UPS.... insider here, short it

Union insider here. We are voting on our new contract in the next couple of week. It’s not gonna pass. The public will hear about the potential strike and this shit will dump. Your welcome biz

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When is the vote?

Ballots should be arriving in the next few days.

When do you have to return the ballots by?

> implying you won't get replaced by scabs which ends up saving the company millions

this was my first thought.

>implying that we won’t continue working even after we vote no so they can continue negotiating
>implying companies are not going to automatically switch to fedex due to strike talk
>implying the market won’t react to strike talk

Ups went on strike in 97

Scabs don’t work and can’t work as effective or even at 50% of what the well oiled machine operates at

The pilots will also likely strike with us as they did in 97

That was 21 years ago, the world has changed. How much of your sorting and distribution is automated now?

Your commie shit isn't going to fly with anyone
Trump will probably outlaw cartels(unions) all together if it's a big deal

im not seeing UPS on BitMex what exchange is it on?

In Chicago there is a lot of drama on this. UPS workers are plastering the city with posters. People I've talked to about it all seem to support the UPS workers too. Seems bad for UPS holders.

The vast majority of our system still depends on human sorters. Louisville is our main air hub, and the contract will 100% not pass in their local.

Keep your /pol shit out of here. I’m tryna help you faggots out.

>the world has changed in 21 years
>your Jow Forums shit

wha? Look, I just think you're vastly overestimating the impact a strike would have on the stock price. Why short it to only see it go down .27%?

maybe amazon will be hit too if package deliveries slow marketwide? been waiting for that shit to have a good reason to correct hard

Amazon delivers most of their own volume in almost every major metro area. Won’t have any effect on them.

Redpill me on unions. To my knowledge they are supposed to protect workers but all I've heard of the years is they are commie shit where lazy fucks abuse unions to get pay and benefits by doing barely any work or shit work at that.

These Teamster Union faggots will get destroyed by Daddy Bezos in the next 10 years. Won't be having to pay drivers 70K+/yr to be a glorified mailman.

>Voting against substantial pay increase and pension benefits.

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Big corporations hate them. That says a lot

The provide a living wage and a middle class Life. Without unions, companies like amazon use sub contracting immigrant fucks.

Its basically this.

I'm in the boilermakers union even though i have 0 training as a boilermaker. Its just the company I work for every employee is a part of it. Everyone who holds seniority is over the age of 40 and make all of the decisions. Anyone who hasn't been there for at least a decade have 0 say and are basically paying 50$ a paycheck to get fucked.

Unions had their use 100 years ago. They're commie faggots now.

> commie shit where lazy fucks abuse unions to get pay and benefits by doing barely any work or shit work at that.
Exactly this.
Fat lazy morons like OP will blackmail employers and force them to increase wages and decrease productivity levels. Union leaders are usually legit criminals with mob connections and skim from all their member's paycheck. Until this year, unions could even LEGALLY take union dues from non-memebers even if they didn't want to be in the union.
It's completely the antithesis of a free market, so naturally libtards spent the past few decades making retarded ass laws so employers can't fight back against unions in any way.

Say its commie all you want, corporations would have you in a wage cage the second they outlaw trade unions

First off, the pay increase doesn’t match inflation, but that’s not our issue
>continued use of forced 70hr work weeks
>a new class of substandard drivers who make 6 less an hour
>part time employees get paid basically minimum wage. Part time employees made 2x minimum wage 20 years ago
>ups makes 6 billion In profits per year and just got a huge tax break, and offer us a completely sub par contract.

> Blindly accepting handouts instead of demanding g your fair share
Enjoy your cage

Without unions you get stuck in a Amazon wagecage

Thanks based insider. When do you think would be a good time to load up on puts?

Based and redpilled

So glad I quit this shit company 4 years ago. To anyone still working there... NEVER GO INTO MANAGEMENT!

Give us an exact date for the vote, OP

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No exact date yet

Can you give some information on how much packages are checked, for example, for illegal substances? Does every package get x-rayed?

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True bootlicker.
Imagine a wagecuck so cucked Fe actually attacks the rights countless workers like him died protecting.
The only institution that protects him being taken advantage of by multi billion dollar companies.
The same that made sure you could have sick days, holiday leave, the same the stopped children from being employed and taken advantage off.

You serious nigga? You must be one sheltered ignorant motheefucker, but you will soon learn.
Statistically you’re a wagecuck or will be one and you will learn that higher ups get bonuses for taking advantage of you and the law doesn’t give a fuck unless you have expensive lawyers defending your case.

Don’t use ups. It’s private. They have dogs on premises at times and don’t need a warrant or anything to check your shit. No X-ray machines but some ups store employees are dicks and check your shit, as well as the dogs.

USPS can’t check anything without the postmaster signing off on an inspection. Use usps.

i'm self-employed, but I have generally positive feeling towards private sector unions.

(public sector unions should be illegal)

sending illegal shit via USPS is a major felony. I have to imagine sending illegal shit via UPS means they pocket it.

>True bootlicker.
>Imagine a wagecuck so cucked Fe actually attacks the rights countless workers like him died protecting.
>The only institution that protects him being taken advantage of by multi billion dollar companies.
>The same that made sure you could have sick days, holiday leave, the same the stopped children from being employed and taken advantage off.
>You serious nigga? You must be one sheltered ignorant motheefucker, but you will soon learn.
>Statistically you’re a wagecuck or will be one and you will learn that higher ups get bonuses for taking advantage of you and the law doesn’t give a fuck unless you have expensive lawyers defending your case.

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Same major felony Pham.
There are literally narcs at my location once a week grabbing packages and conducting controlled deliveries.

Sound argument.

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If things reach the point of needing scab workers this could potentially be a decent drop I'd think. Especially if people spin some FUD with reminders of Amazon's growing delivery service and Trump's plans to ramp up USPS to combat Amazon.
Perfect opportunity to buy low and sell high.

You stupid motherfucker, he asked a question about lobbies and you reply with typical snobby commie bullshit. You're a fucking leech guaranteed and not a valuable worker at all. Flip my fucking big mac faggot and shut the fuck up.

I run my own business but had to work a full time job since I was 15, I know very wel what I’m talking about, you’re just a sheltered faggot who never had to do 80 hours a week to survive.

Something to think about. Biz loves trump.... biz sways to the right side
>make America great again
>America was at its greatest when labor unions were the strongest
Something for you fucks to marinate on.