I'm a schizoid ptsd gook who served in Iraq 2007-2009. ask me anything

I'm a schizoid ptsd gook who served in Iraq 2007-2009. ask me anything.

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What happened?

Why do you have an American flag on your pic and a cAnadian flag on your larp?

dont talk about it.

I moved duh.


you got ptsd from post war iraq? lamo


actually post invasion iraq was WWWWAAY WORSE than intial invasion iraq. get yourself educated.

How so ? Who would you vote for, Obama or Trump ? Do you regret your engagement ?

thank you for your service

Where the stories of military officials being rapey assholes true?


Got any war stories?

They had the insurgency and shit like Falluja. The invasion was basically Iraq getting steamrolled in no time.

>ask me anything
>wow :o you have ptsd that's awful what happened bro.
Why are veteranfags so cringe? Also, how did they even let you in if you're a schizo??

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what benefits you get?

Cause of Trump?

What's your opinion on Bradu Pittu meme?

>how did they even let you in if you're a schizo??
Considering they allow women and trannies, being a schizo is the most believable story

I knew this dude who used to distribute porno mags to iraqi kids on his spare time. Nice dude overall sadly he died from an IED like 10 days before his tour ended.

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Yes I knew about the asymetric guerilla thing but I expected a personal experience. Whoaa, all this and not a single nuclear/bio wepaon ? ISIS is directly linked to this conflict. Millions of lifes ruined for nothing... bravo america ?

Good, Allah punished him for spreading degeneracy amongst the youth.

due to jobs and family members here? Plus Im a dual citizen.

how many gamers did you game end?


Did any of your family member served in Vietnam, if yes how do you feel about them before and after Iraq?

yes my grandpa served vietnam as Fierce Tigers Capitalized Mechanized Infantry
Division and killed many many commies and made a lot of money selling drugs to American gis.

They found shit but not enough to justify it. Anyways I have family that served in both as enlisted and officers. Afghanistan for my cousin that was a marine was worse and he was there for a month versus a year in Iraq. Another relative was a helicopter pilot and officer. He did logistics amongst other things and Afghanistan was too big of an area with too little men. There is also a knowledge problem of Afghanis in Taliban areas, they live and die in the same valley with no knowledge of the outside world. All of their knowledge about the other Afghans and Allied forces is from the Taliabn. They didnt even know why the allies were there.

>Fierce Tigers
did he die?

Watch out!!!!? Fuck!!!!

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no he later became a successful cattle farmer in southern texas.

no but Fierce Tigers is one of the most elite divisions in SK military charged with task of defending seoul to the last man. I wouldnt fuck with them at all.

Shit your shit country sold to them so they could best iran you israeli mercenarie
