If you don't like your country you can always move out

>If you don't like your country you can always move out

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You going to pay for my flight?

you could though, unless you are worthless and no other country would want you

based rednecks telling it like it is

>haha das rite

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where's the falsity

I am moving out of Canada soon. It's not hard. If you actually want to move you would get a job to afford leaving because it would be worth it.

Give money and also citizenship

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where ya headin' fren?

>first world country
>if you don't like it you can leave!
>third world country
>if you don't like it stay and fix your shithole!

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why is it often lower class people who live shitty lives that tend to be absurdly jingoistic

if you don't have anything to your name you can always claim shit that other people did, just because they happen to be born in the same country as you

He's not wrong.

Why is it always brown people and homosexuals who tell honest working class people not to love their heritage.

>not to love their heritage.
Very american post

t. Finnish halfbreed

why should working class people be bothered about muh heritage when their standard of living is a more pertinent issue?

Why do you act as though these concerns are mutually exclusive. Both have a strong impact on their lives.

What about nazbol then.

Talking about muh heritage is indeed american tier. For normal people it should be self evident not to bring it even up

Okay retard

For me, it is national syndicalism as envisioned by Primo de Rivera.

Identity politics are a new world thing. Please don't spread that cancer here

If you dont like your country, please come to Finland

Based but cringe.



People who say this kind of shit don’t actually think or have any original thoughts, of course they contradict themselves around every corner

It's kind of funny for Americans. Y'all are fucked for emigration unless you have graduate degrees or take a year-long working holiday somewhere. It's legitimately easier for a refugee with no high school education to get into Europe than the average Amerilard with a bachelor's.

I thought pic related was a southern redneck until I the "Suomi" shirt

false equivalence

Youre fucking retarded, wer'e on Jow Forums! Party pooper. Go browse Jow Forums.

Heritage is important to americans because our country has no cultural values or traditions. We're one giant walmart filled with obese mixed race retards. Hmmmm I should move to Italy