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Take the American influence with you

I may not like bongs but that's based

Brexit means Brexit

BOOTS WITH THE FUR (with the fur)

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Brexit means BREXIT

BREXIT means brexit

Explain brexit for me

Brexit means Brexit, it's in the name

Nobody ever could. The Brits never agreed between themselves on what Brexit is.
It's like "ghost" - everyone uses the word, but nobody can say what it really is.

Br means Britain, exit means Brexit
So Brexit means Britain Brexit

>Britain Brexit

Obviously meant to type “Britain Exit”, you difficult retard.



Based. fuck the EU and fuck Portugal.

How long till the uk officially becomes a vassal state of the us?

One month after they finally left

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Britbong autism


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At the end of the day, their money ends up in the same tax havens.

Not that I condemn fundamentally but why did you feel the need to oust Portugal specifically ?


When are you guys actually leaving tho?

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Leaving is the right of freedom.
Why do Europeans blame it? Based on what?

because the Spaniards, sorry I mean "Portuguese" are living on territory that belongs to Finland.

Who here have you seen blaming them for leaving ?
Prior to their vote, we made concessions to make them stay and all of our officials clearly stated they wished for them to remain, but they decided otherwise and that's that.
We blame them for two things :
- Blaming the EU for THEIR own fuck-up
- Being unable to decide clearly how and when they actually leave
The E.U. didn't want this, but they've spent the last two years preparing, negotiating, and its red lines never moved - also they warned about the Irish situation, something the British people didn't even think of lel.
Wouldn't you get mad at a spoiled brat who would force you to play by his rules at a game, and then decide he wants out of this game and fuck you, but he's not leaving. He's still in front of you moaning and bitching.
It's like asking a woman what does she want to eat when she's just said she was hungry.

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>risk losing territory
>civil war in Northern Ireland
>literally asking the queen to cancel democracy
>all to end up becoming the 51st US state

are brits legit retarded

>a former US treasury secretary
literally nothing.

Good move. The eu is decaying anyway.

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Both Europe and North America are owned by the same handful of billionaires because they are both products of the same neoliberal capitalist project.

NI and Scotland are more trouble than they're worth

>are brits legit retarded

Then why did the English shiver like fucking leaves when Scots had a referendum on their independence ?

we're gonna build a sea wall and we're gonna gonna make france pay for it

old people and chavs voted to leave the EU because there are too many pakistanis in the country or something

Better Together was the slogan. They also ran ads with air-headed Scottish women who couldn't decide and though better not stir up any trouble. Funny how brexit came along and nobody gave a toss about the status quo.

No one really cared. It would only be a problem if Wales tried to leave.

>old people and chavs voted to leave the EU because there are too many pakistanis and poles in the country or something
The R1a subhumans need to fuck off

It sounds like you've been playing too many video games and lost touch with reality. Go play outside, go get some sunlight.

>No one really cared.
Objectively wrong. Scotland has the natural resources and the nukes, Wales have the....sympathy of others ? English were worried badly the Scots found their balls under their kilts.

Yeah Brits have always been good at the "do as I say not as I do" game. I think they got it from us in 1066.

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Leave EU, start with colonizing Hong Kong, that's your rightful clay. Exploit chinks as cheap labor.

Wales has radioactive sheep. We have a similar saying about our priests (do as the priest says, not as he does). That's how they end up driving expensive German or Italian cars while their flock is in disarray and doesn't give a fuck.

Scotland is cringe and Wales is based. It's that simple

Johnny Foreigner will always crumble if you shout loudly at him in English.

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Stop we wuzzing frog get your own achievements your women being raped by vikings isnt one

>>risk losing territory
>>civil war in Northern Ireland
>>literally asking the queen to cancel democracy
>>all to end up becoming the 51st US state
literally none of this have or will happen

I do hope that the Irish will try to secede and your politicians will be screeching about it to the Americans

It's funny, we had the same feelings about our priests.
Then we beheaded them for the most part, kicked them outside of power spheres and schools, made them abide by the law and stopped paying them :).
Try it Romanianon, you'll see, it's fun.

I'm with Slovakia on that one, for me you did the Scots nasty by guilting them into staying with you while utterly and totally fucking them over with the Brexit vote afterwards. I hope they try to secede as well.

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British people voted to leave European Union.

Poles and Romanians caused Brexit. If people say anything other than Eastern European immigrants caused it they are lying.

Can't do that when more than 90% of the population still believes in this stuff. Most just pay lip service and maybe go to church on Easter/Christmas but they still don't want to disenfranchise the church. Check out what the Romanian Orthodox Church has been up to lately. You have the heaviest building in the world right behind it for scale.

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Will Ireland finally reunite because of a no deal brexit? that would be really ironic

Maybe in few decades when Catholics are strong majority in NI

They need to keep the borders open or there will probably be trouble.

Jesus seizing the money they steal from your people could fix your economy man.
Also please take back gypsies ?

There are a some people who want the government to stop funding churches (Bucharest local gov already gave millions to the giant cathedral), tax churches and build hospitals but it will never happen since the church will cry persecution. The church also used to own a lot of gypsy slaves before 1860, never mind huge chunks of land that they eventually got back after the end of communism.
Sarkozy already tried to send the gypsies back but they just left again after a short while.

Wish you the best for your country bro. We all have our own shit to deal with sadly.

I told myself that if the next presidential/parliamentary elections goes to shit and people vote for dumbasses, I'll seek asylum wherever they'll take me.

Which in turn further expands into Britain Britain Brexit, and so on ad infinitum

Those things are all good though

fuck you, kys you Spanish faggots.

Lol what about Northern Ireland you fucking halfwit

What about it?

Behold. My fellow countryman. Blissfully unaware of the history of his own country..

Can't wait for Paddy to blow up a shopping centre near you.

Young protestants in Ulster would rather unify than leave the EU because of mainland Brits

Boomers dreaming of a lost empire voted for a childish illusion.

Bless you.

I couldn't have come up with a better and more concise explanation, frenchbro.

>cancel democracy

Like how Labour tried to cancel Brexit?


>everyone who voted to leave did so for the same reason
Tbf. Malian niggers like you flooding Europe played its part

Go, go Britain!

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Did I ruin the thread again?

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yeah fuck off anime nonce

not racist, just don't like em
simple as