7th century arab.
explain the existence of the universe with constants allowing for higher elements and life etc.

akhirah means means the afterlife

It makes you an edgelord but most muslims in the West wouldn't give a shit and would call you an idiot at best for trying so hard.

>beyond any reasonable doubt the information and the explanations from the book are from God and couldn't be from a 6-7th century arab.

Why tho. Explain to me why instead of just saying "lmao trust me it must be"

Literally the only way you cucks get away with not being dismissed as complete jokes. I can understand using religion as a means of social control but ACTUALLY BELIEVING in heaven!? AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAAAAHHAAHAAAAAAAAA

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Lmao if Allah is so powerful why doesn’t he do shit? Maybe he’s a little sissy that wants my dick up his faggot ass.

>explain the existence of the universe
Considering not even the best of scientists can do that, I doubth some random shitposter will. Isnt the fact that we might not know how everything works right now a resonable answer, instead of trying to make shit up?

I mean, hundreds of years ago we made shit up about how earth is flat and you can fall of the edge. That was proven to be false, and now we laugh about it. In the future we will laugh about similar shit people make up today.

explain the existence of the universe with constants allowing for higher elements and life etc. without God
knowing the fate of pharoah
knowing the titles of egptian rulers
knowledge of the big bang
knowledge of the expanding universe
knowledge of the creation of planetary objects

i'm talking about intelligent design of the universe, not the fact that it exists at all
although existence itself is enough for belief in God tb.h.

>although existence itself is enough for belief in God tb.h.

Fair enough, I dont judge people for it really. But I wouldnt know what religion to select.

I left islam, still get death threats from my parents back home in pakistan. Not so funny now that casmir is locked down and they're all going to die when indopak 2 starts.

additional info: I fuck jewish men regularly because I am also a homosexual.

You’re an absolute moron. The Bible has been edited quite literally thousands of times by various members of the church to suit their needs. Nothing about is trustworthy, even if it originally was the word of God, which it isn’t. Science can, and has, disproven many elements of the Bible like Noah’s ark and Adam and Eve through geological surveys and evolution. Religion has no such advantage, and is constantly on the defensive from science. There are two reasons why people believe in religion

1. They need it - some people can’t accept a world without God, they need it to cope and have purpose in their lives. They likely know deep down it’s all a fallacy, but they bottle up those feelings and suppress it.

2. They are too stupid and brainwashed to comprehend anything else. Hardly better than cattle

Do you fuck them or do they fuck you? Big difference.

>Science can, and has, disproven many elements of the Bible like Noah’s ark and Adam and Eve through geological surveys and evolution
that's funny since it has also done the opposite

>ou’re an absolute moron. The Bible has been edited quite literally thousands of times by various members of the church to suit their needs.
I'm a muslim but i disagree somewhat. a lot of the christian scholars are sincere and they are true to the sources. Yeah i'm sure old compilers of the bible probably lied (which is why interpolated verses like "there are three in heaven" exist) so it's still got issues but whatever
> Nothing about is trustworthy, even if it originally was the word of God, which it isn’t. Science can, and has, disproven many elements of the Bible like Noah’s ark and Adam and Eve through geological surveys and evolution. Religion has no such advantage, and is constantly on the defensive from science. There are two reasons why people believe in religion
maybe the christian version but not the islamic ones
>1. They need it - some people can’t accept a world without God, they need it to cope and have purpose in their lives. They likely know deep down it’s all a fallacy, but they bottle up those feelings and suppress it.
>2. They are too stupid and brainwashed to comprehend anything else. Hardly better than cattle
you're as dumb as televangelists if you think faith is that single-faceted.


Yeah, by quacks and literal-whos who get disproven as fast as their claims are made
Oh boy, since you clearly don’t get it, let me explain it more simply. Have you ever heard of Telephone? The game? Where a group of people whisper a statement to each other without corrupting the statement? It never works.

Well let me drop some numbers for you. The Old Testament was written over a 1000 year period between 1400 B.C.E and 400 B.C.E. The New Testament was written between 40 CE and 90 CE. The Quran first appeared obviously 600 years later. So if we can’t even play telephone without fucking up, what makes you think that they are immune to human error? That nothing would be lost in the hundreds of translations since then? Translations during the writing, after the writing, and that’s not even considering intentional manipulation. This is just regarding the books themselves, the glaring problems only shine brighter as you dig deeper. If you are so naive as to think this as a realistic possibility, then your stupidity is punishment enough

Same bro, but this is mfw. Every time I think about having a gf, I just think it wouldn't work anyway, since I pray 5 times a day and don't do haram shit. What would the point in hooking up with a non-muslim be if I'm gonna refrain from enjoying the best parts? You just gotta be patient for yourself and pray god guides people for everyone else.

