/cp/ - Culture Pals aka Autism Pals, Marriage edition

Old Thread Welcome to Culture Pals. Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(BASED) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on www.freesites.gratisiqteste.com.br? Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
Want to banter koreaboos?

Sign up at:

Website with pastas and scripts:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:

qtcrawler script:
pastebin.com/h5A30AW7 (embed)


Attached: slavthot.jpg (758x504, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Yeah, thank fuck I'm feeling apathetic today, otherwise things would have been way worse.
Maybe you're thinking of another Romanian, I believe there is at least one more in this general. Anyhow, she realized she got my hopes up by mistake and claimed that we probably won't be getting any closer. I didn't feel like staying friends so I just dropped her.

The Finn actually did it you absolute madman

You're the one who confessed their feelings to their qt, right?




Then I am thinking of the right one.
Sorry to hear it mate, but that is often the way of the e-girl

It's fine, I think I did the right thing.

Find a couple of rebounds mate.

Just done a poo la

I'm sorry for your loss buddy, seeing your posts here about you talking with her was very comfy and heartwarming for me.

thoughts and prayers

Thank you for your service

Nah, not in the mood.
Maybe I was just stupidly hasty. I've decided to keep a diary, so as to explain my feelings to myself before making the mistake of letting them loose anywhere else.


>before making the mistake of letting them loose anywhere else.

Tips for creating a profile?

Good pic of yourself
Crack some jokes in your profile
Your hobbies
Countries you visited

Profile pic with visible bulge, secondary support showing abs
At least learning 2 relevant eastern european languages
Short profile without any dry wittiness



Attached: l.png (370x80, 19K)



Your pasta is shit. You autistic cuck finn.

would marry

Decent though she will most probs bleed your wallet

want german gf

my image of german women are: cold, ordnung, strict



You are 74 years too late.

Would let her slip a finger in me. Just want a European cutie



are you giving us women you like because you want us to steal your women cuck?

i know some german women now(austrian, swiss count as german), i follow a bit of sports, and they are really gorgeous in y opinion

not the playboy cover type of gorgeous or pirelli nude calendar or perfume adverts' faces, but a down-to-earth beautiful women, modest and nice(judging by their social media presence, a rare presence - they are not like american women who post 24/7 etc, they only use it like once per week)

either their privacy settings exclude my ass or I am not into them really but find them attractive nevertheless

You are European, also Eng girls are cute too(like astronomer from TV show or Brexit gal)

>their privacy settings exclude my ass
Are you 40+ :)

I am 69

Italian looks boyish
Brazilian hell yh

what do you talk with girls? Don't have inspiration

about how big is my pee pee

I really want to find a Georgian girl from some reason that I don't even know myself but holy shit it's tough to get a response out of them. And there's also not a lot of them on interpals.

recommend me a qt that can actually speak english

preferably from neighbouring countries

I think good girls don't use such sites :/


I avoid Eastern Europe all together


It is safe to assume every geek weeabo girl here knows about touhou right?

Would you only consider countries that directly border Greece or countries that do not directly border it but are reasonably close?

ones that are reasonably close will do f am

So far every girl I talked knew English. I didn't really talk to anyone today though since I'm bummed out for what happened yesterday

what happened yesterday

Try some Georgian girls then, the ones I've talked to all had pretty good English because they learn English from the beginning of their schooling.

A cute Japanese girl I was talking with deleted her account :(. I'm still baffled as to what happened

I get way more pussy than you will ever hope for.

Yes, good girls use Jow Forums :3

Keep telling that to yourself cuck

kys nigger

it's hard being a women

Attached: 2019-08-28-212703_540x61_scrot.png (540x61, 8K)

One cuck!
Two cuck!

They think n*gger is an insult. Bahahahhaa

desu if you get a fucking thousand messages it's hard pick the good ones, at least we men get to choose who we message.

>inb4 women can do that too
women don't send messages to anyone who is even remote in their league

Just have sex already

el abominacion...

Want Han chinese gf

Based merimutt autist

Starting to get annoyed enough with girls my age that I'm starting to look at women in their 30s and 40s

>Relationship status: In a relationship
Just be yourself bro.

Attached: canadian grill.png (687x695, 727K)

same bro

How old are you? Just go for 18 year olds mate

I'm 25, going for anyone under 20 seems a little sleazy at this point in my honest opinion.

im 27 and the majority of the girls I talk to or have been talking to are 19-20

>women don't send messages to anyone who is even remote in their league
I had a cute NZ girl send me a first message as well as a frenchie who I still talk to

Attached: sad cowboy.jpg (300x300, 20K)

It was not your fault. Find another jap qt :)

Attached: ITS NOT YOUR FAULT.jpg (500x269, 23K)

I'm 19 and I've sent messages to girls older than me. It's no problem dude

We'll see about that. Today was a failure. Also when you're going to talk to a girl again after a few days, it's not weird or boring to ask her how she's doing right?

anyone have something on their face that keeps them from posting a a profile pic?
>tfw rosacea

bluestacks tinder spoofing is fugging up for me

Made this mistake with a Ukranian whore. Careful

use "location guard"addon on your firefox or chrome on your pc. it works

I'm close to 30 and I've messaged plenty of 19-20 old girls


Something is a bit off with that one

>my only qt deactivated her profile

life fucking sucks, doesn't it?

>I saw a movie with you. I think called deliverance
made me lol




Americans should expel those people to Saudi Arabia

>Finally recive a message after 8 days.
>It's very cold
This ghosting ride never ends.

tfw no american gf


She used to be famous in the Interpals threads for being a horny bitch and going along with a lot of fantasies

>One of Mr. King's masterpieces. Together with "The Shawshank redemption" too.

Attached: OMGYESSSSSSSSSS.jpg (352x343, 26K)

>31 yo
she is post wall roastie now

She is also a coalburner -- at least, online. Not sure there are non-whites who actually live in Poland.

probably few in capital/bigger cities like here in Serbia, they play soccer and basketball for local clubs or study

lads i need a mandarin fluent hapa qt to knock up 3x or so and spend my life with. how do i accomplish this?

how do i run that attached script you fucking cuck.

>her snapchat score is 6500
is this approaching thot levels or no?

I have one :^)
If she uses snap. Yes.

>tfw no 1st world gf