
United Bogdom; The toilet we like to call home edition

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Ireland isn't in the UK.

Feel like doing a poo

...you're welcome de lads..

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what happens when all the educated people leave? brain drain isn't good

it will be soon

But it is a Bog

Owen Jones is calling on his leftypol comrades to take to the streets in protest

Old Lady Accommodates Massive Blonde Johnson

going to nandos with my friends for tea

starting to come around to the idea that we might need to shed a bit of blood to get rid of the monarchy

Educated people won't leave. Only indoctrinated rootless cosmopolitan city-dwelling marxists will move to their precious EU superstate.

Rorke quaking in his boots

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alright NO politics in this thread let’s talk about tim or something

educated does not equal intelligent
if a bunch of arrogant communist students leave the country we'll be better off for it

did the schizophrenic man do something wacky?

he based

>the bankers want no deal

Chip shop wasn’t open so ended up getting some cans

Oi! Get here you little cunt!
*try to chase after him but fall arse over tit*

eh, which one of us has to tell him the bankers voted remain

corbyn is a conman

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more interesting than arguing over men in different colour ties

bloody brexit

Absolute Monarchy>>>>>>>>>>Tories

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Jacob Rees Moog’s hedge fund stands to make millions of no deal brexit

brexit the bankers the bonuses the billionaires the brown people

There won't be a UK soon in the first place.

>Breaking: Owen Jones has declared martial law and demanded Her Majesty The Queen face him in a duel for the Crown

fuck lads

>When someone says Britain is a grey shithole but you live in Somerset, quite literally the greatest place to live in the world

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literal fake news

leftypol terrified at the thought of a britain ascendant, free of its continental shackles

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I’m living in a country that has been overtaken by fascists.

They’ve stopped our representatives in Parliament from representing us

It’s terrifying

It’s unbelievable

and I’m fucking angry.

lefties are in absolute meltdown
today is a glorious day

White first worlders can't be marxists.

those are the educated people though?

Wrong that’s rural Vermont

Bankers arent one group you greasy cretin, they have conflicting opinions just like any large number of people

We need another Hitler

An absolute monarchy, lead by Jeremy Corbyn, overseeing an eternal worker’s state

ok so tell that to old Corby then lmao

ah yes, free driving lessons for drug dealers - sounds like a veritable paradise

Corbyn becomes prime minister.

watched sharpes eagle last night
daniel craig challenged sharpe to a duel but then they was sent on manoeuvres together so daniel craig shot sharpe but sharpes mate harper killed daniel craig and they put his body behind the french line and said he was killed in battle

can tell you copied this from reddit because of the redditspaces

no deal brexit
is illogical

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he'd get battered desu

>hedge funds are bankers

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French stealing our fish :(

its literally unironically entirely my parents fault for me being the way I am





gotta love the desparation of the people defending this ongoing catastrophe
no shame or honesty
>le seethe leftymong
okay rorke whatever you say

Boris is very jewy

>let's stop the coup by forming a coup
lefties ladies and gentlemen

dont care bout politics just want to give my missus a seeing to later on

did somebody say just eat?

We have the rural charm AND the most aesthetic city in Europe (Bath) on our doorstep.
Quite literally can't be beaten

it's funny when a seething leftypol gets upset at being called a seething leftypol

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So long as you keep posting pics of peng tings I will support this gimmick

neither classic wow nor brexit will last the month

would move to vermont if they had gaa

MPs should have backed the withdrawal agreement

swarm of chinook helicopters just flew over my house in sunderland
this is it lads

Anyone here ACTUALLY been to a third world country?

holy shit you're fucking FUMING leftypol
never seen you this absolutely butthurt before

how do girls with fat thighs not piss on their legs?

haha yeah based boris defo won't vote brexit party in the general election lads
he has my interests at heart

Might suck a nigger, might not

the tories have killed 120,000 people already, predicted to be 200,000 by next year.
here's an example of how easy it is to get benefits. this woman shits and pisses herself as a result of being raped. she has been told this is not sufficient for her being considered unfit for the workplace.

>Universal credit has proved controversial. 3.2 million working families will lose £48 a week - about £2,500 a year- compared with the old system.

The total weekly income per adult is set at around £300 per month. For everything. People are using foodbanks literally just to survive. And masses are dying. Suicides, starvation, homelessness and so on. Savage.

boris =adolf

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Will still be work then so have to give it a miss x

queen was too busy levelling a rogue to even read the proposal

Been to the US

on the 20th of march this year, liam made a pet n-word post, and someone replied to him suggesting he "Probably wants another w'melon rind"
not 3 days later, on the 23rd of march this year, liam made another pet n-word post, claiming this time to have "just taught the pet {n-word} to roll over for a 'melon rind"
and thats the origin of the 'melon rind in liam's posts

When Brexit fails embarassingly, everyone who supported it will go into hiding
it will be like those people who supported Blair and Bush's War on Terror: enthusiastic and loudmouthed at the beginning and then silence and hiding at the end

They are

Politicians should be m*rd*red

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of course boris wont vote for the brexit party you dimwit

sucking a backstop

hopefully he starts killing jews too


think about the location of the urethra and the position of the legs

Rorke agents have infiltrated /brit/, remain calm while we weed out the counter-revolutionaries leftychads

hello styx

you know what i meant you little slut

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Survival of the fittest and all that. Keeping some woman who's constantly shitting and pissing herself around? Should send her off to a euthanasia clinic.

people who don't help to make britain great again after brexit will be genocided

any noise cancelling man in
do I get the Sony or bose

Playing the prorogues already? It’s like Christmas starts earlier every year!

very interesting how liam's first 'melon rind post was made on the very same day that hitler gave himself absolute power 86 years ago

I've been to a few so-called developing countries
India, Indonesia, Fiji, Bradford

Lads how many people do you think will turn up to this protest?

If its a bigun then my mum will likely be there (pro-brexit) and I'll be without dinner. Hate politics.

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leftypol is literally finished
their board got shut down by fedpol and now bojo is forcing through a no deal brexit
this is literally the end for them

i got loads of ear wax stuffed in my ear
cancels most noise quite effectively
