

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-28 r MapPorn - Europe 1789 before French Revolution.png (850x506, 335K)

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what should have been...

based. mașalah


Take me back... when there were Islamic terrorists not incel ones

>no sicily
more arab then you mehmet

>Global Liberation Army never

It hurts.


Holy based

>Heh, nothing personal Ad*l.

Attached: Eddie Gallagher.jpg (2000x1333, 644K)

That Khorasan is based, looks like the one I made in EU4


They were close

good taste

>Syrian army lost to mud hut dwellers that thought this was possible

to this? at no point were they close to a quarter of this

Sir, this is Jow Forums.

Turn off the proxy, Mark.

>no Israel


Attached: 15670022649994575056087246406744.jpg (3120x4160, 2.52M)

love to rush as them and making usa cucks whine and cry

Imagine all the terrorist attacks that could have happened...




Attached: greater.png (921x717, 57K)

Is it true that Spanish was strongly influenced by Arabic?

They truly were a bunch of autistic larpers

Thank you for sparing asian muslim

if by strong you mean loanwords related to vegetables then yes

Inshallah, I shall establish the Sultanate of Injiltira in my lifetime

There still are, just not on the news anymore.

Welcome to the list.

>to this? at no point were they close to a quarter of this
At no point were they close to 5% of this

Cringe and muslincelpilled

Attached: lmao arabs.jpg (1008x674, 504K)

mostly loan words. don't believe memes

what list? kys am*rimutt

motly? holy shit

Yup. Don’t believe the reconquista meme as well

Attached: 9538B802-247F-47D9-ACC4-F75D1426B1F3.png (1310x928, 888K)

is that legit? what a bunch of retards lol

The fuck are you madrasi or something ? What are you doing in pakistan mallu, went there to join ISIS ?

proving once again that they are just LARPshits. i hate larpshirs

Attached: 4566523.jpg (480x480, 19K)

Most of them are in Catalonia iirc

Probably a list that automatically triggers extrajudicial arrest if you go to burgerland.

Portugal carried in the reconquista

I wish

I will destroy the west