Do you have relatives that live in foreign countries?

Do you have relatives that live in foreign countries?

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No, my rather limited extended family all lives here in Australia. Almost all of them live in the same state, too.
Also, I want to fuck that person in the butt, btw

All my family lives in Korea

I have relatives in the USA. But I don't know them. Apparently they own some factory in Texas.

no one that I’m in contact with. my family moved here and apparently burnt every bridge along the way.

Yes, my brother lives abroad

I should want to fuck her but I want to be her instead

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Only one of my cousins lives in UK and that is it.

Will he save the rainforests?

what the fuck are you talking about?



- 2 aunts in france
- 1 uncle in italy
- 1 aunt in germany
- 1 aunt in belgium
- 1 uncle and 2 cousins in canada
- brother and many cousins also in france

obviously not counting the nephews :)

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A great aunt in Northern Ireland
Cousin in Cornwall which is basically a different country

Uncle in Ireland and another uncle and aunt in Germany. Grandpa used to live in Chicago suburbs

i am the family member thats living in a foreign country

Cousins in Romania, Alaska and Mexico.

no spain or netherlands?

ireland america france and new zealand and possibly finland

all over africa and europe obviously and one in the us

my parents live in Israel
t. not a Jew

One uncle and one aunt in USA (Sylicon valley)
One aunt in Spen

I have some family in Australia

Yup, Germany

nah we are not originally from that part of morocco ( the north or the rif ) that goes to these two countries.



som cousins in france
some other cousing in Venezuel
brother in Switzerland
I'll soon GTFO and become a foreigner too, where idk yet but theres no reason for me to be here :)

My grandparents have relatives in the ukraine

Do you know where in Canada your uncle lives?

Unfortunately a lot of my family fell for the "immigrate to France and become rich lol" meme, as do most Portuguese

I'm Portuguese not Brazilian I don't give a shit about the rainforest

dad worked for their military for a few months
got offered a permanent job and took it after I moved out



France, Argentina

Si, thats a girl

I have a distant family member in the USA which is where he started a family, he's lived in Oman and other oil countries where he made his fortune now he's got a huge house with a pool and a mercedes s class

she's a well known Reddit transgirl, pic semi-related

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I've got a branch of the family on my mother's side in Brazil, which is actually a huge clan now. I only discovered it because my mother's cousin linked his family tree to mine on MyHeritage and added a bunch of scans of old photos.

That is all, I think.

im the one in my family living abroad

Yes. I have family in the US and Chile.

Yep, Greece, Croatia and Canada.

Yes. In USA, Spain and Norway

Sister lives in the Isle of Wight if you count that as a foreign country

You might want to move out then.

Uncle and his family live in Aus.

Also a bunch of relatives in England I've never met. My grandma moved here in the 50s and I've only met 2 of her family from England.

Ye, I know

Got a few cousins spread about the canadian maritimes

Yeah, in Norway.

They also can be bums under the bridge.

Yeah, some cousins in terronia

Yeah but I've never met them. In England, Hungary and Austria.

grandpa lives in spain

Australia, Austria and northwest US/Canada

Only based United States.

Can't wait to finish my college, get work&travel visa and escape to a place with actual freedom where the weak don't govern.

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my uncle moved around the world for his work, retired in sweden
his kids, my cousins, live in australia and austria

Damn, he was very feminine already in 2012.

If your last name is Rousseff, I hate you.

I'd suck on her little atrophied penis until she spurted her cummies in my mouth.

I like to think everytime a swede flag post something like this, it's a proxy LARPing, but boi, Im not sure anymore.

Proof that transgenderism is the solution to both the incel and the school shooter problem


>i dont give a shit about the well being of the planet
Sounds like portuguese alright

I was intentionally being as gross as I possibly could, I'm sorry.

That said, I do wanna suck her dick and bang her.

Nah, their surname is Saulytis, but they immigrated im 1920s, so they're just brazilian now.

yeah. my 27 brother is currently living in Germany. getting free gibs and raping white girls on the daily. I am really jealous of him

kill all faggots

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i want to smell her

haha, where would you smell her? haha what about her panties and that bulge lol.

The U.K., Hong kong and Australia