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>written after new testament
>100s of translations
Are you 5 years old?
The quran isn't a translation of the old or new testaments.
The quran is still recited in arabic.
It's been recited continuously for 1400 or so years
The quran isn't subject to errors in biblical scholarship
Every muslim in the world recites the quran in arabic and the letters are the same (there are different readings of some vowels but the prophet himself acknowledged both readings as valid)
You're clearly ignorant and proud considering your writing style.
Read a book for once in your life and go back to r.eddit or middle school or wherever the fuck you came from.

>the Hadith is a game of telephone
>the quran can not be understood without the exegesis which lies in the Ahadith and the sharh
>the game of telephone shows that humans are flawed with carrying a message between person to person
>the almighty all knowing Allah let these flawed people hold the explanation of his final revelation through a game of telephone
does any of this seem divine to you?

>Science can, and has, disproven many elements of the Bible like Noah’s ark and Adam and Eve through geological surveys and evolution.
You say that, but then we uncover places like Gobekli Tepe, and scientist come up with the most retarded explanations like 'oh they were backfilled'. Furthermore, every time we find a place like this, the narrative of human civilization gets pushed back even more. Mesopotamia was the so called beginning of civilization and agriculture, but oops no it wasn't, we got it wrong by thousands of years. Not only is the narrative constantly changing, but any suggestion that it's different will be met with laughter and ridicule because that goes against current scientific understanding. Science is an explanation of how things work - it is absolutely not (and never will be) disproof of god.
>the quran can not be understood without the exegesis which lies in the Ahadith and the sharh
Show me where in the quran it says the quran can not be understood without the exegesis which lies in the Ahadith and the sharh. Don't deflect by saying 'b-but it is!1'. Show me.

>>the Hadith is a game of telephone
the hadith and the quran are two different things
>>the quran can not be understood without the exegesis which lies in the Ahadith and the sharh
the quran is best understood with exegesis and context, but it still exists on its own.
oh and there's as much certainty that x verse was revealed in y time period as there is with any other historical trivia.
>>the game of telephone shows that humans are flawed with carrying a message between person to person
what's your point?
>>the almighty all knowing Allah let these flawed people hold the explanation of his final revelation through a game of telephone
Ah yes God can create the universe but he can't let the quran stay intact.
Read the birmingham quran and tell me where it differs with mine, and tell me more about the "hundreds of translations"

>Show me where in the quran it says the quran can not be understood without the exegesis which lies in the Ahadith and the sharh. Don't deflect by saying 'b-but it is!1'. Show me.
explain to me what these ayat are referring to without going into the sharh or Ahadith, they are referring to a specific matter in the prophet's life

read the Sanaa manuscript and tell me how much it differs with the quran composed in Cairo in the 1910s that is currently the standard used today.
>Ah yes God can create the universe but he can't let the quran stay intact.
why didn't he let his other revelations stay intact, it is common belief between Muslims that the other revelations were corrupted.

Nice deflection btw. What's so difficult to understand about that? There was obviously cultured stigma around whatever wedding arrangement he had, and god is saying don't worry about social perception - you do as god orders.

why do you trust some nigga from yemen remembering it right over someone hejaz who likely knew the prophet?
>why didn't he let his other revelations stay intact, it is common belief between Muslims that the other revelations were corrupted.
Those revelations were for their respective peoples, the quran is for all mankind.

that was not a deflectionz the quran never mentions the need for exegesis to understand, it actually calls itself clear many times. I only provided an example that the quran only goes into so much detail and the reader has to rely on exegesis which was not written till centuries after the quran was completed. read Surat Al qamar, which according to the exegesis, the moon split into two halves and this could be seen all over earth, but the quran only mentions the split and you are left to go to the exegesis for a full explanation.
>why do you trust some nigga from yemen remembering it right over someone hejaz who likely knew the prophet?
why trust some guy 1400 years ago who claims he is divine? or why trust the Birmingham manuscript? the fact is there is not much better than what we have now. also most of the Ahadith like bukhari and Muslim are well known for being a couple hundred years after the death of the prophet, why trust anyone at all in such a long chain of Hadith recitors?

