North italy is white

North italy is white

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he looks green ayy lmao

post a picture of a real italian next time
we are much darker than that

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much better
although even he is white compared to the average italian

Italians are my favorite posters on this board

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why is he so perfect lads?

you know why

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his mother wanted a blue eyed blonde girl instead he come out


North Italians are white Meds, south Italians are only peripherally European

I peripherally shit in your mouth

more norman than you bong

South Italians are based, the ones in the north are pussies and fags.
Whenever I meet my calabrian, sicilian, naples buddies we always hug strong and greet hello brother how are you and strong handshake, but when I meet northern sissies they always have a weak handshake and they're trying to be nice, fake gentlemenship



Doubt it, i am half channel islander so basically pure norman

polentoids are scared of high test individuals irl, it is a sad truth, that's why they are so vicious online.

Based and southpilled

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they are gypsy-tier. i genuinely start to think we are whiter than southern euros. probably because of mixing with slavs.

I know that really good. One of my sisters married a fat ginger kuck from the northern italy and he was scared to come over here to meet us, her family, because he thought we were gonna mock him.


we are darker than kara boga

i don't get it, how can there be extroverted loud terroni's posting on this anime forum right now and how can they be so undeniably based.

Is it true that he sold Italy to Putin?

I wish, I could at least be a slave to a tall Russian Amazon qt with big boobies

He tried

North : german rape babies
South : arab rape babies

lmoa they really be like that, sweaty palms and everything

Salvini is from Lombardy

I unironically would support him more if that was the case


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Putin has the best interests of European nations at heart so had Salvini done such a thing, he would have carried out a great act of patriotism.

Some North Italians look Germanic anyway

Milano belong to Spen

Seething north Italian proxyfag lmao

american tier post

The Republic of Salo should have been merged into West Germany after the war so that they can be treated like niggers by actual Germans.

>Putin has the best interests of European nations at heart so had Salvini done such a thing

I wish