Tired of people fucking with the internet yet?

Tired of people fucking with the internet yet?

Crypto is going to salvage the greatest invention in our lifetime. Specifically Skycoin is going to be the biggest player in this space since these laws won't affect individually owned equipment operating on private property.


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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=synth skycoin

unironcially bought some skycoin today.

despite the massive red flags.
like synth getting kidnapped n shit ( lmao sure )

... I'm likng the many posts on DIY miners i've seen.

so i've put a small stack into skycoin.

lets hope it wont be wasted.

Attached: naniiiiiiii.jpg (1000x1000, 94K)

Wow Arthur Hayes is a XRP shill and a EOS BP and he's been manipulating the market and ETH is the best WTF whales

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Is this from Berlin or Hamburg or whatever?

Anyway, holy shit Synth is based. He handled that question well. Would love to hear a more detailed response from him.

Yeah, I haven't seen definitive proof of the kidnapping story besides a police report in mandarin, but it doesn't bother me as much now since they've been chugging along. medium.com/skycoin/august-community-update-52bdbf1e762d

Nano is nice too since it doesn't encourage mining cartels to farm fees with fake PoW transactions.

Yeah, pretty much pick any video and listen to him, man is almost an oracle, if such a thing existed: youtube.com/results?search_query=synth skycoin

What was the point of the YouTube video? Showing that skycoin is just another pajeet tier shitcoin?

If you havnt been accumulating xlm, you’re not going to make it.

i've used a lot of coins and nano was so easy and fast. I've litteraly introduced all my friends that were interested with nano.

it was so simple, make them download the nano android wallet. send them one nano form my phone wallet by scanning a QR code. wait 20 seconds and boom the transaction is confirmed.

me and my friends use nano to pay eachother on festivals. like when a friend doesn't want to go buy another strip of drinkcoupons he can just buy a few coupons of another fren with some nano.

its easy and it works like that.

so I'm putting my bets on nano becoming big.
I know its still experimental tech and I also dislike the history with bitgrail and bomber and all the crap. but yeah. nasty shit somethimes happens I guess.

I've always been eyeballing skycoin cause of the nice content I've read from the shills.

I almost bought at $30. thank god I didn't.

but I bought today att three dolla.

Just to demonstrate the extent of the reactions that people have to a platform with much more of an absolute level of free speech compared to what they're used to.

Stellar is destroying any value it had by throwing most of its coins away to the third world, my mining cartel friend.

That Hilary Feminist bitch would totally get rekt

Fuck sake I really want something like Skycoin to work. I love the idea of a decentralised internet. I've been using this piece of shit since '98 and long for a day back when it was more grass roots and unfiltered.

I love the idea of running a lil bagholder box Skyminer - but give it to me straight no bullshit - is this the team to deliver us something like that?

DIY miner here. Support team on Telegram has been really helpful, providing 24 hour tech support to get the miners running. I got my first payment in September (this month) for August. I'm really pleased, and very excited and optimistic about this project.

Check out Synth on YouTube. Watch a few interviews. There are few people who have been as intimately involved with the development of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency as he has been.

They're the only ones talking about putting antennas on top of buildings

Attached: skywire-antenna.png (1600x1600, 1.39M)

I got in too after someone here shilled Skycoin on /biz back in June. I immediately looked up guides on how to make a Sky miner and ordered all of the components on Amazon. I had my thing ready to go in like three days, lol. Took about three months from applying to whitelist to first payment. I was just completely stoked that I even got it to work, lol.

Nice, so pumped for mainnet.

You should post your miner if you want to, I love seeing DIYs.

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Got a link on what you need for one?

Here's the list for the official build:

Hard to beat how decent Orange Pi Primes are for the price. My box has weaker raspberry pis just because I had several already.

Lmao I live in Estonia and I doubt I'll ever even hear about pirating from my ISP. Maybe if you live in germany then rip.

>CEO holds all of the funds and there is no way to validate your transactions
>permissioned network
>manufactures the hardware
>no plan to actually have transparency with the supply and turn it over to the community

Wow yeah such a leap from the existing, so crypto.

Fuck off with this scam, sage.

Checked. Looks nice.

Here's mine.

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Does it matter how many pi's you have? You have 8 but other user has 4?

It's becoming a thing in Finland and inevitably it will reach Estonia too. I'm already preparing.
Pic related, it's my bitch

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You can have between 1-8 nodes per miner.

if you guys actually read anything you would realize that Article 13 is actually protecting regular people from Big Tech

>He even has the router...

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why is this becoming a thing in Finland? please explain what this is? it's just a setup to mine coins yes? I don't see the significance please explain

My Finnish friend said that Elisa or some other ISP is leaking information about consumer torrenting, so you might get fined for downloading/uploading copyrighted material.
The device is a skyminer. It's basically a VPN box. Other people can use my bandwidth through it and I can use other peoples devices for my needs.

This is bait of excellent quality.

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It's not mining like Bitcoin does, bitcoin has you solving random calculations and also validating transactions on the network.

Skycoin is more like a whitehat botnet. You're running a router and server on your private property and you're getting metered pay for providing bandwidth, processing, and storage.
That means that it doesn't matter how many miners you can stuff in a room, it's about how useful you can be to the network, like if you own property that can be used to connect two cities together over wifi antennas.

>despite the massive red flags. like synth getting kidnapped n shit ( lmao sure )
idk user, do some digging into modern chinese culture and you will see that it is a country that revolves around extortion, bribery, and scams. kidnapping someone over some bitcoin is totally up their alley.

Attached: skyminer.jpg (1320x1838, 431K)

not bait at all actually. now Big Tech has to compensate average people for their content, no more profiting off of the little people while giving nothing back. this will also disincentivize them from operating in Europe, which is a good thing for the well being of European people. Big Tech has ruined young people. this will also spear innovation for people to develop decentralized solutions which are not dependent on some Jews at Alphabet.

you're welcome.

Lol, I was reading about how they'll murder people they accidentally hit with a car, since you have to pay their medical bills if they live.

Ahuh, big gov knows best for you and everyone you live around, I'm sure.

You're right about this spurring decentralization at least.

I'm right about everything. Thanks though.

how many shekels did this cost you

Those are in the $400-$600 range, depending on where they bought the stuff and those cases.

please gibs list of parts

How does skycoin compare to shift?


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Shift is built on the old legacy internet with old legacy hardware. It seems like a nice VPN with some neat features, could be run on Skycoin's CX/Fiber platform.

BTC/ETH miner right there, afraid to lose his transfer fee collection scheme.

Skycoin uses a secondary currency called coinhours that it uses for transactions, allows the network to operate without fees since they're issued at a fixed rate.