Ask an archaeologist

Ask an archaeologist

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How much do you know about the wooden dildos of iron age Sweden?

just make researches in SOVTH Italy because you won't find anything in the northern part

Are you Indiana Jones?

What have you found

Why does the Indian government always stop excavation sites in Tamil Nadu as soon as they find evidences of non Vedic irreligious animist societies that lived here? Is it because they want to keep the myth of the Vedic texts going?

Which era mainly?

You will, it's true more research has been done in the north. Also, I'm digging in the very south right now

How do you call those different types of shovels? We call them "bayonet" and "scoop".

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Do you fight against Nazis while looking for ancient artifacts?

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How much debt do you have and whats the longest u have been unemployed

They're probably interested in those mainly, the chola has always been the big thing in Tamil areas. Every excavation project has a specific aim and purpose, so in Italy also if a dig is of medieval interest and find Romans only, it stops digging in that point.
I am now digging into VIIth to XIIIth southern Italy, and am mainly interested in islamic periods

Cool shit you found while doing stratigraphy work?

how can you sell magna graecia ancient greek jars? asking for a friend

Owning ancient artefacts is nigger tier behaviour.
t. Studying archeology

Vanga square, badile pointed, or Pala in general. Also digging with the English shovels. I quite always seen pointed ones on digs
I always fight against Nazis

Nice lad so you really are an archaeologist

>Ask an archaeologist
I see you are ready to be construction worker

How is the job market\pay? Thinking of going into archeology here, mostly toward native American but not sure what a standard work day is like and what do you do after a dig is done? Are you unemployed after it is done?

archeoligists work for unis, you dumb fuq

I'm still a student and we make no debt with unis so... Zero debt. But people I'm digging with older than me seem pretty employed, surprisingly, both English and Italians. Of course it's always spot jobs, but you might work six weeks on digs, then be home three weeks and so.
It depends on what you mean for cool but yeah, it's being quite cool everyday. Sometimes you just move rocks, but suddenly nice lamps, glass bottles, coins and metal clothing/horse pieces pop out
It is, you would normally give it to the public and declare it, but we really have too much in Italy. You can literally find Greek red figures pottery walking around in the south and there's no space in the museums.

>Wanted to go into Archaeology
>Parents pushed me into med school
it still hurts lads ,are there any volunteer positions in those uni programs ?

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I'm studying for it yes
I'm a deconstruction worker Not only. There are private companies, so you're not unemployed but a freelance who's there to be called for a new project

un tizio che conoscevo ha fatto milioni vendendo troiate etrusche che trovava nei suoi terreni
porco dio l'invidia

You'll make better money but yeah I don't regret what I'm doing. Yes, there are free digs but you'll usually have to pay to participate. American projects usually around the world are

yeah i don't really regret it either it's more of a "grass is greener on the other side" thing, well good luck

Working day really depends on the dig you're in (style, school, techniques, choices) and the place and period you're digging. In hot place you would normally start digging early in the morning cause later it will be hot. But as I said it depends on how it is organized, I dug in middle East and we woke up at 4 am, starting to dig at 5, breakfast at 8 am, then back to work till lunch at 1 pm. Pause and then washing pottery from four to six pm usually. In southern Italy same climate we start digging at 8.30, have a pause at 11 and lunch at 1.30 pm, then go on digging till 5-6 pm. Pottery and bones washed by some of us while digging.
In general you'll have to expect liking history and getting sweaty and dirty, on the site you'll pick axe and move big stones and bucket pretty hard sometimes. Other times you gently clean with trowel and scoops. You'll also have to do data recording, technologies, some natural sciences, knowing materials etc. Just remind big part of archaeology is in the library and bit part is completely open air, so sun, rain, wasps, plants, worms, frogs etc.

what are you going to do with that when the big reset happens?