Why do Brits like to talk down to or preach to Japanese about women’s rights or dignity and blame Japanese for...

Why do Brits like to talk down to or preach to Japanese about women’s rights or dignity and blame Japanese for pedophiles or childpornography when Brits or other whire nations are far more pedophilic and have way higher rapist rate and Japanese are far more female-dominant country? Brits are very very racist. Stop playing whiteknight in front of Japanese women and stop using Japan for satisfying your stupid machismo. I can't stand your arrogance. I don't know any people who are more shameless than Brits.

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shut the fuck up david

Shut the fuck up retard

Just popping in to say hello, OP.
t. Brit living in Japan

Shut the fuck up retard

>Japanese for pedophiles or childpornography when Brits or other whire nations are far more pedophilic
You make loli porn and the only reasonpediphilia is lower in Japan is because the NEETs into it never leave their room.

To distract from the shitskins actually molesting kids in their dystopian shithole.

euros are biggest pedos. millions of them travel to east asia for underage prostitutes every year. their women are perverts too.

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Thanks for your reply, Turkey san

Can you not touch Japanese kids, please?

A question for you David. How many IRL Brits do you actually know personally?

I am not David. I know zero Brits in reallife. But Brits I see on the internet and media are like how I described in OP.

By the way, when will you arrest the rapist in OP?

Go to sleep davido.
dont you have to get up early in the morning to play like a monkey in front of the kids tomorrow?

I have the day off, and fortunately I got thrown into a Senior High School - which doesn't involve as much dancing.

I can't speak to that, it's true no doubt what is sometimes reported in the media about British behaviour, just look up Jimmy Savile, Garry Glitter & "Rotherham underage sex scandal". As for Pervert Andrew he's probably guilty of being a Pedo too IMO. He is powerfully protected though. However if you look at the Catholic church scandal, with the Priests buggering children over centuries it certainly isn't just a Brit problem.
I certainly wouldn't base my opinion of Brits or any country for that mater on the anonymous incels & spergs that post on here =)
To me Japan comes across as much more traditionalist than NZ. I have heard media stories of Japanese discrimination, especially in the workplace. What do you think, is there some truth to that?

> if you look at the Catholic church scandal, with the Priests buggering children over centuries it certainly isn't just a Brit problem.
That's horrible problem. But at least catholic countries don't blame us about feminist issues or SJW issues pretending as if they are clean handed, innocent and advanced.

There are some Brits who speaks Japanese and always blame Japanese society on the internet. Listening to them, I would be under impression that the western world is wonderful place

> I have heard media stories of Japanese discrimination, especially in the workplace. What do you think, is there some truth to that?

What kind of stories did you hear?

Sorry, I have to correct myself as more recently it was a Vlog on yt - youtu.be/T-HWoLVJdoY

Brits, make your country perfect before blaming the foreign country

whitoids always want to impose their culture on other peoples even tho in secret they do the same thing they preach against

Japanese nationals enjoy the very good medical service for low price. Probably it's world's best medical system. It's because doctors and paramedics work hard for cheap income. In every city, you can see doctor in big hospital even if it's midnight. And almost all of the doctor you see in midnight are male doctors. Female doctors become Ophthalmologist or Dermatologist and they rarely have night shift. So, it's reasonable that affirmative action is applied to male students. Also, nurse schools do the same thing in reversed way. Regardless the score of admission exam, the percentages of female nurse students and male nurse students are like 90% and 10%

"If you haven't given birth or gotten married then you are not complete"
The society sees male people like this as well. So I don't take it as sexism.

> Sexist remarks toward women
Sexist remarks toward men are not seen as problems at all, like it's allowed to make fun of virgin men openly

> The woman followed by unknown guy
> Police said "It's your fault for wearing something so revealing"
When male person become the victim of this kind of crime, the society treat him more coldly than that

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>Brit: hurr durr women's rights pedophilia *comes to Asia exclusively to fuck underage girls (or boys)*

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yeah i don't buy this

are these pliers to catch people wihtout physical contact? god, the japs are really funny with this prude attitude in any given situation...

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Europe is insanely hypocritical when it comes to freedom of expression. They act as if a country can still have free speech while arresting people for having bad opinions. They arrest people for hate speech or any speech thats “offensive to minorities”.

anglos do this all the time. reminder that pedophilia is more rampant in protestant countries and is not a catholic problem. yes the catholic priests that did it or allowed it should be guillotined, but deflecting doesn't solve the fucking problem. they did the same with games, and now they do it with anime saying that only trannies, incels, pedos or mentally ill people watch it. your first mistake was taking the anglo seriously and not like the clown he is.

>europe is one country
britain, germany and france should be wiped out.