Still no sanctions

>still no sanctions

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What is there to sanction? Your shithole barely has an economy.

its only the eight biggest in the world

oh no we will run out of bananas

Brazil are so irrelevant they forgot about it after a week

don't worry about it, we've got that covered

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Is that what your government tells you? Sounds like some North Korea tier bullshit.

the UN should annex the rainforest, braz*llian apes shouldn't have control over 20% of our oxygen

Wait are we sanctioning Brazil? Did people say this was going to happen? Because that's a bit much to be quite honest family.

It Ill be mich when brazil will be entirely glassed.

Normally I find Brazilian posters incredibly cringy and obnixious but the amount of butthurt they have caused in firstie cucks as of late redeems them just a little tiny bit.

Why do Brapzilians make faggots seethe so?

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living in Brazil is enough sanction lmao

you should be glad you can afford a computer

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>210 million people
>only 8th biggest
You’re so fucking useless lol

Come the fuck on. We both know your shithole is a shithole. Your only economy is drugs and liveleak videos.

Yours is sucking chink cock, and no one is complaining

So which of us do you think is living the better life? It's 1 in the morning and I could walk down the street in complete safety. Could you?

Oh no, they're going to sanction us, what are we gonna do?????


Feels good NOT depending on the (((international system))). If foreign trade makes a relevant part of your country's GDP, you're cucked beyond relief.

Enjoy your Sudanese gangs.

but wont you just fall into the sun if you'd go outside?

cope harder

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imagine bragging about the fact that your country of 210 million people doesn't produce literally ANYTHING of value except for liveleak videos. Literal ape-tier

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>If foreign trade makes a relevant part of your country's GDP, you're cucked beyond relief.

Yes indeed such a country would risk becoming as shitty as brazil in case of perturbations in trade.

Finally took off your proxy, Rogerio Macaco. I knew you weren't Australian.

i'm not the aussie, i'm just laughing at you wasting your time trying to fix brazilian image around the world by being butthurt on Jow Forums, Bolsonaro fucked up his image at the worls cene in just under 8 months and we will suffer for at least 3 years because of it
there's no amount of shilling on Jow Forums that will fix it, sorry

We do not want, nor have any intention of deriving our receipts from sales to other countries. You can keep your system and suck Shlomo's cock all you want, we'll stick with ours.


Weren’t you chimping out about Mercosur being suspended not long ago?

>a-at least we're independent!
enjoy making $600 for the rest of your life

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>a Brazilian trying to tell an Australian his country is bad

Brazilians that find our system "bad" were.

>proud to be a slave
One day, poolack, Mr. Shekelstein will come over to demand his due as the price for your "economy stronk" moment, and you'll sorely regret that day.

i'm convinced that the biggest problem is brazil is how the habitants are just unable to admiting they were wrong and called on it
if you say anything to a brazilian like
>your president is shit
his warped ape mind will hear
the fight or flight response will start and he will start chimping out
>no u nigger not me

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>an American seething for free
LO... Huh, that's not uncommon at all

Being Brazilian is the sanction

They're in G15

LOL implying apes aren't slaves too, the only difference is you sold your asses for $300 a month