>why trust some guy 1400 years ago who claims he is divine
i don't? no one is claiming he is divine
> or why trust the Birmingham manuscript? the fact is there is not much better than what we have now
what does that mean? there is not much what better?
>also most of the Ahadith like bukhari and Muslim are well known for being a couple hundred years after the death of the prophet
>why trust anyone at all in such a long chain of Hadith recitors
no one does 100%. we all take them with a grain of salt

>no one does 100%. we all take them with a grain of salt
are you speaking for all Muslims now? last I checked sahih Ahadith are still used in fatwas.
>what does that mean? there is not much what better?
I mean that we are left with so little that is so vague, that criticizing any of it or finding flaws is difficult, which is why there still exists believers in the main religions today.
>i don't? no one is claiming he is divine
sorry I meant that he was claiming the revelation being given to him is divine.

Arrogance to the people that think their god is more important than the hundreds of gods that preceded him.

>are you speaking for all Muslims now?
yes more or less
>last I checked sahih Ahadith are still used in fatwas.
yes, does that contradict what i said?
>I mean that we are left with so little that is so vague, that criticizing any of it or finding flaws is difficult
the quran is clear as day. god exists, he made the universe, he expands the universe he made life there will be an afterlive, everyone will die etc.
>which is why there still exists believers in the main religions today.
are you speaking for all people of every faith now?

Zeus killed Kronos

>yes, does that contradict what i said?
it does since even weak Ahadith are used in fatwas as long as it does not contradict the quran and there is a decent number of supporting Ahadith, they are not taken with a grain of salt unless they are obviously corrupted/falsified
>the quran is clear as day. god exists, he made the universe, he expands the universe he made life there will be an afterlive, everyone will die etc.
this is circular reasoning, which is a fallacy, a perfect God would not rely on fallacious reasoning to prove his existence.

>it does since even weak Ahadith are used in fatwas as long as it does not contradict the quran and there is a decent number of supporting Ahadith, they are not taken with a grain of salt unless they are obviously corrupted/falsified
what if i told you people take fatwas based on ahadith only with a grain of salt?
>this is circular reasoning
how is saying the quran is clear as day circular reasoning?
>a perfect God would not rely on fallacious reasoning to prove his existence.
what are you talking about

>what if i told you people take fatwas based on ahadith only with a grain of salt?
I would tell you that you know less about your religion than I thought and maybe we should just end this discussion here, besides most fatwas are backed by both Ahadith and quran verses, fatwas with strictly only Ahadith are pretty rare
>how is saying the quran is clear as day circular reasoning?
no what you said falls under pic related

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Based please join our r/indianexmuslim sub Reddit we have two pakis from Lahore posting there

>fatwa stuff
fatwas aren't gospel. you know that, they can contradict each other, a fatwa is a scholar's opinion. it's not binding upon a muslim.
>reasoning stuff
i didn't say what your pic said
The quran says god exists, he made the universe, he expands the universe he made life there will be an afterlive, everyone will die etc..
I DIDN'T say god exists because the quran says so, please please please show me where i said that

I'm pretty sure he's larping. He spelled kashmir like the the type of wool, he says his relatives are in pakistan but the lockdown's in indian kashmir and he says indopak 2 as if there's only been one indopak war before.

There’s been an indo pak war before though when the pakis genocided bongolis

what's your point?

>fatwas aren't gospel. you know that, they can contradict each other, a fatwa is a scholar's opinion. it's not binding upon a muslim.
this entire thing right here reeks of talking out of your ass, I have studied enough books to not even give this thing you call an argument a reply
>I DIDN'T say god exists because...
no but you did, earlier to some one else, your argument also starts with the premise that God exists and this is objective fact so therefore blah blah blah, it is just a bad argument that leads to circular reasoning.

Doesn't it have like hundreds of differences AND recent corrections lmao

The perfectly preserved-argument is probably the dumbest since it's not only untrue, it's also something early muslims didn't believe in.

>this entire thing right here reeks of talking out of your ass, I have studied enough books to not even give this thing you call an argument a reply
there are fatwas that say to only attend one khutbah a day, and others that say i should attend multiple if there are multiple. I cannot possibly follow both. Tell me how do I follow both?
>no but you did, earlier to some one else
no i didn't. Show me.
>your argument also starts with the premise that God exists and this is objective fact so therefore blah blah blah
no? I just talked about intelligent design of the universe from a secular point of view. you're putting words in my mouth because you can't prove your point about circular reasoning.

yes which is why I mentioned the Sanaa manuscript and the fairly recent standardized version of the quran which was composed in Cairo I believe 1914/1916 I could be wrong, I have not argued against a muslim in a while so my dates might be off.

Mid twenties I believe, like 1924

Deusional shitskin believe in his peasant book written by an iron aged paedophile. The Quran is a poor rehashed copied version of the bible. Both are obviously made up man made, but the bible was written better than the Muslim with an 80 iq

Based and correct.

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