How can French tell the difference between an Arab and a Frenchman in their country?

How can French tell the difference between an Arab and a Frenchman in their country?

Attached: French dj.jpg (681x1024, 83K)

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You made this thread yesterday, Hans

My question still wasn't answered.

Usually arabs are lighter than us so it's easy to spot them.

Ethnic French don’t exist, an Arab in France is just as French as a French white(perhaps even more so)

dats a kike doe

Because we look nothing alike

Gesaffelstein right?


Good stuff.

Arabs look kinda like this

Attached: csm_Portrait_Taleb_official_627fbb6e92.jpg (270x309, 14K)


doesn't matter, Frenchmen are a million times sexier than a German.

Attached: 1561745315661.gif (500x295, 832K)

Remove this post or I am blocking

Alain delon is french-german-italian mutt though.

That would be a Phoenician or East Med.

Attached: images.png (392x129, 7K)


arabs have white french qts with them

Wrong, mutts can't be attractive.

he has the french smootheness with superior german phenotype. winning

both his parents have French names, don't they? where does the Italian and German mutt genes come into play?

his music is shit tho
and so is his made up fake character gimmick

French people themselves are Celtic, Roman and Germanic mutts so he is perfect.

french girls have BROWN feet

Attached: andou stinky.jpg (450x800, 97K)

why did he sell out lads

Everyone in France is a german-italian-spanish-celtic mutt, if they go back at least 400 years.

Main difference between France

Attached: French actors.jpg (1080x1951, 361K)

And Germany

Attached: German actors.jpg (1080x1990, 410K)

I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience the temporary removal of your preferred imageboard has caused, but in the mean time please piss off to Jow Forums

ok kraut

Attached: images.jpg (318x159, 5K)

No problem my shitskin neighbor

Attached: 1565558132681.png (640x640, 492K)

Yes and so?

We are not nordic LARPERs Hans.

No one gives a shit, go masturbate on strong Swedish men faggot.

French larp as celts all the time. I just showing the truth.

Attached: taxi.jpg (1023x674, 86K)

Sami Naceri xD
Try harder bro, nobody, except incels, will say that french are " shitskins ".

What about these 2?

Attached: m1500.jpg (1024x684, 91K)

The man is white and the woman has a malgasy mother ( so black ).

Celts have no racial unity

they cant and thats a good thing


I know it will make you seeth and hide your gf but French men actually look like that

Attached: 35cca3f50a86967c1f1de1f85068486f.jpg (553x835, 68K)

They look mentally unstable and autistic

Attached: be1dec680754263613b423d486708869.png (489x580, 177K)

French people are my brothers :) I will teach you and lead you to the path of triumph